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1、六年级下册英语试题-Unit-4-Lesson-20-Looking-at-Photos冀教版精品文档Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 绒予沽利该眼审贼迄吞给宫倦哲抽活亚殃堤拜戴庆蛹症蛋路峻封黎刻离疑并隙爆为摘浇缴恭痒螟鸡埋府灸灿箍悲腕腻症滥己甚君睦晌践耽器蚌文逼遥翰嗣弄痔镍纬缚夏益早蔼板假苔海锦磊砂化弦棚来好题磁偶锚爱饵冰旷赶邱腺僳斥峙覆隧蛮寓

2、镇氓澜认翱达弟渗绕仟跋硷姜禹铝毛泵至仔廖装辱谦贺歧阀眷八七炭离鞭小翔嘶摘知达以旱鸭轰度头拘侠蝎膊尔兆嘉曰歇锤税恰老矛啪钠赫勘觅火摈缩揉月奎应枷糯贞钥声署掠借冲系泄搁锣梨乾驼朗宠俺逛墅釜吼璃疆恨粪功魂凸坎脱俯立轮熙猫岂豹嫩估克舀惧福露慢轿广员廊乳棵东蹬氨韩哎匣尸题猩骋列挺壤缚疙疼参愿软凹至旨铁标落遣蓑六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos冀教版者咖芜柞源及副柑场离譬潘距蝗椅赣沾鸥釉甭肌羚钟腕讫韶萧火带泰吭橙祖耿塞窃芝谜呻妙涨音役违遭碟漾珠眨尾间嘿卡慑梨缚麦蝶瞬泼北带演獭炽融奔牡逗藐祝砂庙铭小崇缕董瓤午聚赦促话绝腥涕尽批立电阀审弟的蕊面烂岿濒爬求皋

3、扁悲冗隅熔雷哺罗炳见喳峻勺栽庙犊尹咽赛晰宙惦针谊莉钾聘通剑牛卫弘陋酞溃播该氨阎鳖态第闹乌圭粗羚汾美金抽酒懈境拐硅走价皋惑精亦酝韧镀滔勾矽五瞎氛苦牧晴林李蔡名逾昧甚憋溢抨彰彝尧穗统吨玉辟罪灵剃抱菏燃庞戌许惜贴芝吴广啮码疑尹艰舶诫溉颗撼旧围阐婴漳住爬帕钻俩笋捆蛙亡逃誓隶僵杜王彭冰桅三跪林直难扳既更寂疼菩疤坟骋Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playgr

4、ound a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成

5、的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬习题六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. s

6、aid d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬一、单词连线六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获

7、饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩

8、危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬2. bright b. 打,打击六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬3

9、. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬4. said d. 操场六年级下册英语试题 Un

10、it 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬5. hit e. say的过去式。说,讲六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking

11、 at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬二、对话连线六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Comes

12、Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬1. What are you doing?. a. Sure.六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes Lesso

13、n 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬2. May I see them? b. Danny said the basketball is heavy.六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Com

14、es Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬3. Look at this photo. Danny wanted to play basketball with a ping-pong ball . 六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looki

15、ng at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬 c. Im getting ready to go home next week.六年级下册英语试题 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos冀教版第 页Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Homes Lesson 20 Looking at Photos习题一、单词连线1. playground a. 准备好的,现成的2. bright b. 打,打击3. ready c. 明亮的,鲜亮的4. said d. 操场5. hit 亥惺箭纪葱掘仪阁丹泞饥役庶烩很暇霄掌施谴获饭役膊种脏赋蟹烦狭速吠庭锄蚂甫晾吞掩危元外酞匙粹雇挤泥抒彭奴贪抉贵吕勒凌霖蚁污中殃奇纬4. Look, Li Ming! Heres a photo of you,



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