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1、,2,Table of Contents目录,3 18 43 93 122,Part 1Project Background and Market Analysis项目背景及市场分析,3,Escort: Model Escort:典范,Became a perfect model of family car with free drive in 1968, with the European sales of over 16 million cars. 1968年,欧洲销量超过1600万,成为家庭车和超强驾驭完美结合的典范。 In the 1960s, created a precedent

2、of Ford in the UK, cumulative sales of more than 4 million cars in the past three decades. 1960年代,开创了福特在英国畅销的先河,三十多年累计销量达400多万。 Won the consecutive RAC Rally (renamed later) championship from 1975 to 1979. 1975年至1979年,连续赢得了后来改为英国拉力赛的 RAC Rally 赛事的冠军。 Won the WRC manufactures championship in 1979. 19

3、79年,获得1979年WRC的厂商冠军。 In 2013, Escort concept car debuted stunningly in the Shanghai International Auto Show. 2013年,Escort概念车在上海国际车展全球首次惊艳亮相。,4,Replace the classic Fox to form a double car strategy with the new Fox Enhance the Ford brand competitiveness in the mid-grade car market Fulfill the “Endles

4、s Progress” promise 替代经典福克斯,与新福克斯形成双车战略 提升福特品牌在中级车市场的竞争力 体现”进无止境”的品牌承诺,New model of the Chinese family car tailored by Changan Ford based on its global platform technology advantages 长安福特基于全球平台技术优势、专为中国家庭量身定制的家轿新典范,5,Ford Escort福特 福睿斯Create the Future Together New Model of Family Car共创未来家轿新典范,6,Targ

5、et market 市场目标,Establish the “New Model Family Car (NMFC)” brand awareness and reputation 建立”新典范家轿”品牌知名度与美誉度 Complete the annual sales target of 235,024 cars (3.8% market share) 完成235,024台年度销售目标(市场份额3.8) Average market share 2015- 2023 of 3% 2015-2023平均市场份额达到3% Monthly sales of 20,000 cars 月销量20000台

6、,7,8,Enterprising debut in 2015, 2015年进取登场, Facing with fierce competition in the mid-grade car market, 面对中级车市场的激烈竞争 How will Escort successfully replace the classic Fox, and drive the Changan Ford sales into a new height? 福睿斯如何顺利取代经典福克斯,将长安福特销量提升到新的高度?,Macro markets,9,Increasing female owners with

7、different preferences,Car demand is suppressed in the first- and second-tier cities, but with a huge potential in other tier cities,The generation after the 1980s / 1990s has gradually become the main consumer,They have become a pivotal power of new car demand Focusing on safety and appearance, they

8、 have more economical considerations,Womens purchase considerations more from entertainment and family; Women are more concerned about the safety and appearance.,New car demand concentrating in the third and fourth tier cities Cheap car of RMB 80,000 - 120,000 has the highest demand in low tier citi

9、es,宏观市场,10,女性车主增加,对汽车偏好有所不同,一二线城市用车需求受到抑制,低线城市潜力巨大,80/90后逐渐成为市场消费的主体,80/90后消费者成为新车需求举足轻重的力量 在注重安全性和外观的同时,80/90后也有较多经济性的考虑,女性购车更多从娱乐和家庭角度考虑; 女性更关注安全性和外观;,新增的汽车购买需求集中在三、四线城市 8-12万元的经济型汽车在低线城市的需求最高,Competitive analysis 竞争分析,In the mid-grade car market, four major competitors have adopted a multi-brand

10、strategy to seize market share, about 5.8% market share for the Ford double-car strategy. 在中级车市场,四大主要竞争厂商均采用多品牌策略抢占市场份额,福特双车策略市场份额约占5.8%。 Escorts competitors are locked as: Bora, Langdong, Yuedong, and Cruze; 福睿斯的竞争对手锁定为:宝来、朗动、悦动、科鲁兹; Appearance, cost performance, interior space and fuel consumption

11、 are these competitors main selling points. 外观、性价比、内部空间、油耗是竞品的主要购买理由。 Elantra and Cruze have an obvious advantage on appearance; the Korean-competing products are short in durability and safety, but an obvious fuel-consumption advantage. 朗动和科鲁兹的外观具有明显优势;韩系竞品耐用度、安全是短板,油耗具有明显优势。,11,Competitive market

12、position 竞争市场定位,12,New Bora Always interesting life 新宝来时刻趣动生活,Yuedong Enjoy life 悦动进享人生,Langdong Bright from you mind, dynamic on the shape 朗动朗于心 动于型,Cruze - Technology wisdom 科鲁兹科技智慧,Market strategy 市场策略,Emphasis on the “NMFC” concept 强调“新典范家轿”概念 Breakout differences, stress suitable for Chinese fa

13、mily 差异化突围 强调适用中国家庭,13,Product positioning,14,New Model of Family Car,产品定位,家轿新典范(NMFC),15,16,PR goals 2014,17,2014年公关目标,Part 2Communication Strategies and Concept Interpretation传播策略及概念解读,18,Review the Escort propagation 2014,Took third-party CCTV authoritative media reports as the principal propagat

14、ion line throughout the year, making a stronger endorsement for the propagation of Escorts “NMFC” positioning and product selling points. Highly interactivity and multitudinousness, widely disseminating through the media cooperation, transferring the emotional “Happy Family” concept to laid an emoti

15、onal foundation for new car launch.,19,2014福睿斯传播回顾,利用央视权威媒体第三方报告作为全年传播主线,为福睿斯“新典范家轿”定位和产品卖点的传播做强背书。 互动性强,形式多样,通过媒体合作进行广泛传播,感性传递“幸福家庭”理念,为新车上市奠定情感基础。,20,21,1,2,3,As can be seen, it is relatively independent between “NMFC” and “Happy Family” in the 14-year theme propagation 没有具体阐释“新典范家轿”须对应的五大品质,It is

16、 not clear enough for the relationship between “NMFC” and “Happy Family” 没有具象化新典范家轿对应人群和家庭形象,“Happy Family” and “NMFC” would give people the impression of two concepts / two main lines “幸福家庭”与”新典范家庭”会给人两个概念/两条主线的感觉,Therefore, it is suggested to uniformly use the “New Model Family (NMF)” concept and further strengthen the correlation between “NMF” and “NMFC”. 因此,建议在后续传播过程中,统一使用“新典范家庭”的概念, 并进一步加强新典范家庭与新典范家轿概念之间的关联。后续传播有效触及3-6线人群,Chevrolet Cruze Focus dissemination: rapid


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