选修7第一单元language points in unit1课件

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《选修7第一单元language points in unit1课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《选修7第一单元language points in unit1课件(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、language points,1.【原句】I have a very busy life with no time to sit down feeling sorry for myself. 我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。 模仿要点 句子结构:现在分词做伴随状语: 【模仿1】麦克有这么多事情要做,他根本没时间来喝杯咖啡放松一下自己。 _ 【模仿2】他感到非常内疚以致没有勇气跟他的父母谈谈,解析他所做的事情。 _,Mike has so much work to do with no time to have a coffee relaxing himself.,He felt so

2、 guilty without enough courage to talk to his parents explaining what he had done.,2.【原句】Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do. 要接受他们,给他们以鼓励,让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩,充实美满。 模仿要点 句子结构:as +形容词+a/an+名词+as 的用法: 【更多例句】It is as beautiful a day as it

3、was yesterday. 今天天气和昨天的天气一样好。 【模仿1】他是你所能遇见到的最文雅的男人。 _ 【模仿2】跑步就像游泳一样是有益的运动。,He is as gentle a man as you could ever meet,Running is as beneficial a sport as swimming.,1. ambition n. 雄心;野心;抱负;志向 例句:有抱负的人总是踏踏实实地工作。 A boy who is filled with ambition usually works hard. 搭配 achieve/fulfill/realize an ambi

4、tion 实现理想/抱负 an ambition to do/of doing sth 一种/某人的做某事的理想 派生 ambitious mbis adj.有雄心的,有志气的 运用 完成句子或用ambition的适当形式填空。 (1)他胸怀大志。He has _. (2)他已实现了自己的抱负。 He_.,great ambitions,has realized his ambitions,achieve/fulfill/realize an ambition 实现理想/抱负 an ambition to do/of doing sth 一种/某人的做某,2. suitable adj. 合适

5、的;适当的 搭配 be suitable for sb/sth适合某人/事 be suitable to do sth适合做某事 派生 unsuitable adj.不适合的 suit vt.适合 运用 根据汉意思,完成英文句子。 (1)这部影片适合各个年龄层次。 This film _ all ages. (2)他终于意识到让她做这项工作不太合适,于是马上改变了计划。 Finally he realized that it was not suitable _, so he made a change without delay. (3)他是适合做这项工作的人。(多种译法) He is _

6、_ the job.,is suitable for,for her to do the job,a man (who is) suitable for the job / the suitable person to do,be suitable for sb/sth适合某人/事 be suitable to do sth适合做某事,搭配 be beneficial to sth./sb. 有益于 阳光对植物有益。 e.g. Sunshine is beneficial to plants. 拓展 benefit 1) n. 好处;利益 sth. be of benefit to sb./s

7、th. 有好处 据说瑜伽对人体健康有极大的益处。 e.g. It is said that Yoga is of great benefit to human health. 2) vt./vi.对有好处;有益于 sth benefit sb. 某事有益于某人 sb benefit from sth. 某人从某事中获得利益 我们得益于每天做操。 e.g. We benefit from daily exercises. Daily exercises benefit us.,3. beneficial adj. 有利的,有益的,be beneficial to sth./sb. 有益于 sth

8、. be of benefit to sb./sth. 有好处 sth benefit sb. 某事有益于某人 sb benefit from sth. 某人从某事中获得利益,5. adapt v. 使适应(adjust), 使适合; 改编 搭配 adapt to sth 适应 adapt oneself to sth使适应 运用 根据汉意思,完成英文句子。 (1)你能适应新的工作吗? Can you _ this new job? (2)你应该使自己适应新环境。 You should _ the new environmen. 派生 adaption dpn n. 适应;改编本,adapt

9、to,adapt yourself to,6. cut out 切去;省略;停止(做某事) 理解:说出下列各句的汉语意思。 (1)Cut out all these nonsense! (2) I cut out the paragraph in this article. (3)The doctor told him to cut out meat for his fat.,别再说这些废话啦!,我删除了这篇文章的一个段落。,由于肥胖,大夫叫他停止吃肉。,8. annoy vt. 使不悦;使烦恼 搭配:be annoyed with 对感到烦扰 运用:根据汉意思,完成英文句子。 (1)最使他烦

10、恼的是他没有收到她的来信 What _ most was that he hadnt received her letter. (2)我开始对这儿的交通感到烦扰。 I am beginning to _ the traffic here.,annoyed him,be annoyed with,9. all in all 总的说来,总而言之 =in short,in a word,in conclusion 例句:总而言之,他是一个完美的人。 All in all, he is a perfect man. 他虽有缺点,但总的说来,他是一个好帮手。 He has his faults, but

11、, all in all, he is a good helper.,10. sit around 闲坐着(=sit about) 运用:根据汉意思,完成英文句子。 (1)这几个人没有事情做闲坐着聊天。 The guys have nothing to do but_. (2)庭院里孩子们到处闲坐着。 In the yard children are everywhere_.,sit around chatting,sitting around,11. as well as 也,又;和一样好 理解:理解句意,并注意as well as的用法特点。 (1)He speaks English as

12、 well as his teachers. (2)He grows flowers as well as vegetables. (3)I, as well as you, am going to England.,他英语讲得和他的老师一样好。(本句的as well as 是比较结构,意为“和一样好”),他种蔬菜,也种花。(也,既又, 重点是在as well as的前面),你去英格兰,我也要去英格兰。(和,也,谓语动词的人称和数与as well as前面的主语一致),(2)表示“也,又”时,连接两个并列结构,如名词,代词,动词等。当 as well as 连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词与前面的

13、那个主语保持一致,重点在前面的名词,其结构可以与not only but also 互换,但not only but also中,重点在后面,谓语动词与最近的保持一致。 运用:用be的适当形式填空。 (1)English as well as many other subjects, _ ( be) of great importance. (2)=Not only English but also other subjects_( be ) of great importance.,are,is,12. make fun of (=laugh at) 取笑;嘲笑;和开玩笑 (1)不要取笑那个

14、可怜的孩子。 Dont_. (2)嘲笑别人未免不礼貌。 Its impolite _others. 13. courage n. 勇气 派生 _ vt. 鼓励,鼓舞 _ n. 鼓励,奖励 _ vt. 使泄气 活用 用courage 的适当形式填空。 (1)Students should be _ instead of being scolded when they make mistakes. (2)The failure in the experiment didnt _ him. (3)Whenever I fail my exam, my teachers always give me a lot of _.,make fun of the poor boy/child,to make fun of,encourage,encouragement,discourage,encouraged,discourage,encouragement,4. in other words 换句话说,也就是说(=that is to say) 例句:他感觉不舒服,换句来话说,他病了。 He does not feel good, in ot


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