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1、外研版小学英语六年级下测试题精品文档外研版小学英语六年级(下)Module1测试题题号一 二三四五六总分得分一、单项选择(每小题2分,共20分)。( )1、I eat a hot dog ? A want B、 want to C like D an ( )2、She a hamburger,too. A 、want B wants C wants to D want to( )3、How much is it ? Its fourteen 。 A 、cent B、 yuans C pound D cents( )4、Can I have mooncake? A、 any B some C l

2、ot of D three( )5、当朋友在你家吃饭时,你可以说: A at more B help yourself C Youre welcome D Dont be shy.( )6、Iwant,please.AaglasswaterBa waterCtwoglasswaterDaglassofwater()7、We used to cook fire . _A 、with B on C in D at ( ) 8、Do you know about the famous sport star Liu Xiang? _ .A Yes, I dont know about very wel

3、l.B Yes, I know about him.C No, I know him.D No, I know about very well.( )9、The bookshop is your left .A、 next B next to C to( )10、 The bus station is your left.A、in B on C at 二、选择配伍。(每小题2分,共16分)。从栏中找出栏每个句子恰当的答语,并将标号填入题前括号内。()1、what can I do for you? A How nice! I like it!( )2、This present is for y

4、ou. B I want a cola.( )3、 Whats your favourite fruit? C watermelon.( )4、 How much is it ? D Yes, of course.( )5、Excuse me! E Its my pleasure.( )6、Where is train 9? F Its up the hill. ( )7、 Thank you! G Yes?( )8、May I come in? H Its three cents.三、补全对话,(共10分)从方框中选出句子完成对话,并将答案写在空白处。AYes B Let me try.C

5、Hi D What are you doing E Where is it now?A: , Tom .B: Hi, Li Ming. A: Im playing with my toy train.B: A: Its at the station.B: Oh, Its moving; its going up the hill.A: , Its going past the house now.B: Its going back the station now.Its interesting. A: .四、阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分)阅读短文,然后完成文后问题。Joe is my lit

6、tle brother. He is six years old now .He has big eyes and a small mouth. He is short, He wants to be a wrier. He often borrows books from me.One day, he is ill. My mother takes him to the hospital. The doctor asks the nurse give him an injection(打针)。Joe cries for a long time ,“Dearson,dont cry, You

7、will feel better after a while.” My mother says .when my mother gives money to the nurse, Joe says angrily, “No, She hurt me, She made me cry, she should give me some money!”( )36、 How old is Joe ? A seven B five C one D six ( )37、Is Joe tall? A Yes, he is. B No, she isnt. C No, he isnt. D No, he is

8、.( )38、What does Joe want to be ? A a teacher B a doctor C a policeman. D a writer.( )39、Who takes Joe to the hospital? A uncle B my mother C my father D my sister.( )40、 Does Joe cry when he has the injection? A Yes, he does. B No, he doesnt .C No, he does. D Yes, she does.五、单词拼写,(每题2分,共20分)根据所给句子及

9、单词首字母完成单词,使句意完整。1、Whats a hot dog ? Is it r a dog? (真的)2、Its thirteen d and twenty-five cents.(美元)3、This hot dog l good .(看起来)4、What do you want to d ? (唱)5、V is good for your health.(蔬菜)6、I like to eat c .(鸡肉)7、Have you got c in England (筷子)9、 Theyre r a dragon boot.(划)10、Look, Im the fastest, Im t

10、he w (获胜者)六、读读画画。(20分)There is a desk, there are three eggs and a cup of milk .There is a cat under the desk .a boy is standing beside the desk.小学英语六年级(下)Module2测试题题号一 二三四五六总分得分一、单项选择。(每小题2分,共20分)()1、We are going to have breakfast 6:00 tomorrow, A、at B in C on D of ()2、 Its going to rain Thursday.A、

11、at B in C on D to ()3、 Go to bed and good night .A、speak B tell C tall D say ()4、The day after tomorrow is going to windy.A、/ B are C have D()5、 _How many birthdays are in January ?A January has three birthdays. B There is three birthdays. C There are three birthday in January D There are three birt

12、hdays in January()6、 Yesterday we a pair of socks .A、buy B buying C buyed D bought ()7、Mr. White often has supper at home.A an B / C the D a ()8、 is the weather? Windy.A What B How C Who D Which ()9、 Its rainy.A Is it rainy? B Is it going to rain?C How is the weather look like?D Whats the weather like?()10、 The weather in Beijing is today.A wind B sun C rain D snowy.二、连线。(每小题2分,共20分1、 What time is it ? A Yes, you can.2、 Where will you meet ? B She is running.3、 Happy New Year. C Happy New Year.4、Do you want some juice? D All right!5、 Can I have some soup? E Im from China.6



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