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1、关于献给母亲的英文诗母爱像一缕灿烂的阳光温暖着我们的心,母爱像一滴甘甜的雨露滋润着我们的心,母爱像一剂苦口的良药保护着我们的心,母爱是伟大的,母爱是无私的,母爱是美丽的,母爱是一个永恒的话题.小编整理了关于献给母亲的英文诗,欢迎阅读!关于献给母亲的英文诗篇一mother machree 慈母颂theres a spot in my heartwhich no colleen may own;theres a depth in my soulnever sounded or known;在我心中有那么一隅,任何少女也不能占据。它埋在我灵魂的深处,我从不声张从不表露。theres a place

2、in my memorymy life that you fill;no other can take itno one ever will;在我的记忆里,生活充满着你。别人不能替代,永远也无例外。every sorrow or carein the dear days gone by;was made bright by the lightof the smile in your eye;逝去的欢乐日子里,也曾有烦恼和忧伤。但你眸中微笑的光,总可以把一切照亮。like a candle thats setin a window at night;your fond love has chee

3、red meand guided me right;宛如一支点燃的蜡烛,茫茫黑夜中透过窗户。你温柔的爱鼓舞着我,指引我走上正确道路。sure i love the dear silverthat shines in your hair;and the brow thats all furrowedand wrinkled with care;我爱你美丽的头髪,闪烁着熠熠的银光。我爱你额上的皱纹,刻满了岁月的沧桑。i kiss the dear fingersso toil warm for me;oh! god bless you andkeep you, mother machree!我吻你

4、优美的双手,为我辛劳暖我心房。愿主保佑与你同在,慈母啊,我的亲娘!关于献给母亲的英文诗篇二Mothers LoveThere is no love, like a mothers love,no stronger bond on earth.like the precious bond that comes from God,to a mother, when she gives birth.A mothers love is forever strong,never changing for all time.and when her children need her most,a mot

5、hers love will shine.God bless these special mothers,God bless them every one.for all the tears and heartache,and for the special work theyve done.When her days on earth are over,a mothers love lives on.through many generations,with Gods blessings on each one.Be thankful for our mothers,for they lov

6、e with a higher love.from the power God has given,and the strength from up above.-by Jill Lemming关于献给母亲的英文诗篇三假如能If I could give you diamonds,for each tear you cried for meIf I could give you sapphires, for each truth youve helped me seeIf I could give you rubies, for the heartache that youve knownIf

7、 I could give you pearls,for the wisdom that youve shownThen youll have a treasure, motherthat would mount up to the skiesThat would almost match the sparkle in your kind and loving eyesBut I have no pearls, no diamondsas Im sure youre well awareSo Ill give you gifts more precious,my devotion, love and care 中文大意 假如能把你为我流啲每滴眼泪化成钻石赠于你把每个透过你让我看清啲真理变为蓝宝石赠于你把你对我啲操心换作红宝石赠于你把你显露啲睿智结成珍珠赠于你那么你将拥有直追浩瀚宇宙啲财富几乎与你眼中闪烁啲慈爱和关爱相近但是您知道我没有珍珠和钻石所以我将献上我更宝贵啲礼物对您无比投入啲热爱及关怀



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