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1、ET-TD2B-02AUTHORISATION FOR ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SUBMISSION OF EXPORT / RE-EXPORT DECLARATION FORM 2B授權以電子數據交換形式遞交出口/轉口報關表格二BOnly for articles exempted from declaration charge under Regulations 8(3) and 8(4) of the Import and Export (Registration) Registrations, Chapter 60E, Laws of Hong Kong 只適用於根據香港

2、法例第60章進出口(登記)規例第8(3) 及8(4) 條所豁免報關費的物品 (Please complete the form in print 請用正楷填寫)Exporter Name ( 出口公司或人士名稱)Address (地址)Tel No (電話號碼)Fax No (傳真號碼)Name of Town / District / Village ( 市鎮 / 地區 / 鄉村名稱)Hong Kong / Kowloon / New Territories(香港 / 九龍 / 新界 )Business Registration No (商業登記證號碼)Hong Kong ID No (香港

3、身份證號碼)Country / Territory Code (國家 / 地區代碼)Country / Territory Sub-entity ID (省/州代碼)Postcode ID (郵政編碼) - Consignee Name ( 收貨公司或人士名稱)City Name ( 城市名稱)Country / Territory Sub-entity Name(省/州名稱)Address (Street & No./ P.O. Box) 地址(街道/ 郵箱)Country / Territory Code (國家/ 地區代碼)Country / Territory Sub-entity I

4、D (省/州代碼)Postcode ID (郵政編碼)Port of Discharge卸貨港口Place of Final Destination最終目的地Destination Country / Territory目的地國家 / 地區Departure Date: Year / Month / Day離港日期: 年/ 月 / 日 / / Unique Consignment Ref單一貨物代碼Transport Mode 運輸方式 (Please T for your selection and complete transport information as appropriate

5、請在適合方格內T並填報運輸資料) Ocean 海運 River 河運Vessel Name 船名Voyage No. 航次Master B/L No. 主提單編號: Consolidated Shipment Yes / No* 合併裝運 是 / 否*If Yes, House B/L No. 如是, 請填寫副提單編號 Rail 鐵路Wagon No. 火車車卡號碼 Rail Cargo Receipt No. 鐵路收據編號: Road 道路Vehicle No 車輛號碼 Customs Cargo Ref No. 海關貨物編號: Air 空運Flight No. 飛機班次Master AWB

6、 No. 主空運提單編號: - Consolidated Shipment Yes / No* 合併裝運 是 / 否*If Yes, House B/L No. 如是, 請填寫副空運提單編號 Mail 郵寄P.O. Receipt No. 郵寄包裹單編號 Fixed Transport Installation 固定運輸裝置 Others 其他Customs Control Point 海關管制站名稱 ( Please T for your selection 請在適合方格內T): 1. HK International Airport 香港國際機場 2. Hung Hom Through T

7、rain Station 紅磡直通車站 3. Lo Wu 羅湖 4. Lok Ma Chau 落馬洲 5. Man Kam To 文錦渡 6. Sha Tau Kok 沙頭角 7. China Ferry Terminal 中國客運碼頭 8. Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal港澳客輪碼頭 9. Other Control Points 其他邊境口岸Please fill either A or B請填寫A或B項ACustoms Declaration Ref.旅客報關通知書檔號BConsignment Note No.運單編號Marks, Nos. & Contai

8、ner No.標記, 箱號及貨櫃編號No. and Type of Packages包裝件數及種類Description of Goods貨物說明Total No. of Packages 總件數: Item No.項目Origin Country / Territory來源國家 / 地區Commodity Code 貨物分類編號(Harmonized System 協調制度)Quantity數量Unit of Quantity數量單位#FOB Value HK$#香港離岸價值1.HK$ 2.HK$ 3.HK$ 4.HK$ 5.HK$ #FOB value comprises the full

9、 cost of goods to the buyer abroad up to and including the loading of the goods on to the exporting vessel, vehicle or aircraft. The Commissioner of Customs & Excise is empowered to assess the value. #香港離岸價值即包括裝貨上出口船隻,車輛或飛機之成本後之所有貨價,海關關長獲授權可對貨物作出估值。Total 總值HK$ If the declaration is made after receiv

10、ing the notice issued by the Census and Statistics Department, please quote the Notice Ref. No. which appears on the top right corner of the notice. 如已接獲由政府統計處發出關於上列貨品之報關通知書,請在空格內填寫位於通知書右上方的通知書檔號。DECLARATION 聲明:I hereby declare that I am the exporter of the goods described in this declaration, that

11、the goods are exempted from declaration charge in accordance with the provisions of Regulations 8(3) and 8(4) of the Import and Export (Registration) Regulations, Chapter 60E, Laws of Hong Kong and that the particulars given in this declaration are accurate and complete. I hereby authorise Brio Elec

12、tronic Commerce Limited to generate the relevant codes in respect of the particulars given in this declaration, and to send and receive the electronic messages related to this declaration to and from the Government. 茲聲明本人為此報關單所列貨物的進口公司或人士,所列貨物乃按照香港法例第60E章進出口(登記)規例第8(3) 及8(4)條的規定而豁免報關費,並聲明報關單內的資料均屬準確

13、及完整。本人茲授權標奧電子商務有限公司根據本人所填報之報關資料及引用適當代號,傳送及接收與政府之間有關此報關之電子信息。Signatorys name簽署人姓名*(IN BLOCK LETTERS 正楷)Signature and company Chop簽署及公司蓋章Designation職位Date : Year / Month / Day日期 : 年 / 月 / 日 / / For Brio use only 此欄由標奧職員填寫UDR#Date of receive1st Key2nd KeyCheck by and date_ CZZZ01A0 _ _ _ _ _INACCURATE DECLARATION IS A CRIMINAL OFFENCE AND LIABLETO A MAXIMUM FINE OF $10,000. 填報不準確資料屬刑事罪行,最高可被罰款一萬元*Delete if not applicable 請刪除不適用者 *每張表格只接受五個項目,如超過,請增加頁數填寫。(總數和總價值只需填寫在最後的頁內) Update 2010/04/01



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