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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。初中生3分钟英语演讲稿:我的父亲xample, one half of the carbon equation is how much we emit, and the other half of the carbon equation, as im very conscious as a trustee of kew, is how much things soak up, and they soak up carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.虽然听来颇像。问题的关键是我们

2、花了很多钱 来教育大众,我们应该正确地来做这件事。 其中也有一些社会因素 让我们想使大众了解光合作用如何运作 例如,有一半的碳储量是人类排放的 而另一半碳储量 我相当关切,身为皇家植物园的受托管理人thats what plants actually do for a living. and, for any finnish people in the audience, this is a finnish pun: we are, both literally and metaphorically, skating on thin ice if we dont understand that

3、 kind of thing.now, heres how you do the battery and the bulb. its so easy, isnt it? of course, you all knew that. but if you havent played with a battery and a bulb, if youve only seen a circuit diagram, you might not be able to do that, and thats one of the problems.是植物吸收多少二氧化碳 植物就是以此维生的 如果在场有芬兰人,

4、这是芬兰话的双关语 我们无论在实际上或隐喻上,都是如履薄冰 要是我们不明白那些事 电池和灯泡只要这要做就行 很简单,不是吗?你们都懂了 但要是你没有亲手碰过电池和灯泡 如果你只看过电路图 你可能就做不出来,这是个麻烦so, why is it hotter in summer than in winter? we learn, as children, that you get closer to something thats hot, and it burns you. its a very powerful bit of learning, and it happens pretty e

5、arly on. by extension, we think to ourselves, "why its hotter in summer than in winter must be because were closer to the sun." i promise you that most of you will have got that. oh, youre all shaking your heads, but only a few of you are shaking your heads very firmly.那么,为何夏天比冬天热? 我们从小就知道

6、,离热的东西太近 你就被烫到,这真很有效的教育方法 很小的时候大家就学到了 延伸这个论点,我们觉得夏天比冬天热 一定是因为我们离太阳比较近 我相信大多人都懂了 哦,大家都在摇头 不过只有几个人摇得很坚定other ones are kind of going like this. all right. its hotter in summer than in winter because the rays from the sun are spread out more, right, because of the tilt of the earth. and if you think the

7、 tilt is tilting us closer, no, it isnt. the sun is 93 million miles away, and were tilting like this, right? it makes no odds. in fact, in the northern hemisphere, were further from the sun in summer, as it happens, but it makes no odds, the difference.其他人只是这样子摇而已,好吧 夏天比冬天热是因为太阳的辐射线 传播得比较多,地球倾斜的关系

8、如果你以为是朝太阳的方向倾斜,那就错了 太阳离地球1亿5千万公里,地球倾斜角度大略如此 倾斜不是差别所在,在北半球 夏天时我们离太阳更远 跟倾斜没有关系ok, now, the scribble of the diagram of the solar system. if you believe, as most of you probably do, that its hotter in summer than in winter because were closer to the sun, you must have drawn an ellipse. right? that would

9、 explain it, right? except, in your - youre nodding - now, in your ellipse, have you thought, "well, what happens during the night?"好,问题四是画出太阳系的平面图 如果大家相信,大多数可能都相信 夏天比冬天热是因为地球离太阳较近 大家应该都画了椭圆形 对吧?这就能解释了吧? 除非,你点头了,你画了个椭圆形 你有想过,夜晚又是怎么回事?between australia and here, right, theyve got summer and

10、 weve got winter, and what - does the earth kind of rush towards the sun at night, and then rush back again? i mean, its a very strange thing going on, and we hold these two models in our head, of whats right and what isnt right, and we do that, as human beings, in all sorts of fields.澳洲和美国这边,澳洲是夏天

11、这边是冬天,难道说 地球在晚上会冲向太阳 然后再冲回来?这实在很奇怪 我们脑中有两种思考模式,对的和错的 身为人类,我们在很多领域都这样思考so, heres copernicus view of what the solar system looked like as a plan. thats pretty much what you should have on your piece of paper. right? and this is nasas view. theyre stunningly similar. i hope you notice the coincidence h

12、ere.左边是哥白尼画的太阳系平面图 跟你们纸上画的差不多,对吧 右边是nasa的版本,两张图非常相似 我希望大家注意其中的巧合 要是你知道人们有错误观念what would you do if you knew that people had this misconception, right, in their heads, of elliptical orbits caused by our experiences as children? what sort of diagram would you show them of the solar system, to show that

13、 its not really like that? youd show them something like this, wouldnt you? its a plan, looking down from above. but, no, look what i found in the textbooks. thats what you show people, right?你会怎么做 在他们脑中,楕圆形的轨道 是他们儿时经验教的吗? 你会给他们看什么样的太阳系示意图? 证明太阳系不是他们想的那样 你会给他们看这种图吗? 这是俯瞰的平面图 可是并非如此,瞧瞧我在教科书里找到的 你会给他们

14、看这种图对吧?these are from textbooks, from websites, educational websites - and almost anything you pick up is like that. and the reason its like that is because its dead boring to have a load of concentric circles, whereas thats much more exciting, to look at something at that angle, isnt it? right?出自教科

15、书 出自教育网站 你找得到的几乎都是这种图 会以这种视角呈现是因为 只有一堆同心圆太死板无趣 从这种视角看太阳系比较新鲜刺激 不是吗?and by doing it at that angle, if youve got that misconception in your head, then that two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional thing will be ellipses. so youve - its crap, isnt it really? as we say.因为弄成这种视角 如果你脑中有了这种误解 用二度空间来呈现三度空间就会变成椭圆形 这真是糟糕,可不是吗?so, these mental models - we look for evidence that reinforces our models. we do this, of course, with matters of race, and politics, and everything else, an


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