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1、葛屯煤矿毕业设计说 明 书目 录目 录1摘 要3Summary4第一章 井田概述和井田地质特征6第一节 矿区概况6第二节 井田地质特征7第三节 煤层的埋藏特征10第二章 井田境界与储量13第一节 井田境界13第二节 地质储量的计算13第三节 可采储量的计算14第三章 矿井工作制度及生产能力15第一节 矿井工作制度15第二节 矿井生产能力及服务年限15第四章 井田开拓17第一节 井田开拓方式的确定17第二节 达到设计生产能力时工作面的配备21第五章 矿井基本巷道及建井计划23第一节 井筒、石门、与大巷23第二节 井底车场24第三节建井工作计划25第六章 采煤方法27第一节 采煤方法的选择27第二

2、节确定采(盘)区巷道布置和要素28第三节 回采工艺及劳动组织28第四节 采(盘)区的准备与工作面接替30第七章 井下运输32第一节 运输系统和运输方式的确定32第二节运输设备的选择和计算32第八章 矿井提升36第一节 主斜井中煤炭运输36第二节 副井提升40第三节 矿井排水41第九章 矿井通风与安全43第一节 风量的计算43第二节 矿井通风系统和风量分配49第三节计算负压及等积孔50第四节 选取扇风机54第五节 安全生产技术措施56第十章 经济部分59第一节 矿井设计概算59第二节 劳动定员和劳动生产率61第三节 综合评价69第四节 存在的主要问题及建议69参考文献71摘 要本次设计是开采葛屯

3、煤矿2号煤层,设计图纸共十四张,说明书共十章。根据采矿工程的需要和特点,重点设计为第四、六、九章,其他如井底车场、井下运输及提升设备仅做一般的选型计算。葛屯煤矿位于山西省翼城县西部、沁水煤田沁水盆地西南边缘,行政区划属翼城县葛屯镇管辖。其地理位置为北纬353845355000,东经11148451120152.5。区内交通十分方便。翼城县乡间公路(三级)从选定的矿井工业场地南缘通过,进场公路直接与该公路相接。经此公路往西南方向行约6km在北张村与晋(城)韩(城)公路相连,继而可通向全国各地 井田内主要含煤地层为二叠系下统山西组和石炭系上统太原组,共含煤11层,煤层总厚10.9m,含煤系数9.1


5、,矿井通风采用轴流式扇风机边界、抽出式通风方式。关键字:立井 带区式 倾斜长壁采煤方法 SummaryThis design is to mine Long to turn the coal mine No.2 coal seam, the design diagram paper is total 14, and the manual is total 10.According to mine for minerals engineering of demand and characteristics, point design is chapter 4, 6 and 9, other su

6、ch as the well bottom car field, well descend a conveyance and promote an equipments to only do to generally choose a calculation.The Long turns coal mine to be located on the west of the city county of the province wing of the mountain west, water basin southwest edge of the Qin water coal field Qi

7、n and the administrative area rows to belong to the wing city county Long to turn a town to rule over.Its geography position is a northern latitudes 35 s 38 s 45 s 35 s 50 s be 00 s, east longitude 111 s 48 s 45 s 112 s 01 s be 52.5 s.Transportation inside the area is very convenient.The wing city c

8、ounty countryside highway(x-rated) from make selection of the mineral well industrial place south good luck pass and enter a field the highway directly connects with that highway.Through this highway westwards southern to go about the 6 kms highway to connect with each other at north Zhang Cun and J

9、in(city) , subsequently can lead to the whole whole countryInside well farmland mainly contained coal geologic strata to two to fold to fasten all mountain west set and anthracites to fasten to up govern too at first set, totally contain the coal 11 F, the coal seam total thick 10.9 ms, contain coal

10、 coefficient 9.1%.Mainly can adopt the coal seam as mountain west set No.2 coal seam with too original cluster 9+ No.10 coal seam.The this mineral well design is mainly to mine No.2 coal seam.No.2 coal seam:The structure is simple and bury a stability, direct crest is mire rock or Tan quality mire r

11、ock, coal line and the powder sandstone compound layer, old crest is K8 sandstone, scaleboard is mire rock or sandstone.Within the scope of this well farmland, the coal seam thickness is a 0.464.37 ms, generally thick 3.20 ms, the well farmland greater half department can adopt and the east cant ado

12、pt.This well farmland divides the line to five dish areas and adopt a lord inclined pair sign well to expand a way, return to adopt the craft adoption countermarch type and adopt at a time whole high comprehensive the mechanization adopt a coal method and adopt the homework system of38 make.Work noo

13、dles of the equipments have a double to carry adjustable double rollers to adopt coal machine, slippery move a support and can curve to pare off plank conveyance machine, crusher, turn to carry machine.etc.Crest plank management adoption slippery move a support, adopt empty area the adoption all acr

14、osses to fall a method management a crest plank.Mineral wells transporting a big lane an adoption a leather belt conveyance be a lord conveyance and adopt continuous conveyance car Be assistance conveyance, mineral well well ventilated adoption the stalk flow type way with well ventilated breeze mac

15、hine boundary, draw out type.Keyword: Shaft Zone-type long-wall coal mining 第一章 井田概述和井田地质特征第一节 矿区概况矿区的地理位置及交通条件:葛屯井田位于山西省翼城县西部、沁水煤田沁水盆地西南边缘,行政区划属翼城县葛屯镇管辖。其地理位置为北纬353845355000,东经11148451120152.5。区内交通十分方便。翼城县乡间公路(三级)从选定的矿井工业场地南缘通过,进场公路直接与该公路相接。经此公路往西南方向行约6km在北张村与晋(城)韩(城)公路相连,继而可通向全国各地。矿区的工农业生产建设概况:本区工业主要有采煤、焦化、水泥、耐火材料、陶瓷等。农作物有玉米、谷子、药材、果品等。近年来林牧业有所发展。矿区电力供应基本概况:矿区电源一趟引自35kV变电站,另一趟引自翼城县110kv变电所。矿区的水文概:井田内无常年性河流,只有几条冲沟在雨季汇集雨水向西流出井田,最终汇入汾河。矿



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