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1、(工商管理硕士)佳木斯市河海水利工程处管理信息系统分析与设计THE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF THE JIAMUSI HEHAI IRRIGATION WORKS COMPANYS MIS高汉山2007年12月国内图书分类号:V526国际图书分类号:629.78工商管理硕士学位论文佳木斯市河海水利工程处管理信息系统分析与设计硕 士 研究生:高汉山导 师:崔宝灵副教授申 请 学 位:工商管理硕士所 在 单 位:佳木斯市河海水利工程处答 辩 日 期:2007年12月授予学位单位:哈尔滨工业大学Classified Index: V526U.D.C.: 629.78A Disse

2、rtation for the Degree of MBATHE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF THE JIAMUSI HEHAI IRRIGATION WORKS COMPANYS MISCandidate:Gao HanshanSupervisor:Associate Prof. Cui BaolingAcademic Degree Applied for:MBAAffiliation:Jiamusi Hehai Irrigation Works CompanyDate of Defense:December, 2007Degree-Offering-Institution

3、:Harbin Institute of Technology哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文摘 要目前我国正在进行着世界上最大规模的基本建设。目前大多数施工企业管理方法相对落后,管理手段陈旧,管理制度也不健全。建筑业施工企业之间的竞争也越来越激烈。我国施工企业网络信息化水平还处在非常初级的阶段,随着信息时代的到来,我国的建筑施工企业也必将不可抗拒地加速进入信息网络时代,建筑施工企业对管理信息的要求越来越高。为了提高企业的经营水平和核心竞争力,在激烈的市场取得竞争优势,在佳木斯市河海水利工程处建立和实施管理信息系统便有了实际的意义。本文根据工程处现有管理模式以及改革发展意向,采用结构化系统开


5、阶段建立系统设计的总体原则,对系统进行总体设计。这一部分从功能结构、信息系统流程和功能模块的角度描述了系统的物理结构,对系统进行代码设计、系统平台方案设计、数据库设计、系统安全设计、输入、输出设计,为用户提供方便的人机交互手段。最后,在系统实施的若干设想阶段明确系统建设实施的原则,接着确定了系统实施的策略、组织结构、开发工具及模式的选用,明确了系统实施过程设想。然后给出HHMIS及其子系统的设想主界面,最后总结HHMIS的技术特点及在实际工作中应该注意的问题。关键词 管理信息系统;结构化开发方法;建筑施工企业AbstractThe largest scale of capital constr

6、uctions are being done in our country now days. Most of building enterprises are fall in management method, old in management means and unsound in management system. There are more and more fierce competitions among construction building enterprises .The standard of net information in our constructi

7、on enterprises lie in a primitive stage. With the coming of information times, those enterprises will not avoid to take part in the information ages .Construction building enterprises need a high level of information of management. In order to promote the level of management and raise the core compe

8、tition, making advantages in business, it have practical meaning to build and use management information in Jiamusi Hehai irrigation works company.In this thesis author according to the management model reforming and developing intend of Jiamusi Hehai irrigation works bureau, the structured systemat

9、ic developing method is adopted, the design and implementation plan of the management information system in Jismusi Hehai irrigation works company is discussed.At first, the author make clear that the background of creating system, research the history of current situation and apply in of constructi

10、on enterprise of the management. Concluding that should only studying the advantage management method from both the interior and abroad , make full use of the large potentiality of science and technology especially the advantage come from the advance of information technology. Creating management in

11、formation system of ourselves according to the practical situation, only in this way can we reach the goal that raising the competitions through meet the purpose of information and standardization of management can reach.Then at the phrase of the system analyze, analysis of feasibility were done fro

12、m the management, technical and economic. Detailed investigation was done from the following three aspects-organizational structure, business management, data flow. On the basis of redesign the new data course and business course, the logical construction of new system was given, also was the integr

13、ity of the new system logical program.Third, in order to give a totality design the general design principles are given in the phrase of system design. In this part, describing the physical construction of the system from the functional structure, processes and information systems function module. T

14、he author turn to make code environment configure project, data base, system security, input and output design. It Provide a convenient means to the interaction of human-machine.At last, in the phase of some imagines about the systems implementation, the rules how to develop the system are given. Af

15、ter that the strategy how to realize the system, the organization realize the system, the developing tools and the model of the system are identified. The progress of how to realize the system is identified. The main surface picture of the HHMIS and the system picture that belong to it are provided. The special technology of the HHMIS is summarized. The question that should be pay attention to the real work in the future is given.Key words management information system; structured systematic developing; construction ent



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