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1、农业装备推荐项目41项目名称:温室大棚(做成一块大板)1项目名称:生物有机复(混)肥生产设备2项目名称:智能型太阳能灭虫器/太阳能移动发电系统/太阳能喷灌、滴灌系统2江西14项目名称:农产品联合干燥技术与设备4宁波55项目名称:培禾牌耕作机5项目名称:机动乘坐式水稻插秧机、多功能轻型田园管理机、割草机和割刈机5项目名称:养猪业全程数字化技术研究6项目名称:经济型喷滴灌技术7项目名称:设施农业-高效节能LED植物补光灯8新疆兵团29项目名称:生物有机肥生产加工成套设备9项目名称:2BMSJ双膜覆盖精量铺膜播种机101推荐项目4项目名称:温室大棚(做成一块大板)Name of Project: G


3、到欧洲、美洲、非洲、拉丁美洲以及东南亚等国家和地区,参加东盟展会就是为了进一步稳固及拓展东盟市场。鉴于东南亚一带目前对温室大棚的需求,温室大棚在东南亚地区的市场前景是相当可观的。英文:Greenhouse production becomes a global trend on the production of vegetable and ornamental crops. Greenhouses offer a higher return per area than field based production of the same. This makes intensive cropp

4、ing a viable business opportunity on small land areas and on the rural/urban interface. A sophisticated greenhouse can produce 15-20 times more produce than a field of the same area. Greenhouse production can adjust the growth cycle of crop and increase the productivity and profitability by means of

5、 environmental modification techniques, which can be broadly categorized as: greenhouse design (shape, dimensions and roof configuration), reducing solar load through shading system, forced air circulation and evaporative cooling system in hot summer, rising temperature by heating system in cold win

6、ter, Co2 dosing system, supplementary lighting system etc. Trinog has already developed different greenhouse design with different shape, dimensions and roof configurations according to the difference of climate and crop requirement. At present, our greenhouses are mainly exported to Europe, the Ame

7、ricas, Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, etc. To participate in the ASEAN EXPO is to further expand and consolidate the ASEAN market. Considering the big demand of the modern agricultural facilities in South-east Asia, greenhouse industry will have a promising future in this area. We not only s

8、upply greenhouses and related products, we also provide technical and marketing assistance as well. Every month, 250 workers in our 250,000M2 factory produce up to 3,000tons of steel products. Our adept R&D staff can design your product, and our agricultural experts can advise you on developing gree

9、nhouses in your market. We comply with ISO9001-2000, ISO1400-2004 standards and our main steel structures life span is more than 20years.单位名称:天一侬(厦门)科技有限公司Name of Institution: Trinog(Xiamen)Technology Co., Ltd.联系人:林琼艳 电话:0592-3228708 传真:0592-5029555 地址:厦门市思明区莲前东路409号联丰大厦1105室Address: Suite1105 Lianf

10、eng Metropolis, NO.409 Lianqian East Road,Xiamen, China邮编:361008项目名称:生物有机复(混)肥生产设备Name of Project: Equipment for Production of Bio-organic Compound (Mixed) Fertilizer项目简介:生物有机复(混)肥主要应用于城市垃圾,有机废弃物,动物粪便,废水的处理,系无公害绿色肥料,绿色农业的革命。目前我司生产技术及设备在全球市场处于领先地位,有机生物复混肥设备规格品种齐全 ,自动化程度高 ,设备采用防腐技术 ,寿命长 ,可连续式生产。有机肥造粒机

11、一机多用,即可生产大众复合肥,又可以生产生物有机肥,产品符合环保要求。根据当地资源优势,及经济发展情况,生产量大小可以调整。 农民朋友致富的新点.因此有机肥生产有着广泛的市场前景。英文:The Bio-organic Compound Fertilizer is mainly used in treatment of municipal solid waste, organic waste, animal wastes, and waste water. Its nuisance free and green fertilizer, green revolution in agricultur

12、e, the new point of the farmers enrichment. At present, our company JIANGSU RIGHT GROUP has the leading technical and equipments in the world. We produced specification range, high degree of automation, the equipment is adopted the anti-corrosion technology, long life and continuous production. The

13、Bio-organic fertilizer granulation machine is a multi-purpose machine and can produce both the bio-organic fertilizer and the common compound fertilizer. The final products meet the requirements of environmental protection. According to the local resources and economic development, the production de

14、signing can be adjusted. The bio-organic fertilizer will have a broad market prospect.单位名称:江苏瑞安特机械集团有限公司Name of Institution: Jiangsu Right Machinery Group Co., Ltd.联系人:周刚 电话:13914355775 0513-88782909 传真:0513-88835262 地址:江苏省海安县长江西路118号Address: No.118 Changjiang Road (W), Haian, Jiangsu, China邮编:22660

15、0项目名称:智能型太阳能灭虫器/太阳能移动发电系统/太阳能喷灌、滴灌系统Name of Project: Intelligent Solar Insect Killer, Solar Power Supply System, Solar Sprinkling & Irrigation System项目简介:采用弱光性(非晶硅)太阳能电池板,免维护镍氢电池技术,将太阳能转换为电能储存利用。打破传统的黑光灯灭虫方法,引进外国先进的灭虫技术,对诱虫灯的光波、波长及光色进行综合调整,针对害虫的趋光性及昼伏夜出的生活习惯,利用最佳波长及光波共振原理诱杀害虫,杀一灭百,断绝害虫繁殖链,被人们称为“昆虫夜总

16、会”, “不用农药的杀虫武器”。具有光控、雨控、时控、电压保护四大功能。集机械电子、物理学、电化学、光学,生物学、植物学等六大科学于一体化,在多方面具有创新性,属国内、国际领先,已获得国内和国际专利。适用于水稻、柑橘、花生、蔬菜、大豆、小麦、玉米、茶叶、棉花、烟叶、葡萄、瓜类、甘蔗、荔枝、龙眼、芒果、杨桃、草莓、各类花卉、咖啡、苹果、香蕉、林木、温室、渔塘等基地。目前公司厂房面积8500 平方米,固定资产2800 万元,拥有日本东芝、日本三菱、日本川口等世界名牌注塑机45 台,销模力从30 吨600吨,同时拥有日本三菱精密加工中心机3 台,精密火花机10 台,精密磨床8台及高精密检测仪等。现代化、高



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