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1、小学英语校本教材 6B 读本Unit One Who is younger?一、生词对对碰。go for a walk 散步同义短语有:walk, take a walk类似的短语有: take a bath have a look have a chat have a trybe glad to do sth. 很高兴做某事Im glad to see you. ( Nice to meet you.)Mum was very glad to hear Helens school life. 听到 Helen 学校情况,妈妈很高兴。also 和 too 的区别Too 一般用在句尾。Im fi

2、ne, too. Nice to meet you, too.Girls can run very fast, too. You can do it, too.Also 一般用在句中。 (注意位置)Su Hai is also my friend.She also has a pair of shoes.We also went to see the film.He was also a good student.Here he is. (Here is Jacks dog.)小学英语校本教材 6B 读本Its cold today. Here is your sweater.-Where i

3、s my sweater?- Here it is.Here are your dirty socks.Here you are.用 it, they , her, you 等代词时,要放在 Be 动词前面。have got = haveI have a pen. Do you have one?I have got some bananas. Have you got any?centimeter 缩写形式 cm你知道下列缩写形式表示什么单位吗?L ml kg g mg 通过字典了解千米、分米、米、毫米用什么缩写形式。二、语法串串烧形容词比较级第一类:差别比较 Su Yang is youn

4、ger than Su Hai.Su Yang is twenty minutes younger than Su Hai.Im heavier than my brother.Im ten kilos heavier than my brother.Yao Ming is taller than me. Yao Ming is forty-six centimetres taller than me.差别比较时, “相差的部分”应放于形容词比较级的前面。小学英语校本教材 6B 读本这部分常用的单位有:时间单位,如:year, month, day, minute 等;质量单位,如:kilo;

5、长度单位,如: centimetre, metre 。第二类:同级比较如果不需比出两个量的大小多少,只需比较两个量是否一样。我们用(not) as + 原级+ asAre you as tall as your twin sister?The book is not as interesting as that one.第三类:相似比较比较的双方没有明显差异,我们用 the same, 注意 same 一词前一定要加 theThe twins look the same.We are in the same class.Lucy is the same as her twin sister.练

6、习: Have a try!(一) Ben is as old as Kate, but he is three years younger than Tom. Mary is not as tall as Tom, But she is five centimetres taller than Kate. Kate is eight centimetres shorter than Ben. Mike is four kilos lighter than Mary and Tom. Sally is four kilos lighter than Mike.(light 轻的,heavy 的

7、反义词)Sally Kate Mary Ben Mike TomAge 8 11 9 11 12小学英语校本教材 6B 读本Height(cm) 145 151 139 152Weight(kg) 31 42 48(二)Uncle 在汉语中有很多意思,猜猜下列短语分别对应着汉语中的什么称呼?(husband 丈夫)Fathers older brotherFathers younger brotherFathers sisters husbandMothers sisters husband试着想想大舅、小舅应该怎么说?(三)ReadingWho Is the Best?It was a fi

8、ne and warm day. Tom, Jerry, Droopy and Mr Fox were sitting beside the lake. They wanted to know: WHO IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD?“Im stronger than all of you, Im the best,” Mr Fox spoke first.“No. Im faster than all of you, Im the best,” Tom said next.“No. Im younger than all of you, Im the best,” Jer

9、ry cried out.“No. No. Im cleverer than all of you, Im the best,” Droopy smiled.Now please tell me: WHO IS THE BEST OF THE FOUR?Best 最好的 =better than any othersClever 聪明的小学英语校本教材 6B 读本Unit Two More exercise一、生词对对碰。exercise(1)作“ 练习、作业 ”讲。一般练习作业时简写成 Ex.1I wrote in my exercise book. 我在练习本上写作业。(2) 锻炼Runn

10、ing is good exercise. 跑步是良好的运动。Do more exercise. 做更多的锻炼。be good at do well/better in Im not good at studying, but I do well in playing.Which subject do you do better in, Maths, Chinese or English?哪门功课你学得好一些,数学、语文还是英语?I want to do better but do not know how (to do).我想做得更好,但不知怎么去做。player(1)运动员,选手Micha

11、el Jordan is one of the best basketball players.迈克尔乔丹是最好的篮球运动员之一。Zidane is the good football player in France. 齐达内在法国是个好的足球运动员。小学英语校本教材 6B 读本(2)播放器 Windows Media Player 电脑上经常用来听音乐,看影片的播放器。Think It overToday we have higher buildings and wider highways, but shorter tempers and narrower points of view;

12、We spend more and more, but enjoy less and less;We have bigger houses, but smaller families;We make more compromise, but have less time;We have more knowledge, but less judgment;We have more medicine, but poorer health;Every day, every hour, every minute is special; Tell your families and friends ho

13、w much you love them.今天我们楼更高、路更宽,但是我们的脾气更火爆,目光更短浅;我们花费越来越多,得到的享受越来越少;我们住房更大了,但我们的家却更小了。我们越来越妥协,时间越来越少了。我们知识越来越多,判断力越来越差;我们有了更多的药品,但健康却更不如意。每一天,每一个小时,每一分都很特别;告诉你的家人和朋友,你有多么爱他们。读了这篇散文,你会更多了解比较级的用法:more 表示更多,less 表示更少,用 and 连接,表示“越来小学英语校本教材 6B 读本越”另外,the+比较级,the+比较级的结构,表示越,越例:The harder you work, the m

14、ore you will learn. 越努力,你学得越多。你知道吗?下列运动项目、比赛、组织,你能翻译成汉语吗?high jumplong jumpfoot racelong-distance runningrope skippingFive Mascots for the Beijing GamesThey are Beibei, the fish; Jingjing, the panda; Huanhuan, the Olympic flame; Yingying, the Tibetan antelope; Nini, the swallow. The first syllables

15、from their two-syllable names form a line that reads “Beijing Huanying Ni”, or in English “Welcome to Beijing”.FIFAWorld CupNBAIOCOlympic Games小学英语校本教材 6B 读本The mascots colours were chosen in line with the colour of the Olympic rings.对于本文的生词可采取先猜再查的方法,你一定会为你自己的判断推理能力佩服得五体投地的。Humour The smaller fishT

16、wo friends were having dinner together. There was only one dish with two fish in it, one is lager and the other is smaller. One of the friends got the larger fish and the other was very angry.“How selfish you are!” he cried.“Why?” his friend was surprised.“Youve got the large fish.”“What would you do if you were me?”“Im sure I would choose the smaller one.”“Then



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