牛津版必修2 高考一轮复习课件6Unit2

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《牛津版必修2 高考一轮复习课件6Unit2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津版必修2 高考一轮复习课件6Unit2(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The third period Project Making a travel leaflet,Do you know where this is?,Shangri-la,The general idea of each section, brief introduction of the place how to get Shangri-la history and specialities description of the scenery of the place what Shangri-la means what the weather is like,Read and answ

2、er questions,1) How many kilometers is it from Zhongdian to Kunming? 659 kilometers 2) Can we g o to Shangri-la by air from Kunming? Yes, we can 3) Who first talked about Shangri-la? James Hilton, a British writer, wrote the novel Lost Horizon in 1933.,?,4)What will make viewers speechless? The beau

3、tiful picture of the snowy mountain tops. 5) What do the lakes surrounded by vast grasslands look like? The look like jewels. 6) What makes the land a happy home for the local people? Nature,7) What does the word Shangri-la mean?,8) Why do people say we can experience four seasons in Shangri-la on o

4、ne day?,It means the sun and the moon in ones heart. Today it has become a common English word, meaning heaven on the Earth.,Because the weather changes so quickly.,Read the leaflet again and complete the form below,in 1933,Lost Horizon in ones heart,Meili,Baimany,Haba,Sheep,cows,horses,mystery,How

5、to design a leaflet,Planning Get into groups(4-6) Clear assignments Decide the place to be designed in the leaflet. Discuss the layout of the leaflet.,paringPre,Discuss and choose the information each group member has collected. Find photos and artwork to illustrate the leaflet.,Presenting,Present y

6、our leaflet to the class. Each group member should report a part of the leaflet. You can put up your leaflet on the walls in the classroom.,Producing,Each group member must write a section. Add your photos or illustrations. Proofread the story to correct any mistakes.,Homework,Do Parts D1 and D2 on page 91 in Workbook. Review words and phrases in this unit.,Good staying with you!,Thank you for your cooperation!,



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