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1、Teaching Plan: Direct Speech and Indirect Speech1. Teaching Aims: Know something about Direct speech and Indirect speech.2. Important Parts: How to use the Direct speech and Indirect speech.3.Teaching Methods: group work and pair work4. Teaching Aids: Projector 5. Teaching Periods : Two periods6. Te

2、aching Procedure:Step One: Lead-in直接引语就是直接地引用或复述别人的话,并放在引号内。间接引语则是说话人用自己的话转述他人的原话,被转述的内容不放在引号内。间接引语是说话者站在自己的角度进行转述,因此,不同的直接引语要用不同的句式来进行转述,且直接引语中的代词、动词的时态以及时间或地点状语都要有相应的变化,部分引述动词有时也需做适当的调整。这些变化有一定的规则,但在具体运用时往往呈现复杂的情况。本章的学习重点是要掌握陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句等由直接引语变为间接引语最基本的规则,特别是特殊疑问句转换成间接引语时的词序变化、时态的前后呼应以及规则以外的不同变

3、化。准确地进行直接引语和间接引语的转换有助于我们准确地进行交际。Step Two: Details about Direct speech and Indirect Speech一、直接引语与间接引语的转换 在将直接引语转换为间接引语时,不仅句式上要有变化,而且要在时态、人称、时间、地点等方面作相应的变化。1、引语转换时的句式变化不同的直接引语句式,如:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句,转换成间接引语时要遵循一定的句式转换规则,还要注意根据句意,使用适当的引述动词。(1)陈述句的间接引语【Tips】间接引语中不用say to sb,要用tell sb来引述。将陈述句转换为间接引语,通常用that

4、引导的宾语从句来表达。连词that 在不引起歧义的情况下可以省略。引述分句的动词常见的有say 和tell等。He said, “I have been to the Great Wall. ” -He said to us that he had been to the Great Wall. He said, “Ill give you an examination next Monday. ” -He told us that he would give us an examination the next Monday. 【点津坊】在下列情况下,往往要保留that。 that 的省略会

5、产生歧义。Linda said disappointedly that when she arrived at the station, the train had already left.【Tips】引述词say to oneself常改成wonder。I said to myself, “Am I fit for the job?”I wondered if I was fit for the job. 我不知道我是否能胜任这项工作。琳达很失望地说,她到达车站时火车已经开走了。(如不用that,when状语从句既可以理解为修饰said, 又可以理解为修饰had left) 当引述动词后面

6、不止跟一个that引导的从句时,第二个that不能省略。He said (that) he was leaving for Europe the next week and that he would stay there for half a year.(第二个that不能省略)(2)疑问句的间接引语直接引语如果是疑问句,变成间接引语后,叫做间接问句。引述的动词常用ask, inquire, wonder, want to know等。间接问句的词序一般都用正常词序,句末不用问号,用句号。一般疑问句的间接引语直接引语为一般疑问句时,用连词whether或if 引导,某些表示请求的疑问句也可以

7、转换成间接祈使句。He said, “Do you have any difficulty with pronunciation?” -He asked (me) whether/if I had any difficulty with my pronunciation. He said, “You are interested in English, arent you?” -He asked whether I was interested in English.特殊疑问句的间接引语直接引语为特殊疑问句,转换为间接引语时,仍用原来的疑问词引导。He said to me,“Whats yo

8、ur name?” -He asked me what my name was. He asked us, “How many car factories have been built in your country?” -He asked us how many car factories had been built in our country. 选择疑问句的间接引语直接引语为选择疑问句时,用连词whether/ifor引导。He asked, “Do you speak English or French?” -He asked me whether I spoke English

9、or French. I asked, “Will you take bus or take train?” -I asked him whether he would take bus or take train. (3)祈使句的间接引语直接引语如果是祈使句,变成间接引语后,叫间接祈使句。祈使句表示命令时,要把直接引语的动词say变成command, order, tell等动词,被转述的部分改为动词不定式。否定祈使句改为not to do结构。“Stay where you are,” she said. - She told me to stay where I was. “Dont s

10、moke in the room,” he said. -He told me not to smoke in the room. 祈使句表示请求时,常把直接引语的动词say变成ask, beg, request, urge等动词。She said to me, “Please wait till I return, will you?” - She begged me to wait till she returned. 以Lets开头的祈使的句,通常将引述动词改为suggest,然后再接that从句。John said to Bill, “Lets go hiking tomorrow.”

11、-John suggested to Bill that they (should) go hiking the next day.(4)感叹句的间接引语直接引语是感叹句,变成间接引语后,叫做间接感叹句。间接感叹句多采用宾语从句结构,既可用what或how引导,也可用that引导,还可以根据句子表达的不同感情选用适当的动词和状语来转换。He said, “What a beautiful view it is!” - He said that it was a very beautiful view. - He cried out what a beautiful view it was. S

12、he often says, “What a great country China is!” - She often says that China is a very great country. - She often remarks with admiration (that) China is a great country.二、引语转换时的各种相应变化直接引语转换成间接引语除了有句式的变化外,还要掌握动词时态、人称代词、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和词序的变化。(1)动词时态的变化 如果引述动词为现在时态,间接引语的动词可以保持原来的时态。He says, “I have been

13、 writing a novel.” He says that he has been writing a novel. 如果引述动词为过去时态,间接引语中的时间就要往后推,即现在时间推至过去时间,过去时间推至过去的过去,将来时间推至过去将来时间。具体变化见下表:直接引语时态间接引语时态一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时过去完成时现在完成进行时过去完成进行时一般过去时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时一般将来时过去将来时将来进行时过去将来进行时The teacher said, “You are doing OK.” The teacher said we were doing O

14、K. (现在进行时变为过去进行时)I asked her, “Where have you spent your holiday?” I asked her where she had spent her holiday. (现在完成时变为过去完成时)She said, “I went to Shanghai.” She said that she had gone to Shanghai. (过去时变为过去完成时)He said, “I had finished my work before 10 oclock.” He said that he had finished his work

15、before 10 oclock. (过去完成时不变)The mayor said: “The people of Beijing will be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome athletes and fans from all over the world.” The mayor said that the people of Beijing would be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome athletes and fans from all over the world.(将来进行时变为过去将来进行时)(2)情态动词的变化 在间接引语中,有些情态动词没有过去式,转换为间接引语时仍用原来的形式,或用其它表示法。直接引语中的助动词间接引语中的助动词shallshouldshouldShould(不变


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