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1、,Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,One of students stand in front of the class,the teacher shows students verb phrases,he/she act it out, and the other students guess “What is he/she doing?”,Lets play a guessing game.,规则,过去进行时Past Progressive Tense,过去进行时: 表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。 谓语形

2、式是: was/were + v-ing形式,Conclusion,规则,过去进行时,常见时间状语: at nine oclock yesterday 、 at this time yesterday 、 this morning、the whole morning、all day yesterday、from nine to ten last evening等等,Conclusion,1a Where were the people at the time of the rainstorm? Match the statements with the people in the pictur

3、e.,1a Where were the people at the time of the rainstorm? Match the statements with the people in the picture.,在的时候,1a Where were the people at the time of the rainstorm? Match the statements with the people in the picture.,1. _ I was in the library. 2. _ I was in my house. 3. _ I was on the street.

4、 4. _ I was at the bus stop.,b,d,c,a,1b Listen to the TV report and circle the correct responses.,a. doing my homework / studying b. playing basketball / reading c. going to work / waiting for the bus d. walking home / shopping,She was reading at home.,Look at the pictures and answer the questions b

5、y using “was/were + doing”.,What was your sister doing at the time of the rainstorm?,Speaking,He _.,What was your brother doing at the time of the rainstorm?,was doing his homework,He _.,What was your father doing at the time of the rainstorm?,was playing basketball,Look and say,When I , it was doin

6、g,When I called him up, it was doing sports.,While I ,He was doing,While I was sleeping, he was eating.,Have A Try,When it ,They were doing,When it walked,they were playing football.,Have A Try,While they ,I did,While they were fighting with each other ,I slept.,Have A Try,Compare “when” with “while

7、”,2. When the teacher came in,Lily was reading aloud. While Lily was reading aloud, the teacher came in.,1. When the rainstorm came ,I was dancing. While I was dancing, the rainstorm came.,=,=,Target Language,when “当.时候” 后面跟的动作不延续, 常跟一般过去时 When the UFO took off, the boy was taking photos. while “当.时

8、候” 后面跟的动作延续, 常跟过去进行时 While the boy was taking photos, the UFO took off.,Fill in the blanks with “while” and “when”.,1. Tom was eating supper, it began to rain outside.,2. What were you doing, Mr. Zhou came in?,3. Peter was sleeping, a thief broke into his house.,4. She left her hometown she was five

9、.,when,when,While,While,Game,When the teacher came in ,I was writing a letter. While she was writing a letter ,I was reading a book. While he was reading a book ,I was ,For example,showtime,一选择填空 1. what _you _ at this time yesterday? A. did;do B. are ;doing C. were;doing D.do;do 2. _I was studying

10、in the library,Mike called me . A. Before B. What C. How D.While,Exercise,3. I met Mr. Li_ I was leaving the library. A. when B. until C. after D. while 4. Who knows_ next? Nobody knows , I think. A. what can we do B. what we can do C. can we do what D.we can do what,Exercise,1. I _ (cook) dinner wh

11、en my daughter came back home yesterday.,2. Look! A cat _ (climb) up the tree.,3. John _ (walk) to school every day.,was cooking,is climbing,walks,二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。,Exercise,4. John was climbing the tree when a man _ (see) him.,5. I _ (be) a teacher in five years.,saw,will be,/am going to be,Exercise,

12、Fill with “While” or “When”,1._ May was talking on the phone, her sister walked in. 2._ _ Rita bought her new dog, it was wearing a little coat. 3._ I saw Carlos, he was wearing a green shirt. 4. _ Linda finally saw Davy , he was jumping with a dog .,Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,授课人:蔡育伟,We can go as far as we can imagine it,Thanks for listening!,


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