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1、译林版五年级下册英语词汇精品文档第一课 灰姑娘 Unit1 Cinderella词汇why为什么because因为clothes衣服(通常作复数讲)let让prince王子princess公主fairy仙女fairies(复数)before在以前after在之后fit 合适,合身fits(三单)mushroom蘑菇mushrooms(复数)late迟的,晚的 (反义词)early早的pick拾,摘understand明白,理解put on 穿上have to 不得不=must必须(两者后面均接动词原形)take off 脱下try on 试穿(名词可以放try on中间或后面,代词只能放try

2、 on中间,并且用宾格)be bad for有害的leave离开leavebehind留下,丢下词组at the princes house在王子家help me帮助我help sb.帮助某人(sb用宾格)my gloves我的手套so sad如此悲伤go to the party去参加晚会the new clothes新衣服come back回来before 12 oclock在12点之前have a good time玩得高兴=have a lot of fun=have fun=play happilyat the party在晚会上every house每户人家try on 试穿in

3、the forest在森林里some mushrooms一些蘑菇under a tree在一棵大树下hurry up快点eat them吃它们pick a big red mushroom摘一个大的红蘑菇look so nice看上去如此漂亮be bad for有害的be good for有益的what a pity真遗憾my foot hurts我的脚受伤了,我的脚疼my feet hurt我的脚受伤了,我的脚疼leavebehind留下,丢下leave a shoe behind留下一只鞋leave rubbish behind 丢下垃圾句型Why are you so sad,dear?

4、亲爱的,你为什么如此难过?Because I cant go to the party.因为我不能去参加晚会。There is a party at the princes house.在王子家有一场晚会Come and help me!过来帮我。Where are my gloves?我的手套在哪儿?Let me help you.让我帮助你。Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes.灰姑娘穿上新衣服和鞋子。Cinderella has a good time at the party.灰姑娘在晚会上玩得很高兴。Finally,Cinderel

5、la tries it on.最后,灰姑娘试穿了它。Do you have any snacks?你有一些零食吗?Would you like one?你想要一个吗?Oh,what a pity!哦,真遗憾!第二课 你怎么去学校 How do you come to school?词汇moon月亮near在.附近(反义词)far frombeside在旁边bus公共汽车,巴士 buses(复数)taxi出租车,的士taxies(复数)plane飞机city城市 cities(复数)street街道,街by乘(汽车,火车等)metro地铁=subway地铁bike自行车=bicycle自行车tr

6、ain火车ship轮船boat小船show给看shows(三单)showing(现在分词)basket篮子ride骑车 rides(三单)riding(现在分词)young年幼的old年老的词组big cities大城市your new home你的新家live on Moon Street住在月亮街look at the moon赏月eat moon cakes吃月饼on foot步行by bus 乘公共汽车=take a busby metro乘地铁=take a metroby taxi乘出租车=take a taxifar from离远be far from离远come to scho

7、ol来学校live near school住在学校附近a taxi driver一位出租车司机like riding喜欢骑车show around带领参观showto把给看show sth to sb=show sb sth把某物给某人看,给某人看某物(sb用宾格)give sth to sb=give sb sth把某物给某人(sb用宾格)by bike骑自行车=ride a bike=ride bikesin the basket在篮子里a basket of一篮子a new bike一辆新自行车in the park在公园里go to school去上学go home回家go there

8、去那里get there到达那里too young太年轻a young man一个年轻人think so这样认为dont think so不这样认为doesnt think so不这样认为句型How do you come to school?你怎样来学校?I come to school on foot.我步行来学校。Do you like your new home,Su Hai?你喜欢你的新家吗,苏海?But its far from school.但它离学校很远。Where do you live now?你现在住在哪儿?I live on Moon Street,near City

9、Library.我住在月亮街,市图书馆附近。Su Yang and I come to school by bus.我和苏阳乘公共汽车来学校。I come to school by metro.我乘地铁来学校。He likes riding it in the park.他喜欢在公园里骑它。Bobby wants to show his bike to Sam.波比想要把他的自行车给萨姆看。Can I go to school by bike?我可以骑自行车去学校吗?Bobbys dad does not think so.波比的爸爸可不这样认为。第三课 问路 Asking the way词汇

10、take搭乘walk走,步行shop商店stop车站station车站hospital医院zoo动物园sun太阳bookshop书店cinema电影院full满的film电影along沿着,顺着supermarket超市over结束了,完了词组get on上车get off下车ask the way问路get to到达walk to步行到next to在旁边askfor help向求助get along沿着走take the metro乘地铁on the street在街道上come out of从出来excuse me劳驾,对不起turn right向右转at the traffic lig

11、hts在交通灯处see a new film看一部新电影wait for等候go to the cinema去电影院too many cars太多的汽车be over结束on your right在你的右侧go to City Cinema去市电影院at the bus stop在公共汽车站台get in a taxi在出租车上in the street在街道上too late太迟了句型Excuse,how do I get to?打扰一下,我怎样才能到达?You can get on the metro at 你可以在乘地铁You can get on the bus at你可以在坐公共汽车

12、Then,walk to然后,步行到Then,go along然后,沿着走Get off at City Library Station.从市图书馆站出来She asks a policeman for help.她向一位警察求助。Turn right at the traffic lights.在交通灯处向右转。You can see the bookshop on your right.你能在你的右侧看到那家书店。Lets go to the cinema by taxi.让我们乘出租车去电影院吧。Were too late,Bobby!我们太迟了,波比。第四课 看医生 Seeing th

13、e doctor词汇feel感觉should应该toothache牙疼anything任何东西check检查dentist牙医bedtime就寝时间neck脖子giraffe长颈鹿词组have a rest休息see the doctor看医生,看病feel cold感觉冷at home在家drink some warm water喝些温水see the dentist看牙医brush ones teeth刷牙before bedtime就寝前come to see him来看他help them帮助他们have a headache头疼have a fever发烧take some medi

14、cine服些药have a toothache牙疼eat a lot of sweets吃许多糖果in the morning在早上in the hospital在医院be happy to很高兴.come to the hospital来到医院point at 指向,指着his long neck他的长脖子句型Whats wrong with you?你怎么了?I have a fever/headache/cold/toothache我发烧/头疼/感冒/牙疼You should你应该You shouldnt 你不应该She goes to see the doctor.她去看医生。Let me check.让我检查一下。You should have a rest at home.你应当在家休息。I cant e



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