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2、在现有楼盘展示现状的基础上,设计了楼盘展示中的虚拟社区,通过交互设计增加消费者的沉溺感。本文针对“网上购房超市软件平台”的功能设计对楼盘展示中虚拟社区系统进行了需求分析,并且给出了一种楼盘展示中虚拟社区的一种解决方案,在传统的楼盘展示功能的基础上增加了为顾客提供了与导购员或者其他用户交互的功能。对构建这样一个交互式的虚拟社区所需要的关键技术进行研究,并给出了解决方案。最后介绍了系统后台PHP+MyS QL+Apache环境的搭建。对系统的两大功能人机交互和人人交互在Virtools以及环境下的实现方法进行了详细的介绍,给出了部分的Virtools脚本和PHP程序。并且把该系统嵌入“网上购房超市

3、软件平台”进行了网络实验,实验验证该系统交互能力良好,可满足楼盘展示中虚拟社区系统的设计需求。最终利用VVeb-3D技术、网络数据库、www服务器等技术建立了一个基于Web-3D的网络虚拟社区系统,实现楼盘展示中的交互设计,将楼盘展示与虚拟社区的概念相结合,营造了一种新的楼盘展示方式。该系统方式新颖,解决了传统楼盘展示的交互方式单一、互动少等缺点,且产品设计周期短,成本低。【英文摘要】In modern society, with the accelerated pace of life, the online shopping becomes more and more popular, t

4、he number of online showings/purchase website showed a trend of continued growth thanks to the development of Web-3D technology. Web-3D technology is the application of virtual reality(VR) technology in the network. The online showing/purchase website based on the Web-3D technology met the consumers

5、 desire in dynamic, interactive and three-dimensional display of online products. But nowadays the most showings/purchase websites only provide man-to-machine interactive, and lack of man-to-man interaction. This article is based on the research project “Online purchase supermarket software platform

6、”, this article built Web-3D virtual community on this platform, and it researched the realization of man-to-machine interactive and man-to-man interaction in the virtual community, with emphasis on the realization of man-to-man interaction.This paper analyzed the mode of the realization of Web-3D t

7、echnology, and the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of domestic and foreign Web-3D software. And it designed the virtual community in estate show based on the current status of estate show. It increased the immersion feeling for consumer by the design of interaction. This paper conducted a

8、needs analysis of virtual community in the estate show, according to the functional design in the “Online purchase supermarket software platform”. It gave a solution of virtual community in the estate shows and it added the function of interaction between customer and purchasing guide or customer an

9、d other user. Then it researched the key technology which is needed in building the interactive virtual community, and the corresponding solution is given. In the last part, it described the process of setting up the environment of PHP+MySQL+Apache which is used as the background platform of system.

10、 Then this paper introduced the realization methods of two functions of system in detail which is the function of man-to-machine and the function of man-to-man. And it experimented on the network with embedding the system in the “Online purchase supermarket software platform” The experiment verified

11、 that the systems ability of interaction is good, and it can meet the requirement of the virtual community in the estate show.This paper built a network virtual community in the estate show based on Web-3D by Web-3D technology, network database technology, www server technology and so on. It realize

12、d the interaction design in the estate show, and combined the concept of virtual community and estate showing to create a new mode in estate show. The mode of this system is novel; it solved the shortcomings of simple mode of interaction and lacking the communication between users. And the product d

13、esign cycle is short, and low cost.【关键词】Web-3D 交互 楼盘展示 Virtools 数据库 PHP【英文关键词】Web-3D interaction estate show Virtools database PHP【目录】基于Web-3D的VR虚拟社区的交互研究与设计 摘要 6-7 Abstract 7-8 第1章 绪论 13-19 1.1 问题的提出 13-14 1.2 WEB-3D技术国内外发展现况 14-16 1.2.1 国外Web-3D技术的发展 14-15 1.2.2 国内Web-3D技术的发展 15-16 1.3 存在的问题及解决思路

14、16-17 1.4 本文所做的工作 17-18 1.5 论文的组织结构 18-19 第2章 虚拟现实(VR)技术及WEB-3D技术简介 19-26 2.1 虚拟现实技术 19-21 2.1.1 概述 19 2.1.2 虚拟现实技术的特点 19-20 2.1.3 虚拟现实技术的应用 20-21 2.2 WEB-3D技术 21-23 2.2.1 Web-3D实时渲染引擎 21-22 2.2.2 Web-3D作品制作流程 22-23 2.3 楼盘展示中的虚拟社区系统 23-25 2.3.1 虚拟社区简介 23 2.3.2 虚拟社区系统的设计与实现 23-25 2.4 本章小结 25-26 第3章 常

15、见WEB-3D软件优缺点分析VIRTOOLS介绍 26-35 3.1 几种WEB-3D软件优缺点分析 26-30 3.1.1 Cult3D 26-27 3.1.2 Unity 3D 27-28 3.1.3 VRPIE 28-30 3.2 VIRTOOLS软件介绍 30-31 3.2.1 选择Virtools开发环境的优势分析 30-31 3.2.2 Virtools用户界面 31 3.3 VIRTOOLS编程思想 31-34 3.3.1 Virtools的行为模组 31-32 3.3.2 Building Block(BB) 32-33 3.3.3 Virtools作品制作流程 33-34 3.4 本章小结 34-35 第4章 虚拟社区系统的设计 35-49 4.1 “网上购房超市软件平台”介绍 35-36 4.2 需求分析 36-38 4.3 系统总体框架 38-39 4.4 系统关键技术 39-48 4.4.1 数据通信机制 39-40 4.4.2 替身 40-42 4.4.3 端口管理 42-45 4.4.4 信息反馈 45-46 4.4.5 数据库的访问 46-48 4.5 本章小结 48-49 第5章 虚拟社区系统的实现



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