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1、电子科学与技术专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Electronic Science and Technology一、培养目标 . Educational Objectives 培养德、智、体全面发展,具有系统、扎实的理论基础和在信息的获取、传递、处理及应用等方面具有较宽广的专业知识、较强的英语语言能力和实践动手能力,良好的人文素质和创新精神,具备先进电子材料、光子材料与元器件、微电子技术与器件、光子器件、大规模集成电路与系统、光电子器件与集成光学、数字化信息系统理论与技术以及计算机辅助设计和测试技术等方面的系统知识。并在电子、通信、

2、计算机、自动化、电子信息、光信息和信息传感专业领域中的一个或两个方向具有特色。毕业生为能在信息技术产业、科研部门、高等院校及其相关领域从事信息科学与技术的研究、设计、集成及开发等方面工作的高级研究性及应用性人才。 The Department of Electronic Science and Technology is widely respected, and enjoys a long tradition of excellence in teaching and research, offering students a national accredited engineering

3、degree that is designed to provide a broad understanding of gaining, transmitting, processing and applications of information as well as the fundamental techniques of science and engineering used in the discipline. This undergraduate program covers the theory, technology and computer aided design an

4、d testing for advanced electronic materials, photonic materials and devices, microelectronic devices, photonic devices, very large-scale integrated circuits and systems, optoelectronics devices and integrated optics, and digital information systems. Graduates may specialize in 1 or 2 disciplines in

5、electronics, telecommunications, computer science, automation, optical information, and information sensing. Graduates may find employment in the electronics, telecommunications and computer industries.二、基本规格要求 .Skills Profile毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力:1. 具有较扎实的数理基础;2. 掌握信息科学、电子学、计算机科学的基本理论和方法;3. 具有研究信息学科领域

6、理论问题和解决实际问题的能力;4. 了解信息学科的发展动态;5. 具有较强的英语语言能力;6. 掌握文献检索、资料查询的方法和撰写科学论文的能力;7. 具有较好的人文社科知识、人文素质和自然科学基本理论知识,有效的交际能力,多学科队伍中的影响和作用力,对全球社会工程科学和技术影响的理解力以及对自己所处领域中重点和关键问题的敏感性;以及较强的协调、组织能力;8. 具有较强的创新精神;9. 系统地掌握电子科学与技术领域的基本理论与方法,并获得以下几方面的知识和能力:先进电子材料、光子材料与元器件以及大规模集成电路和系统的工作机理和设计技术、工艺原理及微制造技术、计算机辅助设计和测试技术,以及数字化

7、信息系统与光电子器件与系统的设计、研制和应用管理;10. 具有较强的在未来生活和工作中继续学习的能力。 The general objective of the Electronic Science and Technology undergraduate program is to provide to our students a all-rounded engineering education with specific emphasis on electronic materials and devices and devices, microelectronics and opto

8、electronics that will meet the needs of industry, academia, and government. Specific program objectives have been established to attain this general objective that its graduates will have:1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, physics, science and engineering to develop a basic understandi

9、ng of the electronic materials and devices, microelectronics and optoelectronics;2. Principles of information science, electronics, and computer science;3. An ability and problem-solving skills to investigate and conduct experiments, and analyze and interpret data on information disciplines;4. Skill

10、s to use English language;5. An understanding of the development and the trend of information science, electronics, and computer science;6. An ability in data querying and thesis writing;7. Solid grounding of natural science and humanities and art, and an ability to communicate effectively, to funct

11、ion on multidisciplinary teams, to understand the impact of engineering in a global and social context and to be aware of contemporary issues in their fields, and an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;8. An ability in original creation;9. Knowledge of electronic science and tec

12、hnology in principles and design techniques, process and micro-fabrication technology, computer aided design and testing technology of advanced electronic materials, photonic materials and devices and very large scale integrated circuits and systems and in design, research and management of digital

13、information systems and optoelectronics devices and devices;10. An ability to continue the learning process in their future lives and careers.三、学制与学位 . Length of Schooling and Degree修业年限:四年Duration:4 years授予学位:工学学士Degrees Conferred:Bachelor of Engineer四、学时与学分 . Hours/Credits总学分:221Total Credits:221课

14、内教学学时/学分:2865/179占总学分的比例:81%Curriculum Class Hours/Credits:2865/179Percentage in Total Credits:81%其中:Including:通识教育基础课学时/学分:897/56占总学分的比例:25.3%Class Hrs/Crs of General Education:897/56Percentage in Total Credits:25.3%学科基础课学时/学分:1744/109占总学分的比例:49.3%Class Hrs/Crs of Basic Courses of Disciplines:1744/

15、109Percentage in Total Credits:49.3%专业课学时/学分:224/14占总学分的比例:6.3%Class Hrs/Crs of Specialized Courses:224/14Percentage in Total Credits:6.3%集中性实践环节周数/学分:32/32占总学分的比例:14.5%Weeks/Credits of Major Practical Training:32/32Percentage in Total Credits:14.5%课外活动和社会实践最低要求学分:10占总学分的比例:4.5%Minimum Credits of Ex

16、tracurricular Activities and Practice:10Percentage in Total Credits:4.5%五、主干学科 . Major Disciplines信息科学Information Science六、主要课程 . Main Courses固体电子学导论Introduction to Solid State Electronics、电磁场与电磁波Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves、材料物理Physics of Materials、计算材料学与材料设计基础Computational Material Science and


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