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1、,The dance of Tang Dynasty,Background (背景) Species (种类) Artists (名家) Influence (影响),Chinas Tang dynasty dance art, after the Han dynasty dance leap on dance skills, as well as the northern and southern dynasties, under the impetusmpts of the Chinese and foreign dance intersection reached a more matu

2、re new state, at this time is the highest peak of the ancient Chinese dance art development. One of the main reasons for its booming dance as the powerful national strength, society open, both national and foreign culture can be fully absorb and fusion. General mass dance activities, and in all walk

3、s of life to watch dance performances become a peoples art life, from the folk, after art processing, form is luxuriant, grand Court banquet music and dance , also suffers from the tang dynasty dance a victory.,the Han dynasty dance 汉朝百戏(百戏是古代民间表演艺术的泛称,“百戏”一词产生于汉代。 ) Form luxuriant lgrnt 形式华丽 Court

4、banquet music and dance 宫廷燕乐舞蹈,中国唐朝的舞蹈艺术,在经过汉朝百戏在舞蹈技巧上的飞跃,以及南北朝中外乐舞交汇的推动下,达到一个更趋成熟的新境界,此时乃中国古代舞蹈艺术发展的最高峰。 其舞蹈蓬勃发展的主要原因之一为强大的国力,社会思想开放,各民族及外国文化均能被充分吸收而融合。 社会各阶层的群众性舞蹈活动普遍,观赏舞蹈表演成为人民艺术生活的一要,来自民间、经艺术加工后、形式华丽、规模宏大的宫廷燕乐舞蹈也大量涌现,堪为唐代舞蹈一大胜观。,The types of dance in tang dynasty,软舞,Soft dance,健舞,Dancing,宫宴舞,Pa

5、lace dinner dance,四方乐舞,Square dance,剑器舞,Sword dance,软舞,For womens solo, rhythm slow, quick, first dance, lightsome and elegant dance long sleeve for its characteristics. 为女子独舞,节奏先慢后快,舞姿轻盈飘逸,以舞长袖为其特色,Elegant dance 舞姿轻盈飘逸,软舞,霓裳羽衣舞 The feather dress dance 绿腰舞 Green waist dance 凌波舞 Ling Bo dance 惊鸿舞 Jin

6、g Hong dance,Some famous soft dance,琵琶行白居易,霓裳羽衣舞,The feather dress dance,Green waist dance,绿腰舞,“轻拢慢捻抹复挑,初为霓裳后六幺。”,Ling Bo dance,凌波舞,“凌波微步袜生尘,谁见当时窈窕身 。”,“翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙”,Jing Hong dance,惊鸿舞,健舞,Chinas Tang dynasty widely popular in court, aristocratic,rstkrtk scholar-bureaucrat seder and small performing f

7、olk dance, rhythm and lively, handy vigorous. 中国唐代广泛流行于宫廷、贵族士大夫家宴及民间的小型表演性舞蹈,节奏明快、矫捷雄健。,The lively rhythm, handy vigorous 节奏明快、矫捷雄健,Some famous dancing,剑器舞 Sword dance 胡旋舞 Hu xuan dance 胡腾舞 Hu teng dance 柘枝舞 Zhe zhi dance,Huxuan dance,胡旋舞,胡旋舞舞起来左旋右转,变化多姿。,左旋右转 Left right turn,变化多姿 Diverse dav:s,宫宴舞,

8、七部伎 九部伎 十部伎 坐部伎 立部伎,In the Tang dynasty palace ceremony banquet to use of the ci-poetry dance for size. The so-called of the ci-poetry, is to some different style, different ethnic groups, or different content of music form together, become a series of dance. Really can reflect DaTang dancing to wea

9、ther, is it in the Tang dynasty palace the complete set of dance. 唐代宫廷在典礼宴享中以使用“部伎”乐舞为规模.所谓“部伎”乐舞,是将一些或不同风格、或不同民族、或不同内容的乐部组建在一起,成为一套系列乐舞.真正能体现大唐乐舞气象的,还是唐代宫廷那些成套的乐舞.,The famous banquet,dance include:,四方乐舞Square dance,传统乐舞 以国名、地名、族名为乐部或为舞名的乐舞 新创乐舞,中国唐代乐舞继承前代传统,融入外来新风,获得了长足发展,,成为燕乐舞文化的高峰,创造了在中国艺术史上享有盛誉

