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1、初中英语人教版八年级下册教案设计精品文档Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section B(2a-2e) -Li Qing一、Analysis of the teaching material The part is a reading material about the daily chores that children usually do at home.t can raise students interests in expressing their opinions about whether young people shoul

2、d help parents do chores at home.Its a lesson to improve students spoken English. 二、Teaching Aims1. Knowledge Aim: Master key words and phrases,and understand and talk about the topic about housework.2.Language Aim: Master the words about chores and could give requests. 3.Emotional Aim: Develop the

3、sense of helping parents do chores and learn to share the housework.三、Teaching key points and difficultiesWords and phrases: waste, in order to, provide, depend on, fairness, since, independentSentences: 1. Housework is a waste of their time. 2. They should spend time on schoolwork in order to get i

4、n to a good university. 3. Doing chores helps to develop childrens independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. 4. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.Teaching difficulties:Make polite requestsAsk for permission四、Teaching procedures1. Lead-ina.

5、A video about the different opinions about doing chores will show the theme of this lesson.(反思:视频中有学校的老师和领导,让学生们感到亲切,视频内容与本节课主题相关,表达方式幽默,引起学生的兴趣)b. After watching the video, students should discuss two questions:1 Do you often help your parents with housework at home?2 What chores do your parents us

6、ually ask you to do?c. Look at the teaching aims in todays lesson after sharing the answers to the questions above.2. Learn the reading skill -skimming Explain the meaning of skimming and skim 2b to find the main idea,then answer the easy questions.1 Who wrote the letters?2 Which one agrees and whic

7、h one disagrees?(反思:本篇阅读教大家掌握略读这种阅读技巧,解释过概念,立刻设置两个简单问题,并限时30秒找到答案,旨在练习略的应抓主要意思,并非逐词阅读) 3.Read the first paragraph a second time and fill in the blanks.1. I do not _ why some parents _their kids_ _ housework.2.Kids _ _ already have _ _from school. 3.Housework is _ _ _ their time. 4.They should_ their

8、 time_schoolwork_ _ _get good grades and_ _a good university. 5.Also, when they _ _, they will _ _ do housework so _ _ _ _ for them _ _ it now.6.It is the _ job _ _ a clean and comfortable _7.And anyway, I think _ _is not so _. I do not _ _ them.Notice:Fill in the blanks and then the sentence will b

9、e lost with key words left. The student who can recite the sentence will be NO.1.(反思:初二阅读容量变大并且句子难理解,不能只停留在“看热闹”,采用挖词背句子PK的方法,为了让学生更好的理解文意以及学到知识)4. Read the letters again and answer the question.1 What is Ms. Millers opinion?2 ( ) Ms. Miller thinks doing chores is not difficult.(T/F)(反思:设置问题,纵观文章,达到

10、真正的理解)5.Jigsaw puzzle拼图游戏(Group work)Step1:Read and translate (翻译)the letter by Mr.Smith quickly Step2:Put the sentences in order(按顺序)acording to Mr. Smiths ideas.Step3.Whose answer is right?Which group is the NO.1? Listening to the tape to check the answers.(反思:文章第二段若仍然采用第一段挖词的学习方式,显得重复无聊,拼图方式更加有意思

11、,调动大家积极性,听录音核对答案也练习了听力)6. Read the letters again and answer the question.1 What is Mr. Smiths opinion?2 ( ) Mr. Smiths neighbors son looked after himself well during his first year in the college.(T/F)7. Summary After finishing the reading, look through a composition by Zhu Tianliang and discuss the

12、 question“whether young children should do chores at home or not” with partners. Later ,share the new ideas on the platform.(play the video in which the photos are from the“three 3”activity )(反思:最后再次回答课前讨论过的问题,并播放学习三个三活动学生做家务的照片,是为了达到情感教育,让学生通过本节课有所收获)8. Homework Interview(采访) your parents about whe

13、ther they think young people should do chores at home and send the video to me.9. Blackboard DesigningUnit 3 Could you please clean your room? Teaching Aims Key words and phrases Best wishes1. Master the reading skill-skimming.2.Learn to help parents out with housework at home.waste, in order to, provide, depend on, fairness,since, independent,A good kid : is not only who gets good grades bot also who iskind,helpful,understanding,warm-hearted and thankful. I believe you all can be good kids, right?收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除



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