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1、1邵店镇小学三年级英语教案NO.Unit 10 The First period (Date: )教学内容 Unit 10 Thank you 1、b 部分食品类单词。 2、a 部分句型 yes ,please /thank you .知识和能力1、能听懂、会说,please ?/some?/? 以及应答语 yes ,please /yes ,thank you .2、能听懂、会说四个食品类单词:a cake ,an egg ,a hamburger ,an ice -cream .过程和方法 能听懂、会说,please ?/some?/? 以及应答语 yes ,please /yes ,th

2、ank you .教学目标情感态度与价值观对学生进行文明礼貌教育,学会说 thank you .教学重难点教学重点:1、能听懂、会说,please ?/some?/?2. 能听懂、会说四个食品类单词教学难点:hamburger 的读音.教学准备 课文录音、图片、食品(饮料)实物教学过程 学生活动 诊断与调整Step1. Warm-up.1. Greetings. 2. Revision .T:can you make a sentence like this ? (turn off the walkman ,please . )3. Count : 1,2,3,10.4. 揭题:Today ,

3、well learn unit 10 . Thank you .Ss learn to say :Thank you .T 请 S 帮忙:open the window ,please . S: All right . T: Thank you .Step 2 Presentation .T:Its 9:00, lets go to the supermarket .S: Good ,but how ? T: by bus . S:Ok ,lets go .1.出示食品(或以图片布置教室)T:Wow ,so many things. Id like an apple ,an apple ?(引

4、导学生说,Yes ,thank you /Yes ,please ).2. learn to say : an egg .a. Read after the T. b.S read the word : an egg .小组/个人 /全体c.用升调来读,答语: Yes ,thank you /please .d.drill.分组同桌互练。Greetings.Revision Count from 1 to 10.Read the topic.S:All right.Answer.Try to say:Yes,thankyou /Yes ,pleaseRead after the TPracti

5、ce.23. learn to say : a cake ,a hamburger ,an ice -cream .a.Read after the T.b. S shout : (训练学生口腔肌肉,培养其大声说英语的勇气 )。c.S check each other .4. pattern drill . (食品加上升调询问)Step 3 Have a rest .Listen to the song:hot cross buns Step 4 Consolidation .1. Read the words after the tape .2. Play a game : whisper

6、耳语。 (传话) 。3. What do you like best ? (chant : cake ,cake ,i like )4. Action.生扮作售货员进行交际表演。Step 5 End .sing “goodbye .”Read after the T.Practice.ListenRead the words.Play the gameAction.板书设计: Unit 10 Thank you ,please ?/some?/? Yes ,please /Yes ,thank you .单 词 卡 单 词 卡 单 词 卡 单 词 卡 3邵店镇小学三年级英语教案NO.Unit

7、10 The Second period (Date: )教学内容 Unit 10 Thank you B Look and learn知识和能力1 能听懂、会说 an egg , a hamburger 和 a cup of tea / coffee 。 2 能使用简单的句子征求对方意见。过程和方法2 能使用简单的句子征求对方意见。教学目标情感态度与价值观学会文明地征求别人意见。教学重难点教学重点:1 能正确使用 cup 和 glass。 2 能使用简短的句子征求对方意见。教学难点:1.正确朗读单词 hamburger。2 能使用简单的句子征求对方意见。 教学准备 磁带、录音机,课前准备好实

8、物(a cake , an egg , a hamburger , a glass of milk , a glass of juice , a cup of tea , a cup of coffee )及相关图片。 教学过程 学生活动 诊断与调整Step1. Warm-up.A Prepare for the class Say a rhyme : Green tea Green tea , green tea , It is for me . In the cupboard , I see. But wheres the key ? 让学生随着录音有节奏地朗诵,创设浓厚的学习英语的课堂气

9、氛。 B Presentation and practice(约 20 分钟) 1. T:Look , its six oclock . Its time to get up . Im Mrs Black . She is be my daughter , Nancy . He is be my son , David Lets act a dialogue . Get up , Nancy and David . ND: All right . Good morning , Mum . T: Good morning . Brush your teeth and wash your face

10、s quickly. ND: OK. T: (教师手指一杯牛奶问)What do you want for your breakfast? A glass of milk? Say a rhyme.4ND: Yes, thank you , Mum. T: (手拿蛋糕问)Some cakes? D: No, thanks. T: (手拿蛋糕问 Nancy)What about you ? N: Yes, thank you. T: (手拿鸡蛋问 David,并重复几遍)An egg? D: OK. Thanks . I like it. T: (手拿鸡蛋和汉堡并帮助理解意思)An egg or

11、 a hamburger? N: A hamburger.(教师引导让学生读出 a hamburger) T: OK. Here you are. 2 T: What did David eat just now? S: A glass of milk and an egg.(教师出示实物以 帮助理解) T: (板书并领读)an egg. T: Make phrases (an egg , two eggs , some eggs , my egg, your egg.) T: What did Nancy eat just now? S: A glass of milk, a cake an

12、d a hamburger. (教师出示实物以帮助理解)3 T(板书 a hamburger , 并领读,帮助学生读正hamburger.) Ss:(跟读,个别读)a hamburger. S: (看实物个别读)an egg , a hamburger. 4 T: Now lets go to KFC. Im not Miss WanIm a seller. Welcome to KFC. (教师扮演肯德基里的服务员,学生扮演顾客) 5 T: A glass of juice? T: A cup of coffee? Ss: No ,thanks. / Yes , please . T: A

13、cup of tea ? Ss: No ,thanks. / Yes , please . T: (板书并领读)a cup of coffee, a cup of tea . S: (跟读,个别读)a cup of coffee, a cup of tea. 6 T:(一手拿杯桔汁,一手拿杯咖啡,让学生观察两种杯子的区别并领读帮助理解) S:(看实物跟读)a glass of juice, a cup of coffee. 7 T: What do you like? A glass of juice or a cup of coffee? S:A glass of juice . / A g

14、lass of coffee. T: What do you like? A glass of milk or a cup of tea? S: A glass of milk. / A cup of tea. (同上练习数遍) 8 T: Next, Lets play a game . Taste and guess .(蒙住学生眼睛通过品尝东西来猜是何种实物或饮料。)Ss: (跟读,个别读)an egg.Ss: (跟说以上词) Ss: No ,thanks. / Yes , please .5StepC Consolidation 出示挂图,听录音,学生跟读。 Today we learned some wcrds about foods and drinks . Please look at the picture ,Listen to the tape fecorder, read after it.2 同桌根据挂图中 Nancy 和 David 在饮食店的情景创设对话。如: N: What do you like? A cup of tea ? D: Yes , please . N: A hamburger ? D: Yes , thanks. 3 学生上台用实物表演以上情景对话。 D Sing a song Goodbye



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