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1、考研英语完形填空电子教材主讲:李玉技欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材教材说明:本电子教材word文档下面的页码跟教材完全一样,学员只需根据老师说的多少页找到相应的页面学习即可。请提前预习、认真学习、及时复习,祝广大考研学子考研成功!Passage1(1996年) Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man. They do not provide energy,

2、41 do they construct or build any part of the body. They are needed for 42 foods into energy and body maintenance. There are thirteen or more of them, and if 43 is missing a deficiency disease becomes 44 . Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements usually carbon, hydrogen, oxyg

3、en, and 45 nitrogen. They are different 46 their elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin 47 one or more specific functions in the body. 48 enough vitamins is essential to life, although the body has no nutritional use for 49 vitamins. Many people, 50 . believe in being on the safe side a

4、nd thus take extra vitamins. However, a well-balanced diet will usually meet all the body s vitamin needs.41.AeitherBsoCnor Dnever42.AshiftingBtransferringCalteringDtransforming43.AanyBsomeCanythingDsomething44.AseriousBapparentCsevereDfatal45.AmostlyBpartiallyCsometimesDrarely46.Ain thatBso thatCsu

5、ch thatDexcept that47.AundertakesBholdsCplaysDperforms48.ASupplyingBGettingCProvidingDFurnishing49.AexceptionalBexceedingCexcessDexternal50.AneverthelessBthereforeCmoreoverDmeanwhile Passage 2(1997年) Manpower Inc, with 560,000 workers, is the worlds largest temporary employment agency. Every morning

6、, its people 41 into the offices and factories of America, seeking a days work for a days pay. One day at a time. 42 industrial giants like General Motors and IBM struggle to survive 43 reducing the number of employees, Manpower, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is booming. 44 its economy continues to

7、 recover, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part-timers and temporary workers. This 45 work force is the most important 46 in American business today, and it is 47 changing the relationship between people and their jobs. The phenomenon provides a way for companies to remain globally compet

8、itive 48 avoiding market cycles and the growing burdens 49 by employment rules, healthcare costs and pension plans. For workers it can mean an end to the security, benefits and sense of 50 that came from being a loyal employee.41.A swarmB strideC separateD slip42.A ForB BecauseC AsD Since43.A fromB

9、inC onD by44.A Even thoughB Now thatC If onlyD Provided that45.A durableB disposableC availableD transferable46.A approachB flowC fashionD trend47.A instantlyB reverselyC fundamentallyD sufficiently48.A butB whileC andD whereas49.A imposedB restrictedC illustratedD confined50.A excitementB convictio

10、nC enthusiasmD importancePassage 3(1998年) Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 41 that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the 42 man. But they insisted that its 43 results during the period from 1750 to 1850

11、were widespread poverty and misery for the 44 of the English population. 45 contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650 to 1750, when England was still a 46 agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity. This view, 47 . is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists

12、 48 history and economics, have 49 two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was 50 by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace.41.A admittedB believedC claimedD predicted42.A plainB averageC

13、 meanD normal43.A momentaryB promptC instantD immediate44.A bulkB hostC grossD magnitude45.A onB WithC ForD By46.A broadlyB thoroughlyC generallyD completely47.A howeverB meanwhileC thereforeD moreover48.A at B inC aboutD for49.A manifestedB approvedC shownD speculated50.A notedB impressedC labeledD markedPassage 4(1999年) Industrial safety does not just happen. Companies 41 low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them 42 and active. When the work is well done, a 43



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