A VIEW OF MOUNTAINS翻译(综合英语4)ppt课件

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1、.,A VIEW OF MOUNTAINS,群山之景,.,Part 1(Para 1),On August 9, 1945, the day the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Yosuke Yamahata, a photographer serving in the Japanese army, was dispatched(send off a distination 派遣)to the destroyed city.,1945年8月9日,一颗原子弹投向长崎,(日军)派遣一个在军队任职的摄影师川端庸介到了被破坏的城市。,.,The hundr

2、ed or so (about) pictures he took the next day constitute (compose) the fullest photographic record of nuclear destruction in existence(存在).Hiroshima,destroyed three days earlier .bombing.,他在接下来的日子里拍了近几百张图片,完整记录了(关于)原子能的实际破坏。在三天前遭受破坏的广岛,在其爆炸后的第一天,没有记录下来。,.,It was therefore left to Yamahata to record

3、,methodically(systematically 系统的,有方法的)-and as it happens, with a great and simple artistry(艺术性质)-the effects.used.,因此,川端庸介留在这里系统地做记录。而且,原子能在它被使用后仅仅几个小时内对人口的影响,是有着显著而简单的艺术性质的。,.,Some of Yamahatas pictures show corpses charred(烧焦) in the peculiar way in which a nuclear fireball chars its victims.,川端庸介

4、的一些图片显示,尸体是以核火球这种特殊的方式烧焦的。,.,They have been burned by light-technically speaking, by the thermal pulse-and their bodies are often branded(打上烙印) with the patterns of their clothes, whose colors absorb light in different degrees.,从严格意义上来说,他们是被光和热脉冲烧焦的。自身衣服上的图案常被烙印在他们的身体上,而这些衣服上的颜色吸收光的程度不同。,.,One photo

5、graph shows a horse twisted under the cart it had been pulling. Another shows a heap of(许多) something that once had been a human being hanging over a ledge(壁架) into a ditch.,一张图片显示,一匹扭动着身子的马正在拉载货马车。另一张图显示了一大堆的场景,曾经(鲜活的)人被挂在壁架上运往沟渠。,.,A third shows a girl who has somehow survived unwounded standing i

6、n the open mouth of a bomb shelter(防空洞) and smiling an unearthly(怪异的) smile, shocking us with the sight of ordinary life, which otherwise seems to have been left behind for good(永久的) in the scenes we are witnessing.,第三幅图显示,一个不知为何幸存下来的小女孩站在防空洞口,绽开了一个诡异的微笑,(她的笑容)令我们感到震撼,如果不是这张照片,在我们所能看到的场景中,我们原先的日常生活已

7、经永不可见。,.,Stretching into the distance on all sides are fields of rubble dotted with fires, and, in the background, a view of mountains. We can see the mountain because the city is gone.That absence, even more than wreckage(残骸), contains the heart of the matter.,照片中,延伸到远处,四周都是大火中的废墟,背景是一片群山。我们可以看到群山,

8、因为城市已经消失了。这个消失是指连残骸都没有,甚至包括中心地区。,.,The true measure of the event lies not in what remains but in all that has disappeared.,衡量一个事物的存在不是取决于遗留下的,而是已经消失的一切。,.,It took a few seconds for the United States to destroy Nagasaki with the worlds second atomic bomb, but it took fifty years for Yamahatas picture

9、s of the event to make the journey back from Nagasaki to the United States.,美国用世界上第一颗原子弹,将长崎夷为平地,只用了几秒钟。然而川端庸介拍摄相关照片从长崎辗转回到美国,却用了半个世纪之久。,Part2(Para2-3),.,They were shown for the first time in this country in 1995, at the International Center for Photography in New York. Arriving a half-century late,

10、 they are still news.,1995,这些照片第一次在美国展出,地点在纽约国际摄影中心。即使过了半个世纪之久,它们仍然是轰动的新闻。,.,The photographs display the fate of a single city, but their meaning is universal, since, in our age of nuclear arms, what happened to Nagasaki can, in a flash(顷刻间), happen to any city in the world.,这些照片展示了单个城市的命运,但具有普遍意义。因

11、为,在核武器年代,在长崎发生的一切顷刻间就可能在世界其他任何一个城市发生。,.,In the photographs, Nagasaki comes into its own(找回了自己的位置). Nagasaki has always been in the shadow of Hiroshima, as if the human imagination had stumbled to exhaustion in the wreckage of the first ruined city without reaching even the outskirts of the second.,通

12、过这些照片,长崎证明了自己。长崎长期处于广岛的阴影之中,好像人们对原子弹的想象在到达广岛之第一个被摧毁的城市,就已经就消耗殆尽,他们甚至连长崎的边缘都到达不了。,.,Yet the bombing of Nagasaki is in certain respects the fitter symbol of the nuclear danger that still hangs over us. It is proof that, having once used nuclear weapons, we can use them again.,它证明,人们一旦使用了核武器,就可能会再次使用它。

13、,.,It introduces the idea of a series the series that, with tens of thousands of nuclear weapons remaining in existence, continues to threaten everyone. (Theunpredictable, open-ended character of the series is suggested by the fact that the second bomb originally was to be dropped on the city of Kok

14、ura, which was spared Nagasakis fate only because bad weather protected it from view.),它带来了一系列的概念,这世上仍有数以万计的核武器存在着,对每个人的威胁也将持续存在着。这一点可以从以下事实看出,这第二颗原子弹原本准备投向九州,因为天气的原因,妨碍了视线,长崎便被改变了命运。这足以说明,核爆炸的后果是无法预知和不可估摸的。,.,Each picture therefore seemed not so much an image of something that happened a half-centu

15、ry ago as a window cut into the wall of the photography center showing what soon could easily happen to New York.,因此,与其说是每一张照片记录了这半个世纪前所发生的景象,还不如说它们是镶在摄影中心墙上的一个窗口,人们可以看到即将在纽约发生的事情。,.,Wherever the exhibit might travel, moreover, the view of threatened future from these windows would be roughly accura

16、te, since, although every intact city is different from every other, all cities that suffer nuclear destruction will look much the same.,因为展览无论在哪里举行,从这些窗口我们可以看到将来的威胁。尽管每一个完好无损的城市看起来各不相同,但它们所遭受的核破坏看起来是一样的。,.,Yamahatas pictures afford a glimpse(glance) of the end of the world.,川端庸介的照片让我们得以一瞥世界末日的景象。,.,Yet in our day, when the challenge is not just to apprehend(worry) the nuclear peril(risk) but to seize a God-given opportunity to dispel it once and for all, we seem to need, in addi


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