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1、自然环境与词汇,组员:蒋静 刘玥 胡丹娅,England,boat,表示船的词语: boat ship barge 游艇 brig 双桅船 canoe 独木舟 ferry 渡船 fleet 舰队 freighter 货船 punt 平底船 schooner 纵帆船 skiff 小艇 steamer 汽船 trawler 渔船 ferryboat 渡船 sailboat 帆船 warship 军舰 storeship 商船 steamship 汽船,sea,at sea 茫然 sweep the seas 横扫海上一切敌人 at full sea 满潮;极端 half seas over 酒喝太

2、多 head the sea 迎浪行驶 with the four seas 大不列颠 empty the sea with a spoon 海底捞针 between the devil and the deep sea 进退两难 a sea of troubles 无穷的麻烦 seas of blood 大流血;大屠杀,fish,a big fish 大人物 a dull fish 迟钝的人 a loose fish 放荡不羁的人 April fish 愚人节受愚弄者 drink like a fish 很会喝酒 have other fish to fry 还有别的 事要做 as mute

3、 as a fish 默不作声 fish in troubled water 浑水摸鱼 like a fish out of water 像离水之鱼,浑身不自在,岛国文化特点的谚语和格言,A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. Many drops of water will sink the ship. Fish begins to stink at the head. Rat desert a sinking ship.,bread,bread and cheese bread and water bread and butter earn

4、ones bread beg ones bread out of bread take the bread out of sbs mouth quarrel with ones bread and butter eat the bread of idleness,Pub Culture,Good wine needs no bush. Wine and judgement mature with age. There are lees to every wine. In wine there is truth. Wine makes all kinds of creatures at tabl

5、e.,horse,talk horse work like a willing horse as strong as a horse You may take a horse to water,but you may not make him drink.,America,航海,All abroad! burn ones boat in the same boat sail ones own boat catch the tide stem a tide tide over in deep waters Its hard sailing when there is no wind. float

6、ing: floating capital floating population floating supply floating trade,美国的州名,Kentucky 肥沃的牧草地 Massachusetts 在大山附近 Mississippi 大河 Ohio 美丽的河 Missouri 众水之父 Arizona 水源稀少的地方 Arkansas 地面的微风 Florida 花的土地 Colorado 红色的土地 Alaska 广大的土地,车轮上的国家,backseat driver wheeler-dealer free-wheel fifth wheel at the wheel

7、go on wheels grease the wheels wheels within wheels,tall,在英国,人们用tall 指“高大”或“崇高”之意 在美国,tall还有“不同寻常”、“巨大的”、“大量的”的意思。 如 tall grass country(西部草原地带)、tall timber(深山野地)、tall water man(远洋海员) 这跟英国地域的狭小拥挤而美国西部的宽阔无边和人烟稀少的自然环境有关,Australia,特有的动植物单词,kangaroo 袋鼠 emu 鸸鹋 joey 幼袋鼠 wombat 袋熊 koala 树熊 bandicoot 袋狸 plat

8、ypus 鸭嘴兽 goanna 巨蜥 jumbuck 绵羊 eucalypt 桉树 gumtree 渡海桉树 kurrajong 异叶瓶树 bunya 大叶南洋杉 boree 垂枝相思树 waratah 特洛皮,kurrajong 异叶瓶树 bunya 大叶南洋杉 boree 垂枝相思树 waratah 特洛皮 kangaroo apple 澳大利亚茄 kangaroo court 袋鼠法庭 carry a joey 怀孕 sit like a koala 静如树熊,骑在羊背上的国家,nowler 难剪的羊 barebelly 发育不良的羊 flytrap 肮脏不堪的羊 gunshearer

9、剪羊毛行家 flyer 动作飞快的剪毛工 snagger 马虎的剪羊毛工 pen 蓄栏 muster 赶拢牲畜 station 牧场 plains 牧场;草地,Lazy English,uni-university demo-demonstration intro-introduction info-information oppo-opportunity roo-kangaroo vegies-vegetables hollies-holidays footy-football telly-television,creek,传统英语中指“小湾”、“小溪”,由于澳大利亚天气干旱,creek在澳

10、语中失去“小海湾”的词义,含小溪之意,又因小溪经常干涸,creek又有“河床”之意,bush(丛林) 在澳语中指森林,是澳大利亚农村的代名词 bushranger(乡下人)bushcraft(乡间生活知识和技能) bush lawyer(自以为很懂法律的人) bush tucker(粗茶淡饭)a real bushy (不明事理的人) bush it under the stars(野营),Canada,冰雪之国,cold:skin ice black ice snow blindness skid: skid road ski-doo hit the skids be on the skids grease the skids hockey: hockey stick slap shot deke offside onside face-off,特有自然环境,muskeg 泥炭沼泽 coulee 峡谷,底地 chinook 从海上吹来的潮湿而温暖的风 fiddlehead羊齿卷牙,传统英语转义 hydro-bill hydro service,Thank you,


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