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1、六年级下册英语知识梳理精品文档六年级下册英语教材知识重点Unit 1 Lesson 1第一部分:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1ground地,地面2use 使用3cup杯子456第二部分:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1look for寻找2a paper cup一个纸杯3a few一些4water bottle水杯5a teddy bear泰迪熊6on the ground在地上第三部分:句型序号英文中文1What are you looking for?询问对方正在寻找什么?Im looking for my water bottle.我正在找我的水瓶。2Whats it like?询问某物

2、特点Its blue and in the shape of a teddy bear.它是蓝色的,并且是泰迪熊形状的。3There is/are.表示某处有某人或某物的句型There are a few water bottles over there on the ground.在那边的地上有几个水瓶。4My bottle is bigger than those.我的瓶子比那些(瓶子)大。5Would you mind?征求对方意见would you mind using my water bottle?你介意使用我的水瓶吗?Unit 1 Lesson 2第一部分:词汇序号英文中文序号英

3、文中文1worried担忧的2worry忧虑,担心3purple紫色的4desk书桌5whose谁的6widerwide(宽的)的比较级第二部分:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1look so worried看起来如此担忧2pencil case铅笔盒3the same colour同样的颜色4the teachers desk讲桌5black and purple黑色和紫色相间的6very sad非常伤心第三部分:句型序号英文中文1Why do you look so?询问对方为什么看起来是此种表情。why do you look so worried,sara?你为什么看起来如此担忧,萨拉。

4、2Dont worry.别担心。3What colour is it?它是什么颜色的?Its black and purple.它是黑色和紫色相间的。4Whose is this/that?询问物品主人的句型。Whose pencil case is that?那是谁的铅笔盒?Its Mike.它是迈克的。5So do I.我也是。Can I borrow your pen,please?请问我能借你的钢笔吗?7Here you are.给你。Unit 1 Lesson 3第一部分:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1little小的;可爱的2police警察3beautiful美丽的4head头5

5、only仅仅6street街,街道7garden花园第二部分:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1call the police报警2look like看起来像3giveto把给4have fun玩得很开心5work together合作6little kitten小猫7beautiful eyes漂亮的眼睛8on the top of his head在他的头顶9on the street在街道上10in the garden在花园里11in the south of Jizhou冀州南面12第三部分:句型序号英文中文1Whats the matter?如何询问“怎么了?”I have a too

6、thache.我牙疼。2Would you please?向他人寻求帮助的句型Would you please look for him together with me?请问你愿意和我一起寻找他吗?Sure,Lets go.当然可以,让我们走吧。3Unit 2 Lesson 5第一部分:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1vacation假期2shoulder肩膀3flower花4grass草坪5feed喂养67第二部分:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1go fishing去钓鱼2turn green变成绿色3enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事4in Canada在加拿大5during th

7、e summer vacation在暑假期间6broad shoulders宽厚的肩膀7huge hands大手8lots of flowers很多花9on the farm在农场1040 years old40岁11big and strong又高大又强壮12第三部分:句型序号英文中文1Do you go fishing in Canada,mike?你在加拿大去钓鱼吗,迈克?Yes ,I often do with my uncle,mark,during the summer vacation.是的,我在暑期经常和我的伯伯马克去钓鱼。2Can you tell?询问对方能否告知某事Can

8、 you tell us about your uncle?你能告诉我关于你伯伯的事情吗?Sure,Hes 40,two years older than my father.当然,他40岁,比我爸爸大两岁。3Hes very strong.他非常强壮。4He has broad shoulders and huge hands.他长着宽厚的肩膀和大手。5Do you enjoy?询问对方是否喜欢做某事Unit 2 Lesson 6第一部分:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1skirt裙子2crayon有色粉笔;蜡笔3sock短袜4idea主意;想法5678第二部分:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1

9、come from来自2look at看3an idea一个主意4a pair of socks一双短袜5a gift shop一个礼品店6how much多少钱7all right好的8all kinds of things各种各样的东西9101112第三部分:句型序号英文中文1I want to buy her a gift.我想给她买一份礼物。2asas介绍“和一样”的句型She will be ten years old,and shes almost as tall as I am now.她就要十岁了,现在几乎和我一样高。3She was born in the USA on Ma

10、rch 1st.她在3月1日出生在美国。4What do you want to buy for her?你想给她买什么?Im not sure.我不确定。5Should I get her some crayons?我应该给她买一些蜡笔吗?6How much is it ?它多少钱?Its 3 yuan.它3元。Unit 2 Lesson 7第一部分:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1nervous紧张不安的2face脸3smile笑4student学生5678第二部分:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1be good at擅长2be born出生3smile a lot总笑4want to do

11、sth.想要做某事5a round face一张圆脸6big eyes大眼睛7a professional player一名职业运动员8girl students女学生9different colours不同的(肤)色101112第三部分:句型序号英文中文1She sounds a nice lady.她听起来(是)一位不错的女士。2Shes quite good at teahing girl students.她很擅长教女学生。3What did she do before?她之前是做什么的?4She was a professional player.她是一名职业运动员。5Can you

12、 tell me more about her?关于她,你可以给我介绍更多吗?6She is 38. She is tall,with big eyes and a round face.她38岁,她高高的,有一双大眼睛,和圆圆的脸。Unit 3 Lesson 9第一部分:词汇序号英文中文序号英文中文1date时期2protect保护3stop停止4litter乱丢垃圾5answer回答6clean清洁的7lawn草地8trashcans垃圾桶第二部分:短语序号英文中文序号英文中文1World Earth Day世界地球日2by bus乘公交车3protect the environment保护环境4clean and tidy干净整洁5in public places在公共场合6ans



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