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1、.高频单词思忆 1.Teaching disabled students takes imagination as well as great p . 2.It is u that Zou Kai has won 3 gold medals in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. 3.The house has an underground p . 4.The boss wants him to a for each sum of the money he spent.,基础落实,Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note,atience,nbel

2、ievable,assage,ccount,5.On the c ,Ive just begun. 6.Nowadays most young men like _ (冒险). 7.The first _ (场景) of the opening ceremony is excellent. 8.Could you buy me writing paper and _ (信封)? 9.Its good _ (礼貌) for us to wait in a line. 10.I like him despite his _ (缺点).,ontrary,adventures,scene,envelo

3、pes,manners,faults/shortcomings,.重点短语再现 1._ 抚养;培养 2._ 前进 3._ 凝视 4._偶然;不小心 5._ 导致;做出解释 6._ 与此相反 7._ 冒险 8._ 衣衫褴褛 9._ 关于;至于 10._ 打赌 11._ 一大笔 12._ 坦率地说,bring up,go ahead,stare at,by accident,account for,on the contrary,take a chance,in rags,as for,make a bet,a large sum of,to be honest,.典型句式运用 1.If you

4、have,what did you think of it?如果你 读过/看过,你认为它怎么样? What do you think of.?意为 “_?”,用来询问他人的兴 趣、爱好或观点,相当于How do you find.?/ How do you like.?,考点提炼,你认为怎么样,3.(to owner) That was a wonderful meal.Its amazing how much pleasure you get out of the simple things in life,especially if you cant have them for a whi

5、le.(对店主)这顿饭 吃得真棒。从生活中如此简单的东西之中竟能得 到这么大的乐趣,真是令人吃惊,特别是当你有一 段时间吃不到这些东西的时候。 it在此作_,真正的主语是其 后_,很多主语从句都可以用在it 作形式主语的句子中。,考点提炼,形式主语,how引导的感叹句,it作形式主语,真正的主语可以是_、_ 或_,it作形式主语的几种句型: (1)It+be+adj./n.+for sb.to do sth. (2)It+be+adj./n.+of sb.to do sth. (3)It+be+adj./n.+doing sth. (4)It+be+adj./n.+that-clause (5

6、)It+be+p.p.+that-clause (6)It seems/appears+that-clause (7)It takes sb.+时间+that-clause (8)It seems/looks as if. (9)It doesnt matter whether/if.,不定式,动名词,从句,4.Perhaps hes a very strange,rich man.(as if he has discovered something for the first time) Why, yes!That must be it!或许他是一个非常怪异却 又富有的人。(好像发现了新大陆

7、)啊,对了!一 定是这样! That must be it!表示推测。 (1)对过去发生事情的肯定推测用_。 (2)否定和疑问推测用_或_,不用must。 (3)语气不肯定的推测用_或_。,考点提炼,must have done,can,could,may,might,重点单词 1.permit _ me to lead the way,sir.(回归课本P18) 观察思考 Dogs are not permitted in the building. 不得携狗进入楼内。 We do not permit smoking in the office. 我们不允许在办公室里吸烟。 You sho

8、uld apply for a permit. 你应该申请许可证。,导练互动,Permit,归纳总结 permit _ 认可,允许;准许;批准;通行证; 许可证;执照。 permit后可接双宾语、动词-ing形式,也可接动词 不定式的复合结构,即_;作 “_”解时,用作不 及物动词。 permit sb.sth. permit sb.to do sth. permit doing sth.允许做某事,v. Go right ahead.说吧/用吧/可以/行;Dont mention it. 不用谢;Take it easy.别着急,慢慢来。根据句 意知B项正确。,B,(2)Could I us

9、e your computer for a few moments,please? _.Im not using it myself. A.Come on B.It depends C.Go ahead D.Thats great 解析 本题考查交际用语。由前置语境“我能不 能用会儿你的电脑”以及后置语境“我自己现在 不用”可知应选C项,Go ahead“用吧!去吧!干 吧!”而Come on“加油”,It depends“看情况 而定”,Thats great“太棒了”,均不合题意。,C,8.take a chance Well,well have to _.(回归课 本P22) 观察思考

10、Id like to take a chance and run a business. 我想冒险做生意。 We took a chance on the weather and planned to have the party outside. 我们怀着天气可能会好的侥幸心理筹划到户外聚会。,take a chance,归纳总结 take a/the chance意为:_。 give sb.a chance给某人一次机会 have a chance to do sth.有机会做 miss a chance错过一次机会 lose/seize the chance失去/抓住机会 by chan

11、ce偶然,意外地 let go a good chance错过一次好机会 The chance is that./The chances are that. 有可能(The和that可省略),碰运气;冒险,There is a chance that.可能 have no chance of doing sth./to do sth. 不可能 即学即用 (1)我们原未打算相见,是偶然遇见的。 We hadnt planned to meet.We met _. (2)可能她已经听到那则消息了。 _ shes already heard the news.,by chance,The chanc

12、es are (that),9.Well,towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.傍晚 时分我发现我被一阵大风刮到海上去了。 典例体验 When he came to life,_ deserted island. 他醒来后,发现自己在一个荒凉的岛上。 On hearing this,_ _. 听到这后,我突然发现自己处在很尴尬的境地。,he found himself in a,I found myself in an,embarrassing position,Dick in the dire

13、ction of Mikes place. 迪克突然发现自己在朝迈克家的方向走去。 归纳总结 此句中含有“find sth.+_”的形式,表示 “发现被”,过去分词在句中作_。 find后可接动词的_作宾语补足语,表示主 动或正在进行;也可接形容词、名词、_等 作宾补,表示主动。,过去分词,宾语补足语,现在分词,介词短语,found himself walking,即学即用 (1)他醒来后,发现自己躺在了医院里。 When he came to life,he _ in hospital. (2)然后我就发现自己已被六个男孩围住了。 Then I _ by half a dozen boys.

14、,found himself lying,found myself surrounded,10.You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like.Just having you sit here is a great honour!您想来的时候 就一定得来呀!在这儿,无论您想吃点什么, 都是可以的。您就是在这儿坐一下也是我们莫 大的荣幸呀! 典例体验 _ we met with difficulties,they came to help us. 每当我们遇到困难的时候,他们都会帮助我们。 _ great the difficulties are,we must complete the task on time. 不管困难有多大,我们都必须按时完成任务。,Whenever,However,_ your problems are (不用Whatever are your problems),you mustnt lose heart. 不管你面临的是什么问题,都不要失去信心。 归纳总结 (1)whenever,whereve



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