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1、四年级上册英语期末复习笔记(1)精品文档新人教版四年级英语上册期末复习笔记Unit 11.“Wheres(=Where is) +单数名词或代词?”提问时,用“Its(It is) +表示地点的介词短语.”来回答。表示“在哪儿?”“它在。”例句:(1)A:Wheres my schoolbag? B:Its near the computer.(2)A:Where is it? B:Its near the window.(3)A:Where is the green book? B:It is under the teachers desk.2.“Whats(=What is)+表示地点的介

2、词短语?”意思是“有什么?”列举其中的事物来回答。例句:(1)A:Whats in the classroom? B:One blackboard,one TV,many desks and chairs (2)A:whats in it? B:Two doors,four lights,six windows3.“Whats this?”提问所指的事物名称。用“Its a/an .”回答。例句:A:Whats this? B:Its a bee.4.提建议用“Lets/Let us.”回答可以是“OK.”或其他。例句:(1)A:Lets clean the classroom. B:OK.

3、(2)A:Let me help you. B:Thank you.5.祈使句。以动词原形开头的句子,表达请求、命令或禁止等语气。例句:(1)Open the door. (2)Turn on the light. (3)Close the window. (4)Put up the picture. (5)Clean the blackboard.6.介绍某物用“This is.”开头. 例如:(1)This is the new classroom.(2)This is my classroom.(3)This is my room.7.其他句型。(1)We have a new clas

4、sroom.(2)Lets go and see!(3)I see a “c”.(4)I see an “e”.(5)The door is yellow.(6)The desks are green.(7)I like my classroom.(8)Theres a bee in our classroom.(9)Theres a bee on the blackboard.Unit 21.复习“Whats(=What is)+表示地点的介词短语?”意思是“有什么?”列举其中的事物来回答。例句:(1)A:Whats in your schoolbag? B:An English book,

5、 a Chinese book, a maths book and three storybooks. (2)A:Whats in your hand? B:Guess.2.用于an的一些名词及其短语 an egg 一个鸡蛋;an English book 一本英语书an orange schoolbag 一个橙色的书包3.名词复数的情况some candies 一些糖果;three keys 三个钥匙;some toys 一些玩具4.提问单数物品用“What colour is?”回答使用“Its + 颜色.”例句:(1)A:What colour is it? B:Its green. (

6、2)A:What colour is it? B:Its blue and white.5.祈使句。以动词原形Put开头的一组句子。例句:(1)Put your Chinese book in your desk.(2)Put your pencil box on your English book.(3)Put your maths book under your schoolbag.(4)Put your eraser near your pencil box.6.其他句型。(1)I have a new schoolbag.(2)(Excuse me.) I lost my notebo

7、ok. (打扰一下,)我丢失了我的笔记本。(3)May I see it? 我可以看看它吗?(4)I like it very much.(5)My schoolbag is heavy.(6)Here it is!它在这儿!(7)Thank you so much.(8)Good night!晚安!(9)Put away your books. 收拾你的书。(10)Take out your book. 取出你的书。(11)Some more? 再来一些吗?(12)No, thanks. 不了,谢谢。(13)Is everything in your schoolbag? 一切都在书包里吗?

8、(14)Sweet dreams! 做个好梦!(15)Im full. 我饱了。7. 语音ie例词:like, kite, five, nine, riceUnit 31.提问姓名用“Whatsname?”例句:(1)A:Whats her name? B:Its me,Sarah.(2)A:Whats his name? B:His name is Zhang Peng.2.Who提问人物,例句:A:Who is he?B:His name is Zhang Peng.3.描述人物方法之一,使用is或are来搭配形容词。例句:(1)Shes short.(2)Shes short and t

9、hin.(3)Hes strong.(4)Hes tall and strong.(5)Shes cute.(6)Hes very friendly.(7)His shoes are blue.(8)His bag is green.(=He has a green bag.)4.描述人物方法之二,使用have或has来搭配名词或短语。例句:(1)She has two big eyes.(2)She has long hair.(3)She has an orange schoolbag.(4)He has a green bag and brown shoes.(5)He has glas

10、ses.(6)She has a blue hat.(7)She has orange shoes.(8)My friend has blue glasses.(9)I have a friend. I have a good friend.5.一般疑问句使用Yes或No来回答。A:Is he Wu Yifan?B:Yes.6.选择疑问句,选其一来回答。A:A boy or girl?=Is it a boy or girl?B:A boy.7.其他句型。(1)Wow! Its so big!(2)Oh,its too big.(3)I cant pull it up.(4)Come on,f

11、riends.(5)Please help me.(6)Were coming!(7)Lets work together.8.语音oe 例词:nose,note, Coke, Mr JonesRecycle I 主要句型1.Let me help you.2.Your bag is so heavy.3.Can you guess?4.She speaks English well.5.I know.6.I dont know.7.What colour is your schoolbag?8.What colour is your English book?9.Do you like ma

12、ths?10.Whats in your pencil box?11.Whats in your schoolbag?12.Whats in your classroom?13.Whos your maths teacher?14.Whos your best friend?15.How many storybooks do you have?16.Lets clean the classroom now.17.Let me clean the board.18.Let me clean the desks and chairs.19.Hes very tall and he has brow

13、n hair.20.Hes my friend.21.Hes a new student.Unit 41.一组祈使句。(1)Go to the living room. Watch TV.(2)Go to the study. Read a book.(3)Go to the kitchen. Have a snack.(4)Go to the bedroom. Have a nap.(5)Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.2.一组单数一般疑问句及其回答。(1)A:Is she in the study? B:Yes,she is.(2)A:Is she in

14、 the living room? B:No,she isnt.(3)A:Is it in your desk? B:Yes,it is.(4)A:Is it in your hand? B:No,it isnt.3.一组复数一般疑问句及其回答。(1)A:Are they on the table? B:Yes, they are.(2)A:Are they near the phone? B:No,they arent.3.Where 引导的单数或复数特殊疑问句及时回答。(1)A:Where is she? B:Shes in the kitchen.(2)A:Wheres my pen? B: It is in your hand.(3)A:Where are the keys? B:(Look!)Theyre in the door. Theyre on the fridge.4.介绍人或物的位置,用“人或物+is或are+表示地点的介词短语.”(1)Zip is in the bathroom.(2)She is in the living room.(3)The bed is near the window.(4)My books are on the sofa.(5)My bag are under the table.(6)My glasses are near t



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