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1、小学英语科普版六年级下册英语练习(Lesson1)精品文档六年级下册英语练习题(Lesson1) 班级: 姓名: 一、根据汉语意思,补全下面单词:1、m ddle(中间) 2、sh t(衬衫) 3、far_ _ er (更远的) 4、t l(高的) 5、w ld(世界) 6、sh_ _ t(呼喊) 7、 f(如果) 8、f_ _st(第一、首先) 9、b_ li_ve( 相信)二、写出下列短语的汉语意思。1、in front of 2、look for 3、much stronger 4、go on 5、climb up 6、get down 7、go out 8、in the world 三

2、、写出下列各形容词的比较级和最高级。tall small long fast old high fat thin big busy heavy hot 四、选择填空。( )1、He is than me. .A、tall B、taller C、tallest( )2、Who is in your class? A、older B、oldest C、the oldest ( )3、He is _ stronger than me.A、very B、much C、too( )4、Look!The one the yellow T-shirt .A、on B、with C、in( )5、 his w

3、ay,he first meets a little monkey.A、In B、At C、On( )6、- runs fastest in your class?- Liu Wei runs fastest.A、What B、Who C、How middle Sunday ears smaller shirt Monday taller 五、看图,选用所给的词填空。2015年3月星期日 1、_ is the first day of the week.2、Look! The giraffe is much _ than the elephant.3、The elephant has two

4、big _.4、Kate is in the _ of the three girls.5、Whose _ is this? 六、仿照例句改写句子。e.g. Dongdong is taller than Tom. Jack is taller than Dongdong. Jack is the tallest of the three boys.1.Kate is older than Jane. Eve is older than Kate. 2.Ted is fatter than Tim. Dick is fatter than Ted. 3.Mingming is cleverer than Binbin. Lele is cleverer than Mingming. 4.Mike runs faster than Jim. John runs faster than Mike. 5.Mu Li works harder than Mr Zhang. Mr Wang works harder than Mr Li. 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


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