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1、深圳中学深圳中学 2014-2015 学年第二学期期中考试学年第二学期期中考试 初二英语试卷初二英语试卷 笔试部分(笔试部分(85 分)分) A)词语释义。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( ) 1. I can get a lot of joy from helping others. A. experienceB. time C. sadnessD. happiness 解析:解析: 句意为 “从帮助别人那里我可以得到很多乐趣” joy 意为 “欢乐,乐趣” 。 A 经验经验 B 时间时间 C 悲哀悲哀 D 幸福,快乐。故选幸福,快乐。故选 D. ( ) 2. We may never

2、know what took place that day. A. arrivedB. happened C. missedD. produced 解析:解析: 句意为 “我们从来不知道那天会发生什么” took place 意为 “发生,举行” 。 A 到达到达 B 发生,偶然遇到发生,偶然遇到 C 错过,想念错过,想念 D 生产,引起生产,引起 故选故选 B. ( ) 3. They decided to go on a picnic, but they havent decided when to set off. A. act outB. enter C. take outD.leav

3、e 解析:解析:句意为 “他们决定去也野餐,但是没有决定什么时候出发 。 set off.意为 “离开” A 把把表演出来,把表演出来,把付诸行动付诸行动 B. 进入进入 C. 取出,去掉取出,去掉 D 离开,留下离开,留下 故选故选 D ( ) 4. Tim never cares about his appearance. A. feelingsB. looks C. signD. gestures 解析:解析:句意为 “Tim 从来不在意他的外表”。 appearance 意为“外表,外观” A.感觉感觉 B 相貌相貌 C 迹象,符号迹象,符号 D.姿势,手势姿势,手势 故选故选 B 5

4、. They promised that they could finish the work on time. A. believedB. said for sure C. liedD. sighed 解析:解析:句意为 “他们承诺他们可以按时完成工作” promised 意为 “承诺” A 相信相信 B 确信地说确信地说 C 说谎说谎 D 叹息,叹气叹息,叹气 故选故选 B B)从 A.B.C. D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (每小题 1 分,共 15 分) ( ) 6. -What do you think of the teacher? -She is _expert

5、in our school and she often gives us _. A.an, much adviceB. the, many advice C. a, much advicesD. /; many advices 考查点:冠词和不可数名词用法。考查点:冠词和不可数名词用法。 expert 是以元音因素开头的单词,所以用是以元音因素开头的单词,所以用 an advice 是不可数名词,故用是不可数名词,故用 much 修饰修饰 故选故选 A ( ) 7. -Mum, can I have _ chocolate? -Jim, you mustnt eat _ if you want

6、 to lose weight. A. some more, too manyB. more some, too much C. any more, too littleD. some more, too much 考查点:考查点:some/any 和和 too much/too many 的用法。的用法。 some 用在肯定句(特殊情况,用在肯定句(特殊情况,some 也可以用在表示请求的句子中)也可以用在表示请求的句子中) any 用在否定句和疑问句中。用在否定句和疑问句中。 too much 加不可数名词加不可数名词 too many 加可数名词加可数名词 故选故选 D ( )8. -H

7、ow much do they _ in building the stadium? -Forty _yuan. A. spend, millionB. take, million C. cost, millions ofD. pay, million of 考查点:花费(考查点:花费(spend, take, cost, pay)和数词()和数词(million/hundred/billion sb spends money/time (in)doing sth / on sth It takes/took sb time/money to do sth It costs time/mone

8、y Sb pays time/money Millions of/数词数词+million 故选故选 A ( )9. -I cant _ which pair of jeans to buy. They both look good on me. - I prefer the black one _ a shiny flower on it. A. prefer, toB. decide, to C. prefer, withD. decide, with 考查点:考查点:decide 和和 prefer 动词的用法。动词的用法。 decide 决定决定 prefer 比起比起更喜欢更喜欢(句

9、型句型 prefer to,但是此题考查的是介词但是此题考查的是介词 with 表示伴随表示伴随) 故选故选 D ( )10. -It s generous _ you _ the poor children so much money. - I just want to do something for them. A. for, to giveB. of, to give C. for, giveD. of, give 考查点:考查点:its+adj(人品相关的人品相关的) of sb to do sth 固定句型固定句型 故选故选 B ( )11. -What did you _Coco

10、s speech? -She made a good impression _ us yesterday. A. think, atB. think of, on C. like, atD. like, on 考查点: 固定搭配考查点: 固定搭配 What do you think of.? make a good impression on sb 故选故选 B ( )12. - The chair was broken, so Tom fell. - This chair is not _ for him to _. A. strong enough, sitB. strong enough

11、, sit on C. enough strong, sitD. enough strong, sit on 考查点:考查点:adj 放放 enough 前前,坐在椅子上坐在椅子上 sit on a chair,所以所以 on 不能丢。故选不能丢。故选 B ( )13. -_ is it from the park to your home? -It is about _ walk. A. How long, ten-minuteB. How far, ten minutes C. How long, ten-minutesD. How far, ten minutes 考查点:问距离是考查点

12、:问距离是 how far,另外,另外 minute 是可数名词,所以是可数名词,所以 10 分钟的路程是分钟的路程是 10 minuteswalk 故选故选 B ( )14. -Would you mind if I ask you to look after my pet dog while I _? -_. A. leave, Yes, of courseB. am away, Yes, of course C. leave, No, of course notD. am away, No, of course not 考查点:考查点:while 后接状态或延续性动词,不可后接状态或延续

13、性动词,不可 leave;不介意,用;不介意,用 of course not. 故故 选选 D ( )15. I think English is as _as Maths. A. more interestingB. most interesting C. the most interestingD. interesting 考查点:考查点:asas 中间是形副的原形 故选 D中间是形副的原形 故选 D ( )16. The good news made us _ excited. We couldnt wait to tell everybody about it. A. feelB. f

14、elt C. to feelD. feeling 考查点考查点:使役动词主动时不加使役动词主动时不加 to 故选故选 A ( )17. Your application wont _ until you complete the survey. A. acceptB. receive C. be acceptedD. be received 考查点考查点: 被动语态(被动语态(be+V 过分)过分)+接受(接受(accept 和和 receive) 申请是被接受的申请是被接受的 , accept 是主观的接受是主观的接受 receive 是客观的接受是客观的接受 故选故选 C ( )18. T

15、he top students often say _ English for 15 minutes every day is one of the good ways to improve English. A. readingB. read C. readsD. to reading 考查点:动名词做主语。考查点:动名词做主语。 故选故选 A ( )19. You dont give people a good _, so people chose Debbie instead of you. A. impressionB. instruction C. impressiveD. instruct 考查点考查点: give sb a good impression 故选故选 A ( )20. In order _ for the meeting, my sister forced herself to get up early this morning. A. not being lateB. to be late C. being lateD. not to


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