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1、Unit 1 Putting in a Good Word for Guilt2. Vocabulary: (1) An increasing number of childrens books attempt to portray life as it is for members of disadvantaged and minority groups. This year saw the publication of a rich assortment of realistic fictions for children aged 8-12 and older.assortment n.

2、 A collection of various kinds; a variety多种多样;一批品种多样的收藏;多种多样(2) People with narcissistic personality disorder have a great sense of self-importance. They seek excessive admiration from others and fantasize about unlimited success or power.narcissistic adj.自恋的,自我陶醉的narcissist n.自我陶醉者narcissistically

3、adv. (3) Studies on film consumers had indicated teenage audience as s a prime market, with the result that Hollywood filmmakers obsessively catered to that market, sometimes at the expense of adult fare.obsessively adv.强迫性地, 着迷似地obsessive adj.1 Of, relating to, characteristic of, or causing an obse

4、ssion着迷,与着迷有关的或具有着迷特征的obsessive gambling着迷于赌博2 Excessive in degree or nature急迫的,在程度或性质上过分的an obsessive need to win急迫的想赢的欲望obsessiveness n.(名词)obsess vt.(魔鬼、妄想等)缠住; 迷住常用被动结构使窘困; 使烦扰be obsessed by with 被.附上缠住, 迷住心窍obsessor n.使人烦扰的人或事 (4) Robinson found many savages on this island. They were seen warri

5、ng, slaying and eating each other, and sacrificing one another by thousands to their gods.slaying = slay v.tr.(及物动词)动词各种形态:slew,slain, slaying,slays1 To kill violently凶狠地杀死The soldiers slain in the battle were burried that night.在那天夜晚,埋葬了在战斗中牺牲了的战士。2 Slang To overwhelm, as with laughter or love【俚语】

6、深深感动; 压倒, 克服; 使禁不住大笑Those old jokes still slay me.那些古老的笑话仍让我感动。Middle English slen, slayen中古英语 slen, slayenslayer n. 杀人者, 凶手对比词汇:destroy; exterminate; kill ; put to death (5) Attempting to make money from the growing legion of both female and male fans of basketball, he started to write love stories

7、 with basketball as one of the elements.legion n.1 The major unit of the Roman army consisting of 3,000 to 6,000 infantry troops and 100 to 200 cavalry troops.古罗马军团:古罗马军队的主要单位,由3,000至6,000名步兵和100至200名骑兵组成2 A large military unit trained for combat; an army.军队,兵团:被训练以用于战斗的庞大的军事单位;军队3 A large number; a

8、 multitude.See Synonyms at multitude大量;众多.参见 multitudea legion of followers大批追随者Middle English: legioun中古英语 legiounfrom Old French legion源自 古法语 legion对照词汇:army, battalion, company, division, force, outfit, regiments, quad, team, troop, unit (6) Being somewhat older than he was, they instilled into h

9、im a false idea of their superiority, and it was by this means they retained him in their “set”a set of wild, dissipated (闲游浪荡的) young men.instillinstillv.tr.(及物动词)词形:in.stilled, in.still.ing, in.stills也作 in.stils1 To introduce by gradual, persistent efforts; implant:逐渐的,持续地灌输;灌输:“Morality . . . may

10、 be instilled into their minds”(Thomas Jefferson)“道德可以灌输到他们的头脑中”(托马斯杰弗逊)Middle English: instillen中古英语 instillen (7) It is perhaps difficult for White South Africans, with an ingrained prejudice against communism, to understand why experienced African politicians so readily accept communists as their

11、 friends.ingrainedadj.Firmly established; deep-seated根深蒂固的;牢固的ingrained prejudice; 根深蒂固的偏见the ingrained habits of a lifetime一生的根深蒂固的习惯 (8) While administration officials were kept busy answering the charges, the secretary and chairman hustled back and forth between committees on both sides of the Ca

12、pitol defending the pace and scope of the defense effort.hustle词形:hustled, hustling, hustlesv.intr.(不及物动词) To work or move energetically and rapidly赶忙,有干劲儿:精力充沛、动作迅速地工作或运动Come on, now! Hustle!We hustled to get dinner ready on time.我们忙着把晚餐按时准备好hustle for美口费力气想得到, 极力争取 (9) Thousands of soccer fans sto

13、rmed the gates of an already overcrowded stadium, minutes before game time. 49 people were killed and 47 injured in the stampede.stampeden.1 A sudden frenzied rush of panic-stricken animals惊逃,受惊吓的动物突然狂奔2 A sudden headlong rush or flight of a crowd of people逃窜,一哄而散,人群突然猛冲或飞奔There was a stampede of pa

14、nic-stricken crowd from the burning hotel.一群惊惶失措的人们, 从失火的旅馆中跑了出来。 3 A mass impulsive action 蜂拥a stampede of support for the candidate.纷纷支持那个侯选人 (10) For a fleeting moment I felt uneasy. Like many Americans making their first trip to an unfamiliar Asian city, I had harbored qualms about just how I mi

15、ght be received.qualmn.A sudden disturbing feeling不安,疑虑;突然引起不安的感觉qualms of homesickness思乡症3.Paraphrase: (1) But then it came to my mind that people have given up guilt for too long a time. During that period of time of about ten years or more, those welcome psychologists solved peoples mental problems by writing books instead of giving clinical treatment. And they are trying to advocate the concept that nobody should feel guilty for anything.(2)In the past, it was commonly thought that to l



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