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1、,Unit 2,POEMS,What is a poem?,a piece of writing designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, the words are chosen for their beauty and sound, and are carefully arranged, often in short lines that rhyme.,Enjoy a song and pay attention to the end part of the word

2、s.,Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are!,rhyme (押韵),强 弱 强 弱强 弱 强,Can you remember any poems you have ever read, either in Chinese or in English? Can you recite any?,St

3、ep1: Lead in,Step 2,You need to recite the Chinese traditional poems according to their English translation as soon as possible.,Competition,静夜思 -李白 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。,A Tranquil Night A bed, I see a silver light, I wonder if its frost ground. Looking up, I find the moon bright; Bowing, in hom

4、esickness Im drowned.,悯 农 李坤 锄 禾 日 当 午,汗 滴 禾 下 土。 谁 知 盘 中 餐,粒 粒 皆 辛 苦?,Toiling Farmers Farmers weeding (除草) at noon, Sweat (汗水) down the field soon. Who knows food on a tray (托盘), Thanks to their toiling (辛苦的) day?,I seek but seek in vain (徒劳), I search and search again; I feel so sad , so drear (悲伤

5、), so lonely, without cheer.,寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。 -李清照,If you would ask me how my sorrow (悲伤) has increased, Just see the over-brimming (满溢的) river flowing east!,问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。 李煜虞美人,Lets enjoy an English poem in the form of a song: Do-Re-Me and try to find out the rhymes and the rhythm.,Doe a deer

6、 a female (母的) deer Ray a drop (线) of golden sun Me a name I call myself Far a long long way to run Sew a needle (针) pulling thread La a note to follow Sew,Do re mi,Tea a drink with jam (果酱) and bread That will bring us back to Doe oh-oh-oh That will bring us back to Doe Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti Do-So-D

7、o,Hush, little baby, dont say a word, Papas going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird wont sing, Papas going to buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papas going to buy you a looking-glass. If that looking-glass gets broke, Papas going to buy you a billy-goat. If tha

8、t billy-goat runs away, Papas going to buy you another today.,What is the babys father going to buy if the mirror gets broken?,A,Nursery rhymes,Poem A is a nursery thyme that illustrates (举例说明) a fathers love for his baby.,Nursery rhymes,rhythm and rhyme,recite,I saw a fish-pond all on fire, I saw a

9、 house bow to a squire, I saw a person twelve-feet high, I saw a cottage in the sky, I saw a balloon made of lead, I saw a coffin drop down dead, I saw two sparrows run a race, I saw two horses making lace, I saw a girl just like a cat, I saw a kitten wear a hat, I saw a man who saw these too, And s

10、aid though strange they all were true.,B,List poem (清单诗),We would have won If Jack had scored that goal, If wed had just a few more minutes, If we had trained harder, If Ben had passed the ball to Joe, If wed had thousands of fans screaming, If I hadnt taken my eye off the ball, If we hadnt stayed u

11、p so late the night before, If we hadnt take it easy, If we hadnt run out of energy. We would have won If wed been better!,Our first football match,What sports do you think the speaker is writing about? Did his or her team win the game?,C,They didnt win because they didnt have enough time; they didn

12、t have thousands of fans screaming; they stayed up too late the night before; they ran out of energy.,Why didnt the players win the match?,No. The author doesnt believe his excuses, because at the end of the poem the speaker admits that they just did not play well enough to win ,Does the author real

13、ly believe his or her excuses? How do you know?,Brother Beautiful, athletic Teasing, shouting, laughing Friend and enemy too Mine,Summer Sleepy, salty Drying, drooping, dreading Week in, week out. Endless,夏日 困乏,刺激 干涸,枯萎,恐怖 周而复始 永无止境,Q: Whatre Poems D From path to path no man in sight. A lonely fishe

14、rman a float, Is fishing snow in lonely boat. -by Liu Zongyuan,What forms are the following poems?,Tang Poem,Are you sleeping Are you sleeping, Brother John, Brother John Morning bells are ringing Morning bells are ringing Ding Dang Dong Ding Dang Dong,What forms are the following poems?,Nursery rhy

15、me,Ode to a Goldfish,O Wet Pet!,Enjoy a poem regarded as the shortest poem in the history of English literature.,Appreciate and practise,Eat . Eat . Eat Fat . Fat .,Fat,A Students Prayer Now I lie down to_ I pray I pass tomorrows_,rest,test,Good, better,_! Never have it rest! Till good is_, And better,_!,best,better,best,remember:,选择=结果,汇报结束 谢谢观看! 欢迎提出您的宝贵意见!,



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