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1、八年级英语下unit1-2测试精品文档八年级(下)Units 12测试听力部分. 听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。( )1. A. In the office. BAt the doctors. CAt home.( )2. A. An apple. BAn orange. CA banana.( )3. A. Shes tired. BShe drinks too much milk. CShe cant go to sleep.( )4. A. Yes, he will. BNo,he wont. CHe is not sure.( )5. A. Help clean up the city

2、 parks. BHelp serve the disabled people.CWork in an animal hospital. 听短文,选择正确的答案。( )6. When is Johns family going on vacation? ANext day. BNext week. CNext month.( )7. What is John going to take for vacation? ASome books. BA pet. CA car.( )8. Why does John have to come back home on Friday? ABecause

3、he is going fishing. BBecause he is going to visit his friends. CBecause he is going to a party on Saturday night.( )9. How long is Johns father going to be in the mountains? ATwo days. BThree days. CFive days.( )10. Who isnt going on vacation next week? AJohns mother. BJohns father. CJohns sister.笔

4、试部分. 单项选择。( )1. They found a little dog in the street.I hope they will find the _ of the dog. He must be worried.Awriter Bclimber Cworker Downer( )2. Dont worry about Sam and _,Mom. We will look after _.Ame;myself Bme;ourselves Chim;himself Dher;herself( )3.The cat is _.Yes,it can open the door and

5、go out.Adisabled Bsick Cclever Dhurt( )4. Why did you move back to your mums house?I dont want my mother to live _.Its bad for her health.Aalone Bhealthily Cseriously Dlonely( )5. _ is your grandpa?He is in the hospital. He often helps to cheer up the old people there.AHow BWhat CWho DWhere( )6. I t

6、hink Mike should _ for a few days.Yes,he is too tired. He was busy with his work last week.Avolunteer Bnotice Crest Dwork( )7. Why does Tim have _ using his right arm?He had an accident and hurt it when he was young.Ainterest Bdifficulty Cfeeling Dimportance( )8. I cant _ what will happen without wa

7、ter.Possibly we will die.Acontrol Bmean Cfix Dimagine( )9. Where is the nearest bank?Keep on _ and you will find it on your left.Awalk Bwalks Cwalked Dwalking( )10. The boys leg is bleeding. We _ take him to the hospital right away.Acould Bshould Cmight Dwould. 短文填词。用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空,每个单词只能用一次,有两个词是多余

8、的。with,need,poor,result,lonely,importance,surprise,of,train,alone,cheer,goodFootball is,I suppose,the most popular game in England. Rich and _11_,young and old,you can see them all there,shouting and _12_ for one side or the other.You may be _13_ to find that even the smallest boy seems to have the

9、great knowledge of the game. He can tell you the names of the players in most of the _14_ teams. He has photos of them and knows the _15_ of many matches. He will tell you who he expects will win such a match,and his opinion is usually as valuable as that of men three or four times his age.In Englan

10、d,it is believed that education means not only filling a boys mind_16_ facts in a classroom but also _17_ character. One of the _18_ ways of training character is by playing games,especially team games,where the boy has to learn to work with others for his team,instead of working for himself _19_Foo

11、tball is good exercise for the body,it is a team game,it_20_ skill and a quick brain. So the school often arranges (安排) games and matches for its pupils.11_ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15_ 16._ 17._ 18._ 19_ 20._ . 阅读理解。Some people are sharing their experience of being a volunteer. Now lets have a look.Judy,24I

12、began to be a volunteer five years ago. I love children,so I teach them music in an afterclass study program. All of them are lovely children,and some of them are really talented in music.Aron,19I volunteer in an animal training center. Dogs are my favorite animals. I think they are humans best frie

13、nds. I train them to listen to peoples orders and help disabled people. They are smart and understanding.Mike,30I go to the old peoples home on weekends. I read newspapers to them and talk to them. Sometimes I take my son to go there with me. He is outgoing and the old love him very much. He often m

14、akes them laugh.Mandy,16Im going to volunteer in the Green Park this weekend. I will give out maps to the visitors and guide them to visit the park. This is my first time to be a volunteer. I hope it will be a great experience.( )21. Judy became a volunteer at the age of _.A15 B17 C19 D20( )22. What does Arons volunteer job have to do with?AAnimals and doctors. BDogs and disabled people.CTeachers and students. DParents and visi


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