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1、新版六年级英语上册第五单元测试卷精品文档六年级英语上册Unit 5测试题 姓名:_ 得分:_Listening part(30分)一、 听音,选择你所听到的单词。(5分)( )1、A. English teacher B. math teacher C. music teacher( )2、A. fisherman B. postman C. businessman( )3、A. coach B. sports reporter C.P.E teacher( )4、A. factory B. university C. office( )5、A. on foot B. by bike C. b

2、y plane二、听录音,给下列句子排序。(5分)( ) Mike is good at maths.( ) John wants to work in a university.( ) Sarah can type quickly.( ) Jim often goes running after school.( ) Amy wants to work in an office. 三、听问句,选择恰当的答语。(5分)( ) 1、A. He is a coach. B .He goes to work by bike. C .He works in a police office. ( ) 2

3、、A .He works in a factory. B. She works in a school. C .She is a P.E teacher.( ) 3、A .She is a head teacher. B .She works in a school. C .She goes to work on foot.( ) 4、A .Yes, he is. B .No, he isnt. C .Yes, she is.( ) 5、A .He likes sports. B .He is tall and strong C .He is a postman.四、听音,根据听到的内容补充句

4、子。(10分)1、Xiao Yus uncle is a _ _. He is very busy.2、Robin wants to be a _. He studies very hard.3、My father is a _. He often goes to other countries.4、My uncle is a _. He works on a boat.Writing part(70分)五、判断划线部分的发音是否一致,一致的写T,不一致的写F(5分)( )1、A. teacher B. worker C. singer ( )2、A. girl B. nurse C. bir

5、d ( )3、A. fork B. work C. sports( )4、Abike B. cinema C. kite ( )5、A. bottle B. table C. uncle六、读一读,选出不同类的一项. (5分)( )1、A、postman B、 pilot C、tonight( )2、A、cinema B、 post officer C、postman( )3、A、evening B、 businessman C、tomorrow( )4、A、science B、 scientist C、worker( )5、A、fishman B、hobby C、police officer

6、七、按要求写单词。(10分)1. country (复数形式) _2. work (职业名词) _ 3. drive (职业名词) _4.science (职业名词) _5.study (第三人称单数形式) _6. quick (副词) _7. play(单三人称) _8. farm(职业名词) _9. driver (动词) _ 10. swim (ing形式) _八、单项选择(10分)( ) 1. Does he often _ football after school? A. play B. plays C. playing( ) 2. Do you like _ pictures?

7、A. draw B. do C. drawing( ) 3. They _ very hard every day.A. workB. work C. working( ) 4. She is good at dancing. She is a _. A. singer B. dancerC. cleaner( ) 5. Mary wants to _ a scientist. A. amB. is C. be ( ) 6. She does well in singing. She is a _.A. singerB. dancer C. cleaner( ) 7. Amys mother

8、works in a hospital. She is a _.A. teacherB. doctor C. scientist( ) 8. Where does he work? He works _ a factory.A. in B. for C. with( ) 9. You should _ your homework first. A. do B. does C. doing( ) 10. I want to work in _ office. A. a B. anC. / 九、选出正确的答语(5分)( )1、Where does Tom work? A、Im going to s

9、ee a film.( 2、What are you going to do tomorrow? B、Yes, she does.( )3、How does he go to work? C、He works at a sea.( )4、Does she like going hiking? D、Hes a fisherman.( )5、What does your father do? E、 He goes to work by bike十、读一读,补全句子(10分)1. _ does she do? She is a _ (邮递员).2. _ does he work? He _ at s

10、ea.3. What does your father do? _ is a _.(教练)4.What does your uncle do? He is a _ .(渔民)5. _does your father go to work? He _ to work _ .(骑自行车)十一、连词成句。(10分)1 .does, father, what, your, do (?)_2 .fisherman, is , mother, your, a (?) _3 .uncle, a, is, my, factory worker (.)_4 .does , father, where, work

11、, your (?)_5 .does , he, how, work, to, go (?)_十二补全对话。(5分)A. She is a doctor.B. How does she go to work?C. What does your father do?D. I want to be a pilot.E. Do you want to be a pilot, too?Bill: Hi! Mike! 1. _ Mike: He is a scientist. Bill: Does he like his job? Mike: Yes, but hes very busy.Bill: W

12、hat about your mother? Mike: 2. _Bill: Oh, doctors always work hard. Mike: Yes, but it is interesting. Bill: 3. _ Mike: She goes to work by bus.Bill: What are you going to do when you grow up (长大)? Mike: 4. _Bill: Its cool. Mike: 5. _ Bill: No, I want to be a writer.十三阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的打“T”,不符合的打“F”。(5分)Jim lives in a city with his wife. He is a police officer. He works in a police. It is not far from his home, so he goes to work on foot every day. His wife is a worker, she works in a factory. Its far from her home, she goes to work by car. When she drives the car, she is very



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