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1、Welcome,Can you guess what is in Yao Mings mind?,inspired/disappointed,regretful/excited,confident/confused,Youre great!,Come and join us!,Im listening carefully!,What are they trying to tell us?How are they expressing themselves?,Please stop!,Nice to meet you!,Im sorry!,Give me a little time!,Im th

2、inking!,Its important.,I give up.,OK!,Lets enjoy a short film What is he doing? Does he enjoy it?,1. Who is the funny man in the film?,2. Do the actors say anything in the show?,3. How do they express themselves?,4. What do you call that?,Charlie Chaplin.,No, nothing.,By what they do and their facia

3、l expressions.,Body language.,What is body language?,hand language,facial expression,gesture posture stanceappearance eye contact ,Body Language is a form of non-verbal communication. It uses movements or positions of our body to show other people what we are thinking or feeling. It includes body mo

4、vements, facial expressions, gestures, posture , speaking distance and other non-verbal signals.,What is body language?,words,body language,express,thoughts,opinions,feelings,listening,self-assured,shouting,Facial expression,anger,fear,joy,sorrow,contempt,surprise,disgust,handshake,babykiss,hug,shak

5、e,nod,bow,kiss your hand to sb.,When people meet:,In china, people shake hands.,When people meet:,In Japan, women bow.,When people meet:,In Russia, France and Arab countries men kiss each other.,When people meet:,In France, it is the custom to shake hands with each other in the office every morning.

6、,When people are eating:,In Arab countries, people eat using the fingers of the right hands; the left hands are not used at all.,When people touch:,People from English-speaking countries do not touch each other very much. If you touch an English person, you should say “sorry”.,show interest,be rude

7、or disrespectful,money,zero,rudeness,OK,eye contact,thumbs up,Can you figure out the meanings of the following gestures in the following countries?,the number one,rude,great / good job,smile,get through difficult situations,find friends,open doors,tear down walls,express any emotion,apologise,greet

8、someone,ask for help,start a conversation,make ourselves feel happier and stronger when smiling in the mirror,dont feel down and lonely when seeing a smiling face of a good friend,is a bridge to the world,再见,Do in Rome as Romans do.,Extra game,1.Im hungry 2.Lets go! 3.Be quiet.,.,4.Im sad. 5.Relax!

9、6. Good luck!,7. Go away! 8. This is delicious . 9. peace.,10. Look at that! 11. Come here! 12. Im bored.,15. Im angry. 17.Stop it! 18. Im crazy. 19. Im nervous.,Game: Choose a student to the front of the blackboard and bring out the meaning of some words by some postures.,1. I am worried. 2.I ate t

10、oo much. 3.I am sorry I did something wrong.,Twisting hands together or holding head,Patting or rubbing stomach.,Hanging head.,Smiling, arms open and head back.,Frown and turn your back to someone,Close your hand and shake it at someone.,smile,Nod the head up and down or shake the head,Look away from a person or yawn,Turn toward the person you are talking to.,Roll your eyes and turn your head away.,Work in groups to make up a dialogue between people who come from different countries, using body movements or sign gestures(手势).,任务五:学生表演,Task 5,谢谢观看! 2020,


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