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4、BSTRACTABSTRACT:Since the adoption of refornl and opening policies,the quantity ofChinese cities have increased dramatically with the rapid progress of urbanizationAmong the boom cities,over 90are small and medium sizeIn order to make theprogress develop healthily and sustainably,it is not only of v

5、ital necessity forpromoting domestieneed and improving peopleS lives,to make a good estatedevelopment,but alSO considered as an important event conceming the coordinationdevelopment of the regional economy and peopleS lives of the countryThis thesis based on the coordination development of the re#on

6、al economy,analyzed the present situation and problems of the small and mediumsized citiesestate market development and also puts forward the corresponding solutionsIn themeantime,an objective assession for the development potention is given,SO as tomake good use of the favorable factors in the futu

7、re exploration and facilitate itshealthy development,in order to achieve the goal of increasing the quality of peopleSlives and the coordination development of the regional economy Based on su伍cientconsiderations concerning the cities,such as the sectional position,economicdevelopment 1ever,administ

8、rative division of the cities and SO on,this thesis takesZhang Jia Kou as the research object to make a thorough analysis of the developmenttendency of the civic economy and the present situation of“needsupplyin the estatemarket as well as the development potentionThis provides with SH伍cient and pot

9、entfacts for the thesisThe main theory and relevant regulations concerned in this thesis are as follows:methods and consequency analysis of the market research;Location theory ofregional economy;planning theory of small medium-sized cities;land policy andfinancial policy in recent years and SO onThe

10、 research of this thesis will be helpful in filling the blank of the smalI andmedium-sized cities estate marketSpeak in concrete termsthis thesis made positiveexploration in the following aspectsFirst,take the small and mediumsized cities estate market as the obj ects of study,make use of data on la

11、nd,estate development,bargaining,market survey and SO on,analyzed the current developmental situation and the characteristics of our countryssmall and mediumsized cities eatate comprehensivelySecondhas established the basic model of the small and mediumsized citiesestate investment policy-making,nam

12、ely“land supply analysismarket supply anddemand level determinationinvestment risk analysismanagement strategy111e research indicated that:The small and mediumsized cities estate market isunstable,easily influenced by outside factors;the market capcity is limited,but thequality of the products has w

13、ide promotion space;with the urbanization speeds up,universally speaking,the development potentiality of the small and medium-sizedcities estate market is big,has a bigger development spaceIf performs the suitableguidance,combine self-development with the way in which deppend on external aidsj匕塞銮通叁堂

14、壹些亟堂焦论室旦墨至壁!On macroscopic,to hold the urban,development localization;on microscopic,tostandardize enterprise behavior and to draw attention to the details of the products,thesinail and mediumsized cities estate market then may develop to a healthier andstabler directionAs one of the national pillar

15、 industries,its development willcertainty to promote the economical development of the wholere西011KEYWORDS:sinail and mcdiumsized cities,estate,current situation of market,developmental potentiality学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解北京交通大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。特授权北京交通大学可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,并采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编以供

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