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1、Thesis for In-Service Masters DegreeNorthwest AF University in 2012Landscape architecture planning in wetland utilization to explore - cloth ha river wetland park planning and designType: On-the-job postgraduateSpecialities: Landscape architectureName of Postgraduate: Ren fengAdviser: Prof. Li Deng-

2、WuDate of submission: April, 2016Yangling Shaanxi China 研究生学位论文的独创性声明本人声明:所呈交的(高校教师、中职教师)硕士学位论文或(农业推广、兽医、工程)硕士专业学位论文是我个人在导师指导下独立进行的研究工作及取得的研究结果;论文中的研究数据及结果的获得完全符合学校关于规范西北农林科技大学研究生学术道德的暂行规定,如果违反此规定,一切后果与法律责任均由本人承担。 尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究结果,也不包含其他人和自己本人已获得西北农林科技大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书而使用过

3、的材料。与我一同工作的同事对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文的致谢中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。研究生签名: 时间: 年 月 日导师指导研究生学位论文的承诺本人承诺:我的(高校教师、中职教师)硕士学位论文或(农业推广、兽医、工程)硕士专业学位研究生 所呈交的硕士学位论文是在我指导下独立开展研究工作及取得的研究结果,属于我现岗职务工作的结果,并严格按照学校关于规范西北农林科技大学研究生学术道德的暂行规定而获得的研究结果。如果违反学校关于规范西北农林科技大学研究生学术道德的暂行规定,我愿接受按学校有关规定的处罚处理并承担相应导师连带责任。导师签名: 时间: 年 月 日关于研究生学位论文使用授权的说明


5、著作权的行为,否则,按违背中华人民共和国著作权法等有关规定处理并追究法律责任。(保密的学位论文在保密期限内,不得以任何方式发表、借阅、复印、缩印或扫描复制手段保存、汇编论文)研究生签名: 时间:年月日导 师 签名: 时间:年月日摘要伴随着现代城市化的步伐不断发展加快,城市的各种自然资源也在持续出现各类问题,水资源短缺、空气污染严重、江河湖海水质污染严重等问题,都在成为制约我国经济社会健康发展的重要瓶颈,尤其在当前经济飞速发展的时代背景下,越来越多的湿地资源随着人类经济活动的开展而逐渐退化,乃至消失。“湿地”被称作是地球之肾,是我们自然资源和自然环境重要的组成部分,对我们的生态系统有着重要的修复

6、作用,尤其是当今工业化时代背景下,湿地的重要意义愈发凸显。为此,从资源利用保护的视角出发,在进行相应的园林规划过程中,要重视对湿地资源的保护。风景是将园林和风景、景观有效结合的一种建筑艺术表达形式,其核心内容是在户外营造出舒适的自然空间,促进人与自然的和谐相处。新世纪以来,人们对气候变暖、能源短缺、环境危机的认识不断提高,这些问题已经成为人类共同需要应对的调整。 布哈河湿地公园位于青海省天峻县境内,总面积达到了7100公顷,天峻县位于青海省东北部,地处祁连山南麓、青海湖西北部。天峻西北至北部与甘肃酒泉市为邻,东部及东南部是刚察县和共和县,南部及西部为乌兰县和德令哈市。地理位置介于东经96494

7、2-994148,北纬365329-483912之间,全县总面积25700平方千米,距离省会西宁市320 千米,距离海西州府德令哈223千米。青海内陆河流布哈河流经该湿地,布哈河是青海的母亲河,布哈河孕育出了碧波万顷的青海湖,在青海湖周边,形成了布哈河湿地,青海湖每年给当地湿地补充四十亿立方米的河水,为布哈河湿地提供了大量的水分和盐分,为布哈河湿地水生物、动物、植物繁衍生息提供了保障。近些年在党中央国务院的支持和帮助下,当地为了保护生态环境,建立起了布哈河湿地公园。本文在进行分析的过程中,通过案例分析和湿地调研,对布哈河湿地公园的规划设计为例,分析了在进行风景园林规划的过程中,应该如何充分进行

8、园林湿地资源的合理规划,从而更好的达成对湿地资源的利用保护目标。关键词:风景园林规划;湿地利用;布哈河湿地公园;利用分析 Landscape architecture planning in wetland utilization to explore - cloth ha river wetland park planning and designAbstractalong with modern speed up the development pace of urbanization, the city of all sorts of natural resources also con

9、tinued to appear all kinds of problems, water shortages, air pollution, the problem such as rivers and lakes water quality pollution, are becoming important bottleneck which restricts the healthy development of Chinas economic and social, especially under the background of the current era of rapid e

10、conomic development, more and more of the wetland resources with the development of the human economic activities and gradually degenerate, and even disappear. Wetland is called kidney of the earth, is the important part of our natural resources and natural environment, to our ecological system has

11、important role in repair, especially in the modern era under the background of industrialization, the importance of wetlands is increasingly highlighted. Therefore, starting from the perspective of the protection of resource utilization, in the process of landscape planning accordingly, to attach im

12、portance to the protection of wetland resources. Landscape is to effectively combine the botanical garden and landscape, the landscape architectural art expression form, its core content is in the outdoor builds a comfortable natural space, promote the harmony between human and nature. Since the new

13、 century, people to climate warming, energy shortage and increasing awareness of environmental crisis, these problems has become a common human need to deal with.Cloth ha river wetland park is located in the territory of tianjun county in qinghai province, with a total area of 7100 hectares, tianjun

14、 county is located in the northeast of qinghai province, is located in the qilian mountain foothill, qinghai lake in the northwest. Tianjun neighbour to the north and northwest gansu jiuquan city, the east and southeast are just examine county and prepares for his county from the south and west and

15、delingha. Geography between the east longitude99 49 42 - 99 41 48 , latitude 36 29 53 - 48 39 12, between the county a total area of 25700 square kilometers, 320 kilometers from the provincial capital xining, 223 km from hercynian state make ha. Qinghai continental drift ha river by the wetland, river is the mother river of the qinghai, bred out of the white with qinghai lake, river, around qinghai lake, formed the susquehanna river wetland, lake qinghai annually for t


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