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1、小学四年级英语句型转换精品文档四年级英语单项练习改变句型 班级_ 姓名_一 划线提问1) There are six boys. _2) Its a circle. _3) The bag is forty yuan. _4) Alices got three balls. _5) They are in the pond. _6) Tom is under the tree. _7) I have got some biscuits. _8) Frogs like bees. _9) He has got two cars. _10) The mouses teeth are sharp.

2、_11) That is Bens block. _二 把下列句子改成一般疑问句1) There is a pencil in the desk. _2) Eddie has got some books. _3) They are my friends. _4) Ben and Tom can ride bicycles. _5) I like ladybirds. _6) I have got a new balloon. _三 把下列句子改成否定句1) The skateboards are black. _2) Close the door. _3) Is there any flou

3、r in the bag? _4) My father and I like fish. _5) Its branches are long.(意思不变,改否定句) _6) Do you like moths? _四 其他1) Are they circles? Yes, they are.(单数) _2) Are there any sheep?(肯定句) _3) There are some aviaries in the park.(单数) _4) Dont pick the flowers.(意思不变,换种说法) _5) Dont throw stones.(肯定句) _6) I ha

4、ve got a camera.(用Kitty代替I) _7) Do tigers like meat?(肯定句) _四年级英语单项练习适当形式填空 班级_ 姓名_1. That is _ (my) mother. She is a _ (waiter).2. _ (he) is a boy. _ (he) name is Ben.3. Sam is _ (us) dog.4. Look at _ (it) nose. _ (it) is big.5. Look at _ (she). _ (her) is under the tree.6. _ (me) dog likes to play

5、with _ (I).7. What _ (do) he _ (do)? He _ (be) a doctor.8. That man is _ (ambulance man).9. They are _ (milkman).10. Cindy is a _(dive)11. There are some _ (policeman) in the street.12. Jenny, is this _ (you) pencil?13. Super girl can _ (cook) dinner for me.14. _ (not open) the door. Its cold.15. Th

6、ese _ (child) have pets. They are _ (dog).16. The big box of _ (peach) is for my mother.17. How many _ (fly) are there in the cage?18. Our _ (bicycle) are new and big.19. Here are _ (old dress).20. The pupils have got_ (sunglass) for the picnic.21. _ (have) your friend got paints to draw?22. _ (do)

7、play in the fountain. Its dangerous.23. Eddies books _ (be) under his chair.24. There are some _ (packet) of crisps in my hands.25. The farmer has three _ (sheep) on the farm.26. The little child likes farm _ (animal) very much.27. Heres some _ (hay) for the horses.28. What do _ (duck) like to eat? Corn.29. Dont throw _ (stone) in the park.30. Let count the _ (flower).31. This is a bee. Its _ (wing) are not big.32. That is _ (butterfly). It is _ (insect).33. Whose toy is this? Its _ (Ted).34. My friends _ (not like) riding bicycles.收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除



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