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1、,许田教授:How to Give Oral Presentations,11月9日(星期日),11月3日(星期一),顾玉东院士: 怎样做临床科研,11月10日(星期一),袁钧瑛教授:科研与合作,8:50(306教室)邯郸校区正门内8:00有车前来 韩启德院士:漫谈研究生的成长问题,1:30 pm(12-30)教室,新视野系列研究生课程:科技论文的构思、撰写和发表,生物医学世纪讲坛,How to Publish Your Papers in the Top Scientific Journals,鲁白 教授,鲁白教授,1957年12月生于上海市。1982年获上海华东师范大学学士学位。1990年

2、获康乃尔大学博士学位后,在洛克菲勒大学和哥伦比亚大学从事博士后研究,导师为Paul Greengard和蒲慕明教授。1993年加入罗氏分子生物学研究所,并任哥伦比亚大学助理教授。1996年加入NIH儿童健康和人类发育研究所,任突触发育和可塑性研究室主任。 主要研究神经营养因子在突触发育和可塑性中的作用。他的研究室是最早提出并发现神经营养因子对神经系统突触传递、突触发育可塑性有调控作用的实验室之一,与几个著名实验室一起开创了神经营养因子的突触调控这一新领域。,What Is the Purpose of Doing Research?,It is not about the number of

3、papers It is not about the impact factor of the papers It is not about the Nobel Prize,Publish or perish 1 Nature = 10 JBC,Basic Elements for Basic Research,Passion,6 Sigma,Silver bullet test,Good Research Is the Key,My English is not good They are biased against Chinese (foreigners),What Is a First

4、-Class Paper/Research?,Major advance in a classic field 干细胞是如何分化成特定组织细胞的,胆固醇在人体的正常功用 New techniques and methods that can be widely used 人类基因组研究中的自动测序技术 , PCR, Patch clamp, Ca2+ Imaging, GFP Discoveries with obvious practical implications AIDS virus receptor 的发现, 老年痴呆症基因的发现 Conceptual breakthrough, n

5、ovel ideas 神经营养因子可以促进学习记忆, RNA干扰现象 Challenge to traditional views, break dogma 脑内有可分裂的神经干细胞,打破了传统观念 Opening up new area, cross board “细胞凋亡”现象的发现, 开辟了新的科研领域,What Is a Mediocre Paper/Research?,Horizontal growth I made the discovery in rats, you find the same in cat. Filling gaps EGF activates JNK whic

6、h is known to induce c-Jun expression. You show that EFG enhances c-Jun expression. Working out details I found NO induces the production of cGMP, you work out dose response and time course. Support existing idea, “me too” EGF-R endocytosis requires dynamin, PDGF-R too. Follow up CREB binds to CRE.

7、Working out CRE sequence. Incomplete study, preliminary,How to Read Scientific Papers?,The Gilbert way Keep these in mind when you read What is the major question addressed in this paper? Is this question important and why? What are the approaches used in this paper, and whether they are adequate fo

8、r the questions? What are the novel idea or using innovative approaches? What is the concept coming out of this paper? Do the results presented support this new concept? Weekly reading of CNS titles Critical, appreciative,What Makes Good Science?,Important and significant Original and innovative Sol

9、id and rigorous Unique and unusual,Novelty is essential,语不惊人誓不休,The evaluation process,Editorial staff Board of Reviewing Editors,20-30%,REJECT,REVIEW,REJECT,70%,ACCEPT (10%),70%,20%,6%,4%,Should your paper go to CNS?,Is it your best ever? Will it have a big impact? Does it interest scientists in ot

10、her fields? Does it overturn conventional wisdom? Work that represents a large step forward solution to long-standing problem different way of thinking broad implications,What helps:,Convincing data Appropriate controls Careful presentation Consideration of all viable alternatives,What doesnt help,T

11、he minimal publishable unit. Excessive or unfounded speculation Repeat examples of a known phenomenon Insufficient advance over previously published work,Editorial Policies of Different Journals,Cell/Neuron/Immunity Editorial board does a lot of reviews. Editors discuss and decide Nature sister jour

12、nals Editors discuss and decide Science Space meeting, board of review editors PNAS Communicate, contribute, Track C Others,Procedures for High Profile Journals,Pre-submission inquiry Submit/cover letter Initial screen Send out for reviews Reject/soft reject/revise Rebuttal Revise again Accept,signi

13、ficance/importance general interests unusual/surprise,Initial screening,suggest reviewers, may take one friends may not always support you “not to review” always honored “soft” and “harsh” reviewers,Selection of reviewers,You,Editors,Cover Letters,main findings significance suggested reviewers “not

14、to review” list who have read,Dear Editor, We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons, which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience. GDNF has long been t

15、hought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinsons disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic

16、 neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine r


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