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3、购动机;市场反应AbstractShare repurchase and cash dividends are two carriages of the companys payment policy. However, there are more restrictions on Chinas share repurchase. There are fewer companies that implement share repurchase in the early stage, and the corresponding academic research is also lacking

4、. With the advancement of Chinas capital market reform, the system of share repurchase has continued to improve, and more and more research has been done. The main content of this paper is to study the motives, influencing factors and information connotation of the companys share repurchase under th

5、e background of financial deleveraging. This paper reviews relevant domestic and foreign research literature, sorts out multiple motivation hypotheses about share repurchase and its effects and consequences, and focuses on revealing the information connotation of share repurchase by studying the dif

6、ferences in market reaction effects of different companies share repurchase methods. On the one hand, this study helps to theoretically test the motives and influencing factors of Chinas listed companies share repurchase under financial deleveraging. On the other hand, it helps to provide policy rec

7、ommendations for Chinas share repurchase market supervision in practice. At the same time, this study also explores whether there is a difference in the market response of investors to share repurchases between state-owned and non-state-owned listed companies.This paper uses the A-share listed compa

8、nies announced by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange to implement share repurchase from January 2014 to August 2018. The following conclusions were drawn through research: (1) Open market share repurchase compared with over-the-counter transactions The market is more respons

9、ive, and the market reaction of state-owned enterprises to share share repurchase announcements is stronger than that of non-state-owned enterprises; (2) in the open market share repurchase type, the larger the share repurchase, the higher the investors cumulative extraordinary rate of return. This

10、study explores the theoretical repurchase of Chinas capital-listed share repurchase to support the function-locked hypothesis or the effective market hypothesis. The empirical evidence obtained from the study supports the effective market hypothesis. At the same time, this paper also provides policy

11、 recommendations for the regulatory practice of share repurchase.Keywords: Stock repurchase; Repurchase motivation; Market reaction目录摘要1Abstract2第一章 绪论51.1 研究背景51.2研究意义61.3重点解决的问题71.4 创新点71.5主要的研究方法81.6研究思路及文章框架8第二章 股份回购文献综述102.1 股份回购的涵义及方式102.2 股票回购动机112.3 我国上市公司股票回购的特殊动因162.4 股票回购的市场反应162.5 公司产权属性

12、对股份回购前后市场反应的影响17第三章股票回购在我国的发展历程及实践现状173.1我国股票回购的发展历程183.1.1起步阶段(1992年-2005年6月)183.1.2过渡阶段(2005年6月-2008年9月)183.1.3完善阶段(2008年9月-至今)193.2我国股票回购的实践现状19第五章理论分析及假设提出215.1 假设一215.2 假设二23第六章研究设计与实证结果分析246.1 样本选取246.2 研究设计246.2.1 事件研究法介绍246.2.2 事件研究法步骤256.2.3确定事件日和事件窗256.3 变量选取276.4 模型设定276.5 实证分析结果286.5.1 描

13、述性统计分析286.5.2 相关性统计分析306.5.3 组间均值差异分析316.5.4实证分析31第七章 结论347.1结论与展望347.1.1研究结论347.1.2不足与局限性357.1.3研究展望357.2政策建议36参考文献38致谢46第一章 绪论1.1 研究背景公司回馈股东的方式主要有两种,股份回购和现金分红。股份回购指的是企业通过自有资金或者筹集债务资金,按照一定的价格从市场上回购本公司一定数量的普通股,因此它的光明面在于可以激励股权,提升股价,股票回购会影响企业的资本结构(Hovakimian, Opler, and Titman,2001;Bonaime et al., 201

14、4),股票回报(Hribar, Jenkins, and Johnson,2006)等等。公元1970年之前,各国对股票回购的限制较为严格,西方资本主义国家基本不会进行股票回购,滞胀危机背景下,美国政府限制现金股利政策实施。同时,在整体经济不景气的情况下,上市公司通常规避采用现金股利的方式回馈投资者,而选择实施股票回购。股份回购最早出现在美国,美国公司的股份回购在金融危机后10年,逐渐发展成庞大规模。自2009年以来,标普500公司每年的现金支出中,平均有25%用于股票回购。2010年到2012年之间,每年回购平均大约3000亿美元,2013年至2017年之间,这个数字接近4400亿美元,20



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