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1、译林英语六年级下Unit4单元卷精品文档 译林小学英语六下 Unit 4 单元试卷Name_ Class_听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)( )1. A. safety B. safelyC. safe( )2. A. mustB. fastC. just( )3. A. rightB. lightC. night( )4. A. rules B. rulerC. road( )5. A. easily B. eatC. easy( )6. A. wentB. wantC. wait( )7. A. mean B. meatC. clean( )8. A. a fe

2、w B. a littleC. a lot of( )9. A. zebra crossingB. traffic lightC. cross safely( )10.A. look for B. look out ofC. look out for二、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的应答。(5分) ( )1. A. It means you can cross the road. B. It means you cant cross the road.C. It means the man is red.( )2. A. No, we cant. Its very dangerous. B.

3、No, but we can walk slowly.C. Yes, because the car will wait for us.( )3. A. No, we neednt. B. Yes, we must. C. No, we can cross the road quickly.( )4. A. Thank you. B. Thats all right. C. No, Im busy.( )5. A. Its in front of the cinema. B. Yes, its in front of the cinema. C. Theres a bus stop.三、听短文

4、,根据所提的问题,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )1. Where does Li Mings uncle live? A. Near Nanjing. B. On a farm. C. Next to Li Mings home.( )2. When did Li Ming and his friends visit his uncle? A. Last Saturday. B. Next Sunday. C. Last Sunday.( )3. What did Li Mings uncle show to the boys? A. Some cows. B. Some fruit tree

5、s. C. Many photos.( )4. What did they do on that day? A. Picked some fruit. B. Fed the animals. C. Cooked some fish.( )5. What was the weather like? A. It was cold. B. It was hot. C. It was warm.三、听录音,完成短文。(5分) How can you _ the road _? You _look for the _ crossing. Then , you must look at the _ _ a

6、nd _ for the green man. You must not run _ on the road and you _ cant play on the road, _ there many cars and bikes.笔试部分(70分)一、选出与所给单词画线部分读音不同的一项。(5分) A B C D( ) 1.table vegetable cake wait( ) 2.light little find side ( ) 3. come welcome honey son( ) 4. watched washed stopped waited ( ) 5. know wind

7、ow cow throw二、根据首字母或图片提示以及句意完成句子。(5分) 1. Look! Heres the red man. We cant cross the . 2. Its a busy street. You m skate.3. The student must the rules at school.4. Do you feel s in the afternoon? Yes, I went to bed late last night.5. -What must we do to cross the street?- We must wait for the green l

8、 .三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)1. The teacher can answer the questions _ (easy).2. Wei Hua _ (meet) Yang Ling on River Road this morning.3. We should keep _ (health).4. You must stay _ (safe) on the road and cross it _ (safe).5. The bus is _ (stop) on the road.四、选择题。(10分)( ) 1. Look, the bus is coming. Lets _

9、it. A. get on B. get off C. get away( ) 2. -How is the traffic in this street? - _. A. Its always busy.B. There are many traffic lights.C. There are many signs. ( ) 3. A good student must _ in class. A. listens to the teacherB. listening to the teacher C. listen to the teacher( ) 4. Hello, _ Yang Li

10、ng. Is that Su Hai? A. I am B. you are C. this is( ) 5. It is safe to cross the road _. A. at the bus stop B. at the zebra crossing C. at the traffic lights( ) 6. -What do you know about road _? - We must follow the rules and stay _ on the road. A. safe, safely B. safety, safe C. safety; safely( ) 7

11、. _ we wait when the man is red? A. Can B. Do C. Must( ) 8. How do we _your house. -You can take a taxi. A. to get B. get C. get to( ) 9. In Hong Kong, people drive on the _ of the road. A. right side B. between C. left side ( ) 10. He is _ his schoolbag now. It was on the bed just now. A. looking o

12、ut B. looks for C. looking for 五、从下列方框内选择词组并用适当的形式填空。(5分)on the right side of; be good for; a rest; on the left side of; show to ; showaround 1. Im walking too fast and I need .2. In Hong Kong people dont drive _ _ the road.3. Having a healthy diet _ _ us.4. Tina her friends her house yesterday.六、排序。(5分)( ) Then, a policeman stopped me.(


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