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1、Model Test 10 Part Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, you are going to hear five sentences. Each will be read out only once. Read the four choices as quickly as you can after you hear one sentence and then choose your answer. 1. A. I must be careful not to cat

2、ch cold. B. I am careful and never catch cold. C. Ill take care of the boy who has caught a cold. D. The boy is very cold. 2. A. Tom went to watch TV. B. Tom wished to study hard. C. Tom studied after watching TV. D. Tom wanted to watch TV, but he couldnt. 3. A. We left home at 8. B. We got to the o

3、ffice at 7. C. It took us about one hour to go to work. D. We got to our office before seven. 4. A. We shall have the meeting on Saturday. B. We shall have the meeting on Sunday. C. We shall have the meeting on Monday. D. We shall have the meeting on Tuesday. 5. A. Everyone likes to go to school. B.

4、 Older people can still go to school to learn. C. Its too late to go to school. D. He will not go to school because it is too late. Section BDirections: In this section ,you are going to hear five short dialogues. Each will be read out only once. Choose the best answer after you hear a question as q

5、uickly as you can. 6. A. There is no hope for the man. B. The mans hard work has no result. C. The man should have failed. D. The man should have worked harder. 7. A. Red and green. B. Green. C. Blue. D. Brown. 8. A. Father and daughter. B. Sister and brother. C. Mother and father. D. Friends. 9. A.

6、 She prefers apples. B. There was nothing else to eat. C. Shes on a diet. D. Its only a snack. 10. A. It doesnt matter which color the man chooses. B. Its a difficult decision. C. She doesnt like either color. D. The man should choose a different room. Section CDirections: You are going to listen to

7、 a passage. It will be read out three times. Some words on the printed passage have been taken out. Listen carefully. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear on the tape.Unlike most plants, animals are living beings that have the ability to move (11) in search of food. Scientists divide animals i

8、nto two groups. The animals in the first group are those with backbones (12) the second group includes those without (13) . Birds, fish and mammals belong to the first group. Among them, animals are (14) the most complex animals. Mammals have (15) or fur. They nurse their young. (16) people use the

9、word animal when they are talking about mammals such as the dog, cat, cow, horse, rabbit or (17) . Most animals of the second group (18) in water because the pull of gravity makes it difficult for them to (19) about on land. The largest animal on earth is the blue whale. A whale often grows more tha

10、n 30 meters (20) and weighs more than 100 tons. The elephant is the largest land animal and the ostrich is the largest bird. Part Reading Comprehension (30 minutes)Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. The first two passages are followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each

11、of them there are four choices marked A) , B) , C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. For the third passage, there are 5 sentences after it. Write T for True and F for False. Passage One Misers (守财奴) are often lonely and obscure men whose wealth is revealed only after their death. Joseph

12、Nollekens, however, was a popular sculptor with many friends and was known to possess a large fortune. Yet he lived the life of a pauper(贫民). Born in Soho, London, in 1737 , he worked in Rome repairing antique statues, which he then sold as perfect. He added to his income by smuggling(偷运) stocking ,

13、 gloves , and lace inside hollow busts (半身雕像) . His appearance was always ragged, and his table manners were appalling. Nollekens rose to be one of the most admired sculptors of his day. On his return to England he produced busts of George , William Pitt, Samuel Johnson, and the Duke of Wellington.

14、His austerity extended into his professional life , and he would deliberately model a bust with the head looking over the shoulder, so that he could use pieces of marble rejected by other sculptors as too small. At home he would sit in the dark , and if guests came , he would light a small fire and

15、quickly put it out when they left. When dining at the Royal Academy he would stuff his pockets with pepper and salt from the table. Mrs. Nollekens was just as stingy. She kept her servants on low pay and haggled (讨价还价) with shopkeepers over the most trivial items. She once traded in the handle of an old mop when buying a new o



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