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4、替代率。因此,选取科学合理的方法对新农保替代率进行测算和分析,对于明确我国新农保的替代率水平、完善新农保政策以及新农保的试点推广都具有重要的意义。本文即通过对新农保替代率的研究分析,在对我国新型农村养老保险制度有了一定的想法的基础上,对其中存在的问题及相应解决方案提出了一些自己的见解。关键词: 老年保障 新型农村养老保险 养老保险 替代率AbstractOlder security is the most important social security system in the component, endowment insurance system is the basic form

5、 of elderly security in most countries,its function is the basic guarantee that satisfy the olds daily life after retiring. Under the trend in the global population aging and in population than improving status dependent, endowment insurance for the importance of the increasingly prominent, and worl

6、d in succession of endowment insurance system to adjust to a certain extent, even reform. And our country faces an irreversible an aging society, with the largest elderly population, the countrys aging population is increasing. Therefore, to improve endowment insurance system is imminent in our coun

7、try. On September 1,2009, issued by the State Council about for a new rural society endowment insurance is the guiding opinions pilot (the country is sent 2009 no. 32), decided in the choice of 10% in 2009 of the county (city, area, flag) develop a new type of rural social endowment insurance herein

8、after referred to as the new type of rural insurance system a pilot, later gradually expand the pilot, in the whole nation universal implementation, 2020 to realize the basic rural residents of working-age complete coverage, and specifically new farming maintain a pilots basic principle for protect

9、the basic, universal coverage, elastic and sustainable. So, the new type of rural insurance system set up later, could realize the goal of ensure the basic? This needs the new type of rural insurance system keeps measuring substitution rate. Therefore, the selection of scientific and reasonable meth

10、od for the replacement rates in the new type of rural insurance system to measure and analyze ,as for the replacement rates in the new type of rural insurance system, perfect the new type of rural insurance system to keep policies and keep the pilot promotion has important significance. This article

11、 is based on research and analysis of the replacement rates in the new type of rural insurance system, under the circumstance of having a certain ideas on the new type of rural endowment insurance system, on the basis of the existing problems and the corresponding solutions put forward some opinions

12、. Key words: Older security the new type of rural insurance system Endowment insurance the replacement rates 引言改革开放以来,我国大量农村劳动力向着城市转移,农村老龄化现象因此变得日益严重。相关数据显示,当前我国农村的老龄化问题比城市更为严重。而且随着农村年轻劳动力向着城市转移,农村传统的家庭保障功能也受到削弱。另一方面,随着农村人口结构的变化与家庭承包土地数量的普遍减少,以及土地被征用与开发的增多,土地对于农村老年人的保障功能不断受到削弱,已有越来越多的农村老年人难再倚靠土地养老。在


14、高频词,反应出了我国目前工作的重点在于“民生”,那么,我们如何才能知道领取养老金的农村老年人口是否幸福呢?特定指标替代率替我们回答了这个问题。养老金替代率因为与缴费率成正比, 为了维持基金平衡, 高替代率需要高缴费率维持, 高缴费率会增大参保人及其企业的负担, 影响到参保人和企业缴费积极性, 而如果是全局性的高替代率低缴费率, 又造成大的基金缺口,增加国家财政压力, 但过低的替代率对应的缴费又无法保障老年人基本生活需求。因此,过高和过低的替代率都是不可取的。养老保险制度设计的目标, 要维持老年人的基本生活需求, 又要达到较高的覆盖面, 因此有必要测算中国养老保险替代率的合理范围。理论研究(一)

15、几个基本概念替代率,又称为替代水平, 在保险理论中, 是用来对老年生存危险所导致的经济损失的估算, 表示养老保险人在领取期的生活水平对领取前生活水平的替代程度。通常采用的是“所得替代”计算方法, 即以养老金相对于职工工资的比例来表示, 在实践中, 替代率是衡量养老保险保障水平的指标。替代率的种类有很多,如目标替代率、平均替代率、交叉替代率等。而应该选取哪种替代率指标才能更好地反映我国农村老年人退休后的生活水平,这就需要我们对各替代率进行一定的研究分析,了解各替代率之间的差异。养老保险目标替代率是指参保人员符合条件办理退休后,月基本养老金占退休时所在设区市上年度在岗职工社会平均工资的比例。目标替代率的高低决定退休月养老金的水平,替代率高其退休月养老金高,替代率低其退休月养老金低。(国发200538号文养老金计办法基本养老金目标替代率按59.2%设定,平均缴费年限按35年计算)平均替代率:在一定时期内,一定区域内所有退休职工平均养老金与所有在职职工平


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