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1、Lesson 11dazev使目眩;使眼花缭乱 The splendor of the palace dazed him. 王宫的富丽堂皇使他眼花缭乱。 使茫茫然,使发呆She was dazed by the news. 这消息使他茫然。 使头昏,使晕头转向The blow dazed me, but I wasnt hurt. 这一击使我头晕目眩,但我并未受伤。n.迷乱;恍惚S He had been in a daze all the way to New York. 他去纽约途中一路恍惚。2. clingv粘着;缠着;紧握不放 She was wet through and her c

2、lothes clung to her body她湿透了,衣服粘在身上。依附,依靠,依恋 The little girl clings to her mother. 小女孩粘着妈妈不放。坚持;墨守 I am not a man who clings to old ideas. 我不是一个墨守陈规的人。3.haltn. 暂停,停止;终止SProduction has come to a halt owing to the lack of raw materials. 由于缺少原料,生产已陷入停顿。 【英】(铁路)小站Cvi. 停止行进;停止;终止The soldiers halted for a

3、 few minutes. 士兵们停了几分钟。蹒跚踌躇,犹豫 He never halts in his speech.他说话从不吞吞吐吐。 vt. 使停止行进;使停止;使终止The officer halted his troops. 那个军官命令他的部队停止前进。4.hatredn. 憎恨,憎恶;敌意US1(+of/for)She felt her dislike rapidly deepening to hatred. 她感到她的厌恶正迅速变成仇恨。 5.intricateadj. 错综复杂的;复杂精细的The intricate machine requires a skilled o

4、perator. 这种复杂精细的机器须由技能熟练的人操作。难理解的;难分析的 an intricate problem 难懂的问题 6.irritatevt. 使恼怒;使烦躁 His letter irritated me a little. 他的信使我有点恼火。 使过敏;使难受;使发炎;使疼痛These tight shoes irritate my toes.我的鞋太紧,夹痛我的脚趾。 刺激,使兴奋vi. 引起恼怒;引起不愉快7.observantadj. 严格遵守.的(+of)A careful driver is observant of the traffic rules. 谨慎小心

5、的驾驶者严格遵守交通规则。观察力敏锐的当心的,注意的8. overlookvt.眺望;俯瞰The house on the hill overlooks the valley. 小山上的房子俯瞰着山谷。 看漏;忽略+v-ingMy calculation was wrong because I overlooked one tiny point. 由于我忽略了一个细微之处,我的计算错了。 宽恕,宽容He has been kind enough to overlook my fault. 他很宽容,原谅了我的错。 【罕】细看;检查He overlooked the contract befor

6、e he signed it. 他在签字之前仔细阅读了合同。 照管;监督;监视She did not know that she was being overlooked by the woman next door.她不知道隔壁邻居的女人一直在监视她。 高耸于.之上The monument overlooks the square. 纪念碑高耸在广场之上。9.perseverev.坚持You will succeed in so far as you persevere . 你能坚持,便会得到相对的成功。 v.坚忍But whether the president will persever

7、e in the long term is another matter . 然而总统是否能长期坚忍又是另一回事。 v.坚持不懈We know the good , we apprehend it clearly , but we cant bring it to achievement . persevere , trusting in what hopes he has , is courage in a man . 我们知道什么是好的,我们能清晰地理解它,但是我们不能把它带向成功。坚持不懈,相信他所拥有的希望,这就是一个人的勇气。 10.revolvevi. 围绕;循环出现For the

8、m , questions of public morality often revolve around what it means to be a decent , tolerant society . 对他们来说,公共道德问题围绕的是怎样才算一个体面、宽容的社会。vt. 使旋转;使循环; Smart money says the plot will revolve around Calypso , the Goddess of the Sea whom Davy Jones falls in love with . 消息灵通人士则声称电影情节将主要围绕海上女神卡吕普索展开,戴维?斯会爱上

9、她。 vt. 反复考虑Urban problems revolve around meeting the needs of the existing inhabitants and replacing old and obsolete facilities , especially housing . 城市问题应考虑满足现有居民的需要以及更换那些老式而陈旧的设施,尤其是住宅。 11.sortn. 表示种类;方式;品质I guess he sort of a miser like most bachelors . 我想他一定是个吝啬鬼,象大部分单身汉一样。 vi. 分类;协调;交往Human r

10、ecords , however , are not the only sort available . 不过,人类的纪录并非唯一可用的纪录。vt. 将分类;将排序;挑选出某物The most valuable weapon in this sort of asymmetrical warfare is intelligence . 在这类不对等战争中,最有价值的武器便是情报。 12.startlevt. 使惊吓;使吓一跳;使惊奇HHe was startled when his nephew came in. 当他侄子走进来时,他吃了一惊。 vi. 惊吓;惊跳;惊奇The baby star

11、tles at every sudden sound. 这婴儿每听到突然的声音都要受惊。 13.stretchvt.伸直;伸出;伸长(+out)She stretched out her hand for the dictionary.她伸手拿字典。 vt.拉直;拉紧;拉长;撑大The little girl stretched her rubber band. 小女孩拉长橡皮筋。 vt.展开,铺开(+out) The eagle stretched its wings. 雄鹰展翅。 vt.使倾注全力,使紧张;极度使用(眼睛等)He stretched himself to achieve b

12、etter results in his work. 他尽心竭力,以求工作更有成效。 vt.滥用,曲解She stretched the rules in favor of herself. 她为了利己目的曲解法规。 14.tracen.痕迹;遗迹CU The archaeologists found some traces of an ancient civilization in that area. 考古学家们在那个地区发现了一些古代文明的遗迹。 丝毫,微量CThere was barely a trace of salt in the soup. 汤里简直一点盐也没有放。 vt. 跟踪

13、;追踪(+to) The police traced the criminal.警察追踪罪犯。 vt.查出,探出The post office tried to trace the lost letter. 邮局设法查出那封丢失的信。 vt.追溯;查考(+back/to)The book traces the development of philosophy. 该书追溯了哲学的发展过程。 vt.描摹,摹写;复写The kids are learning to trace the letter. 孩子们学描字母。 vi.上溯(+to)His fear of snakes traces back

14、 to an experience in his childhood. 他对蛇的惧怕溯自他孩童时的一次经历。 15. reluctant 英 ri?l?kt?nt 美 r?l?kt?ntadj.不情愿的,勉强的He was very reluctant to help. 他很不愿意帮忙。16.clutchvt. 抓住; 紧紧抓住 The mother clutched her baby in her arms.母亲紧紧地把婴儿抱在怀里。 (因害怕或痛苦)突然抓住 n. 把握, 抓紧 He lost his clutch on the rope and fell.他抓不住绳子, 松手摔了下来。

15、掌握, 控制 离合器 She released the clutch and the car began to move.她放开离合器, 汽车就动了。17. clown n. 小丑18. exertionn. 努力;费力UCShe failed to unlock the safe in spite of all her exertions. 她虽然费尽力气,仍未能将那保险箱的锁打开。 He was painting the gate with exertion. 他在费力地油漆大门。 (能力、权力等的)运用;行使UExertion of authority over others is not always wise. 以权压人并不总是明智的。19. curiosity n.



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