10、的乐舞艺,术,概括可分3类 :,继承前代的传统乐舞,并加以发展的。如九部乐、十部乐中的,清商乐;立部伎中的安乐、太平乐;软舞类的乌夜啼(起于,南朝宋代);歌舞大曲中的玉树后庭花(起于南朝陈代);歌舞戏中的踏,摇娘、兰陵王入阵曲(皆起于北齐)。,如十部乐中的西凉乐、高丽乐、龟兹乐等。,如吸收传统武舞的破阵乐、大定乐,以及有名的圣寿乐等。,唐代新创的大曲,是音乐、舞蹈 、 诗歌三者结合的大型多段体乐舞套曲 。,The most famous Square dance :,秦王破阵舞即秦王破阵曲,又名七德舞,是唐代著名的歌舞大曲,最初是唐初的军歌。最初用于宴享,后用于祭祀,属武舞(与文舞相对)类。是

11、大唐鼎盛时期的象征,气势不凡。,秦王破阵舞,剑器舞,剑器舞是唐代著名“健舞”之一,直接从民间武术发展而来。,其舞姿英武,气派宏伟。,舞时执剑(可能是双剑。但也有人认为是执彩绸而舞,或空手而舞),“Sword dance” is one of the famous “dance” in the Tang dynasty, directly from the folk Martial arts (民间武术)development. Dance when holding a sword (probably double sword. But some people think that is als

12、o the colored silk to dance, dancing or empty) ,their movements and postures is grand magnificent.,The development of dance art in the Tang Dynasty, has,created many excellent dancers,most of the artists are from,folk(民间), palace, andprivate a maiko.,Private a maiko 私家所养的舞姬,舞蹈艺术的发展在唐朝,造就了许多优秀的舞蹈家,绝大

13、,多数艺人皆来自民间、宫廷宫府及私家所养的舞姬。,如:杨贵妃霓裳羽衣舞、公孙大娘 剑器舞,梅妃惊鸿舞、谢阿蛮凌波舞,杨贵妃,杨玉环 (为唐代宫廷音乐家、舞蹈家。其音乐才华在历代后妃中鲜见,被后世誉为中国古代四大美女之一。杨玉环的舞蹈艺术尤为出众,唐玄宗创作霓裳羽衣曲后,杨贵妃稍加浏览,便依韵而舞,歌声婉若凤鸣莺啼,舞姿翩若天女散花,表现了一种飘渺神奇的意境,都体现了她对乐曲的领悟之深,表现力之强。,公孙大娘,公孙大娘是开元盛世时的唐宫的第一舞人。善舞剑器,舞姿惊动天下。以舞剑器而闻名于世。她在民间献艺,观者如山,应邀到宫廷表演,无人能比。她的剑器舞风靡一时。她在继承传统剑舞的基础上,创造了多种

14、剑器舞,如西河剑器,剑器浑脱等。 世事浮云,以公孙娘子盛唐第一的技艺,最终结局却是流落江湖,寂寞而终。然而,她的盖世技艺是与中国历史上的两座文化高峰联系在一起的。大诗人杜甫把公孙大娘的舞蹈描写得绘声绘色:“昔有佳人公孙氏,一舞剑器动四方。”,Influence,The prosperity(繁荣兴盛) of the Tang dynasty dance not only greatly enriched the spiritual life of the tang dynasty, the tang dynasty also reflects from one side the id of the society, especially in the national fusion(民族融合) and the Chinese and foreign cultural exchangehas a very important role. 唐代舞蹈的兴盛不仅大大丰富了唐人的精神生活,也从一个侧面反映出唐代社会的面影,在民族融合与中外文化交流中尤其有着十分重要的作用。,The end.,Thank you!,谢谢观看! 2020,


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