(烟草行业)某市烟草集团的扩张战略研究doc 46)精品

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1、 目 录摘 要3Abstract4前 言51 问题的提出61.1 上海烟草集团概况61.2 中国烟草产业正经历着一次政府主导的产业整合71.2.1 工商分离打破地域封锁71.2.2 组建跨区域集团引发并购风潮71.3 在产业整合的背景下,上海烟草集团有必要重新进行战略规划。82 全球化背景下的中国烟草产业92.1 国际烟草产业的发展趋势92.1.1 国际烟草业加速全球化、垄断化92.1.2 混合型、低焦油型、淡香型卷烟已经占居了世界烟草市场主流92.1.3 国际烟草产业与主要烟草市场加快向第三世界国家转移102.2 中国烟草产业概况102.3 中国烟草产业的宏观环境分析112.3.1 经济环境

2、分析112.3.2 法律环境分析152.3.3 社会文化环境分析172.3.4 技术环境分析173 上海烟草集团的战略选择193.1 产业竞争环境的结构化分析193.1.1 替代品193.1.2 潜在进入者193.1.3 供应商203.1.4 顾客213.1.5 竞争者213.2 上海烟草集团的SWOT分析233.2.1 上海烟草集团的S、W、O、T因素研究233.2.2 备选战略243.3 上海烟草集团的战略选择253.3.1 上海烟草集团的战略定位253.3.2 扩张上海烟草集团的战略选择264 上海烟草集团扩张战略的内容284.1 战略目标284.2 战略基础284.2.1 企业价值链分

3、析284.2.2 战略核心能力314.3 战略方向314.4 战略手段324.4.1 快速取得市场份额与生产能力324.4.2 实现与被收购企业的资源共享与互补324.4.3 最大限度的降低进入壁垒334.4.4 降低企业运行成本334.5 战略实施步骤334.5.1 第一阶段(2005-2006)产业资源获得334.5.2 第二阶段(2007-2008)战略资源整合335 上海烟草集团扩张战略的实施345.1 实施扩张战略所需产业资源的获得345.1.1 上海烟草集团扩张战略的全国布局目标345.1.2 扩张过程中并购目标企业的寻找345.1.3 实施扩张战略并购需要注意的事项375.2 扩

4、张过程中战略能力的整合385.2.1 战略的整合395.2.2 业务整合395.2.3 制度整合405.2.4 组织人事的整合415.2.5 企业文化的整合415.3 扩张战略下的多元化讨论425.3.1 中国烟草产业的多元化现状425.3.2 对多元化的认识425.3.3 上海烟草集团多元化投资的发展方向43参考文献46致谢48摘 要上海烟草集团是以上海烟草(集团)公司为核心企业的特大型企业集团,集团在过去的十年中取得了辉煌的成绩,在全国烟草行业发生了以建立“大市场、大企业、大品牌”为目标的改革新形势下,上海烟草集团必须通过重新制定、实施企业的发展战略,把握机遇、迎接挑战,最终实现企业的可持


6、元化投资的发展方向等问题进行了论述。文中既有理论知识的应用,又有具体实际情况的阐述;既有定性的事实、论述,又有定量的数据支持;既有战略规划的设计,又有战略实施的措施。本文对上海烟草集团扩张战略的实施过程中可能遇到的问题进行了前瞻性的探讨,并提出了建设性的解决办法,对上海烟草集团在变化了的环境中,实现“长期生存”和“稳定发展”具有实际的指导意义,同时对中国烟草产业中的其他企业也有着一定的借鉴意义。关键字:上海烟草 扩张 战略 研究AbstractThe Tobacco Group of Shanghai is a super-huge enterprise group taking Shangh

7、ai Tobacco (Group) Corporation as key enterprise. The group has obtained the brilliant achievement over the past ten years. With the reform of setting up “large market, big enterprise and top brand” as a goal having taken place under the new situation to the national tobacco trade, the tobacco group

8、 of Shanghai must realize the sustainable development of enterprises finally by making and implementing the development strategy of enterprises again, seizing the opportunity and meeting challenges.This text explores the current situation and development trend to the global tobacco industry and cond

9、ucts macro and microanalysis of the Chinese tobacco industry. It carries on detailed demonstration to the economic, law, social culture and technological environment of industry development and the structural analysis to the competitive environment of the Chinese tobacco industry by means of the fiv

10、e competing force model of Potters. On the basis of environmental analysis, it furthers SWOT study of the advantages, disadvantages, chances and threats to the tobacco group of Shanghai, thus defining the development strategy of specializing on cigarette business in the tobacco group of Shanghai, an

11、d then proposing expansion strategy with leading total cost. Focused on the objective of expansion strategy, this text uses the value chain method to analyze the strategic foundation of the goal, and has proposed the direction, the means and the steps of strategy implementation accordingly. This tex

12、t has also focused on and described such questions as the acquisition, the integration of systematic ability and the developing direction of multiple investment made by the group.There is application of theory knowledge and exposition of the concrete actual conditions in the article. There are quali

13、tative facts and description and quantitative data to support. There are arrangement of strategic planning and measures of strategy implementation. This text has explored the questions that the tobacco group of Shanghai may confront in the course of implementation and has put forward the constructiv

14、e solution. It is of practical significance for the tobacco group of Shanghai to realize “survive for a long time” and “develop steadily” in the changing environment. Meanwhile, it is good reference to other enterprises in Chinese tobacco industry.Key word: Shanghai Tobacco Expansion Strategy Study前

15、 言进入21世纪,我们发现,中国正在兴起一场以汽车、航空、啤酒、家电等产业为代表,规模浩大的产业重组浪潮。在这个过程中,工业巨子产业整合的路径各异横向整合、纵向整合,或者跨行业整合;价值取向也各不相同创造价值、毁损价值,或者掠夺价值;但是,后果却是相同的产能和市场集中、成熟的市场结构和新寡头大批涌现。中国正在重现美国自JP摩根时代以来一百年产业重组的全过程。在中国加入WTO后,面对强劲的跨国烟草巨头,中国烟草行业规模小、竞争能力弱、集中度低的局面必须改变。“在未来几年内,卷烟工业企业战略性调整是否取得实质性进展,真正形成一批核心竞争力强的大企业,大集团,决定着中国烟草的成败。”中国烟草业在2002年工商分离以后,又在组建大企业、大集团的指导思想下拉开了产业整合的序幕,在2003年全国烟草工作会议上,国家烟草专卖局姜成康局长强调指出:“今后一个时期,烟草行业要搞好组织结构战略性调整,大力推进企业联合、兼并、重组、整合,培育具有国际竞争力的大企业集团。”2004年是中国烟草业进行波澜壮阔改革的年份:在工商分离的政策指导下,年产1030万箱的中型企业继续进行联合、兼并、重组,大企业继续优化品牌这是中国烟草行业打破以往各省各自为政局面,展开兼并重组,势力重构



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