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1、牛津小学英语 3B 第七单元教案3B 第七单元第一课时一 教学内容牛津小学英语 3B 第七单元第一课时二 教学目标1 能听懂,会 说日常交 际用语 I cant findWheres it/she/he?作出相应的回答:Its2 能听懂,会说表示居室的单词 a kitchen, a bedroom, a dinning-room, 以及相应的短语 in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the dinning-room.三 教学重点1 能听懂,会 说日常交 际用语 I cant findWheres it/she/he?作出相应的回答:Its 2 能听懂,会说表示

2、居室的单词 a kitchen, a bedroom, a dining-room, 以及相应的短语 in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the dining-room 四 教学难点能听懂,会说日常交际用语 I cant findWheres it/she/he?作出相应的回答:Its/shes/hes五 课前准备教具准备;1 投影仪及图片 a kitchen, a bedroom, a dining-room2 旅游小包和本课 C 部分的图片3 磁带及录音机六 教学过程Step1 Revision1 课前常规训练: 说韵律儿歌 3B “My bed is v

3、ery cute”(P22)2 师生自由谈话:a 热身运动 (师生问好,谈论天气,心情,月份等)-Good morning/afternoon. How are you?- What day is today? Is it sunny day? Do you like sunshine?b 日常问答指着学生的文具用品问T: Excuse me .S: Yes?T: Whats this on/in the pencil box?S: Its a ruler. T: Is this your ruler?S: Yes,it is.T: How nice!S: Thank you.Step2 Pr

4、esentation and practicea 打出投影(红梅公园), 教师事先把旅游小包放在靠墙角的椅子上T: Hello,S1.S: Hello,Miss Gu.T: Shall we go to Hongmei Park?S: Great! But how?T: By bus.S: Ok,lets go.T: Wait! My bag! I cant find my bag? Oh,wheres my bag?(教师焦急地问)S: Its on the chair.(学生指着墙边椅子上的包 )Here you are.T: Thank you.*wheres - Wheres my b

5、ag? (看老师嘴形,跟老 师发音,开火车跟读)*-Wheres the book/pencil/?(教师示范造句,学生造句)S: Wheres the book?T: Its on /in the desk?Work in pairs and act b (教师把包藏在课桌里)T: Excuse me,S1. I cant find my bag. Wheres my bag?S: Its in the desk.* find-cant-I cant find(看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读)(教师把书放在椅子上)T: I cant find my book. Wheres the bo

6、ok?S: Its on the chair.c 打出投影( C Look and say)T: Excuse me.S: Yes?T: I cant find my pencil box. Wheres my pencil box? S: Its on the desk.T: I see. Thanks.(师生做示范,同桌练习,表演)d Short rest: sing a songT:I have found my bag .Lets go to Hongmei park now.S: Great! Lets go.学生起立表演唱“Ride in my car”T: How happy!B

7、ut I am tired now.Lets go to my home and have a rest.d 打出投影(卧室)T: Look at my bedroom.S: How nice!T: Wheres my photo?S: Its on the table.T: What colour is my light?S: Its green.T: Its a nice bedroom.* bedroom T: Wheres my light?S: Its in the bedroom.e 打出投影(厨房 /餐厅)T: Is this a bedroom?S: No, it isnt.

8、T: This is a kitchen.* kitchen*dining-room (师生谈论图片)T: What can you see in the kitchen?S: I can see .T: Whats this in the dining-room?S: Its a Step3 Consolidation1打出投影 (A 部分第 1 第 2 副图)a 师生谈论图 片-Who are these girls?-Whos the woman?b 听录音,回答问题。-Wheres Mum?-Wheres the cake?2听录音,朗读 A 部分第 1 第 2 副图和 B 部分图片S

9、tep4 学唱韵律儿歌 3B“ Where are they?”(P26)1学生听录音,跟说儿歌 (教师先把新词领读几遍)2联系自己实际情况,自编儿歌 教师准备小奖品Model:Wheres my pen? Its in the pencil box. Wheres my bag? Its in the desk.Wheres my key? Its in my coat.Wheres my toy? Its in my bedroom.Step5 Homework听磁带,跟录音读对话板书设计Unit 7 Where?图片-I cant find ? bedroomWheres? kitche

10、n-Its/hes/shes dining-room 3B 第七单元第二课时一 教学内容牛津小学英语 3B 第七单元第二课时二 教学目标1 能熟练运用日常交际用语 I cant findWheres it/she/he?作出相应的回答:Its/shes/hes2 能听懂 ,会说表示居室的 单词 study,bathroom,sitting-room,以及相应的短语 in the study, in the bathroom,in the sitting-room三 教学重点1 能熟练运用日常交际用语 I cant findWheres it/she/he?作出相应的回答:Its/shes/he

11、s2 能听懂,会说表示居室的单词 a study, a bathroom, a sitting-room,以及相应的短语 in the study, in the bathroom, in the sitting-room四 教学难点针对询问 Wheres she/he/it? 在理解的基础上,能做出相应的回答 Shes/hes/its要求读音正确 ,语调自然.五 课前准备帮助学生扮演家庭成员,组成小小家庭教具准备:1 投影仪及图片 a study, a bathroom, a sitting-room2 教师自带卧室照片一张3 磁带及录音机六 教学过程Step1 Revision1 课前常规

12、训练: 说儿歌 Where are they?2 日常问答 -Good morning/afternoon. How are you?- What day is today?Do you know which month now?3 学生表演对话(对话主题以上节课内容为主)a 根据对话 内容,学生回答教 师的问题b 师生共同打分 (根据表演时语言的准确度、流畅性和情感投入程度,用 10 分制记团体分)Step2 Presentationa 在投影仪 上打出教师 的卧室照片T: I have a nice picture. Look ,whats this?S: Its a bedroom.T:

13、 Whose bedroom ? Is this xxs bedroom?S: No,it isnt.T: Guess.Whose?S:T: Yes,its my bedroom.b 打出投影 (sitting-room) T: Is this a bedroom?S: No,it isnt.T: Its a sitting-room.*sitting-room 类似方法教学*bathroom *studyc 小游戏 :Which picture in my hand?教师任取一张图片藏在身后,让学生猜 Is this/that a bedroom/?猜对的学生奖 lucky appleSte

14、p3 Consolidation1 打出投影 (A 部分第 3 第 4 副图),a 师生谈论图 片-Whos the woman?-Wheres she?b 听录音,回答问题-Wheres Dad?-Wheres the camera?c 听录音,跟 读课文 Unit 7 Where?两遍 d 分角色朗读e 编对话,并 进行表演 1 按课前学生编排组成的家庭,扮演角色,进行对话联系 (选一组,师生先做示范)T: Good morning ,S1.S1: Good morning, Sherrie. Is this your sister?T: Yes, she is.Shes S2.S1/S2

15、: Nice to meet you.T: S1,your storybook is nice. Can I have a look?S1: Sure. Its in my home. Shall we go to my home?T/S2: Great! Lets go.S1:Mum, may I come in?S3: Come in, please.S1: Mum, this is my friend,Sherrie.T/S3: Nice to meet you.S1: Sit down, please.T/S2: Thank you.S1: Mum, I cant find my storybook? Wheres my storybook?S3: Its in the study.S1: Oh, I see. Here you are.T: Thanks.S2: S1, wheres your father?S1: Hes in the study.T: Its 4:30. Its time to go home now. See you. S1: See you.2 四人小组,以刚才的对话为模型,创编对话内容,然后进行对话展示.3 完成练习册 A 部



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