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1、狄更斯名言中英文导读:本文是关于狄更斯名言中英文,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、我现在已做的远比我所做过的一切都美好;我将获得的休息远比我所知道的一切都甜蜜。What Ive done is far better than what Ive done; the rest Im going to get is far sweeter than anything I know.2、在任何交往中都不要伤害任何人,永远不要粗暴对待你手下的人。Never hurt anyone in any dealings. Never treat your people rudely.3、如果收入二十磅,花十

2、九磅十九先令六便士,他就快活;如果花二十磅一先令,他就苦恼。If he earns twenty pounds and spends nineteen pounds and nineteen shillings and sixpence, he will be happy; if he spends twenty pounds and one shilling, he will be distressed.4、宽恕是一种高贵的品质,一种崇高的美德,绝不是你所能控制、所能左右的。Forgiveness is a noble quality, a noble virtue, not somethi

3、ng you can control or control.5、这是一个最坏的年代,却也是一个最好的年代。This is the worst time, but it is also the best era.6、用温柔的手段来处理人家*上的创伤,用温柔的态度来安慰人家精神上的痛苦。Use gentle means to deal with peoples physical trauma, and use gentle attitude to comfort peoples mental pain.7、回首往事是徒劳无益的,除非这对于当前的事会发生什么影响。It is useless to l

4、ook back on the past, unless it will affect the current events.8、机会不会上门来找人,只有人去找机会。Opportunities dont come to people, but people look for opportunities.9、亲密无间的爱,也像疏远的隔阂一样,会让人猜不透,而且前者更是神秘莫测,难以捉摸。Intimate love, like estrangement, can not be guessed, and the former is more mysterious and elusive.10、其实也

5、没什么可放弃的,除了无边的苦难和废墟外。In fact, there is nothing to give up, except for endless suffering and ruins.11、一个人自吹自擂是没有用的,重要的是让人家看到你怎么做到这点,并用事实证明这点。Its no use boasting. Its important to show people how you do it and prove it with facts.12、我有个原则:想到要做一件事,就一定要做到,而且要做得彻底。I have a principle: to think of doing one

6、 thing, we must do it and do it thoroughly.13、辨是非,重证据,用冷静的头脑去比较。Distinguish between right and wrong, heavy evidence, compare with a cool head.14、我远在海外的时候,眼睛老是望着家乡。我在那边虽然发了财,日子过的可乏味了。When I was away from abroad, my eyes always looked at my hometown. Though I have made money there, my days are boring.

7、15、要延长白天的时间,最妙的办法莫如从黑夜偷用几个钟头!The best way to prolong the daytime is to steal a few hours from the night.16、这是我一生中最乐意做的事,这里是我最好的安息之所。This is the most pleasant thing Ive ever done in my life. This is my best resting place.17、我什么都受得了,我最受不了的是你像现在这样把我弄得疑惑不定。I can handle anything. What I cant stand is tha

8、t you have confused me like this.18、心灵的漆黑一团,能使人变为野兽。The darkness of the mind can turn a human into a beast.19、只要可能,我不会光讲大道理,我不会光用说教来回答你对我的信任。As long as possible, I will not only speak the truth, but I will not use the sermon to answer your trust in me.20、真正的爱人离开了他心爱的对象便不能生活,他过着既是两个人的,又是半个人的生活。A true

9、 lover cannot live without his beloved. He lives a life of two and a half people.21、如果你作事缺乏诚意,或者迟迟不愿动手,那你即使有天大本事,也不会有什么成就。If you lack sincerity or are reluctant to start, you will not achieve anything even if you have great abilities.22、世界上形形*的骗子,比起自骗自的人来,实在算不上一回事。All kinds of deceiver in the world

10、are not the same as those who deceive themselves.23、虽说前途令人担忧,但是凶吉未卜,所以还模模糊糊地怀着懵懂的希望。Though the future is worrying, the danger is uncertain, so there is still vague hope.24、从事慈善事业的人有两类:一类是光说不做的人,另一类是光做不说的人。There are two kinds of people engaging in charity: one is a person who says nothing, the other

11、is a person who does not speak.25、而别人的事,也许和买来的旧衣服一样,穿脱都很随便,用不着多动心思。And other peoples affairs, perhaps like the old clothes bought, are very casual, and there is no need to move more.26、我希望你总得先从平凡的学者做起,这样你才能成为一个不平凡的学者!I hope you must start with ordinary scholars, so that you can become an extraordina

12、ry scholar.27、人在精神方面受到了最可怕的打击时,往往会丧失神志。People often lose their mind when they are most horrible in spirit.28、在人生这本书里,多数的人们都会从过分善良的天性里找到简单的教训。In the book of life, most people will find simple lessons from excessively good nature.29、有些事情,当爱无能为力时,恨往往有办法做到。There are things when love is powerless, hate often has a way to do it.30、正义单靠精神上相信是不够的,它得靠非精神方面的证实,也就是靠法律的认可。It is not enough to rely solely on spiritual belief. Justice depends on non-spiritual confirmation, that is, on the recognition of the law.


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