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1、浙江省桐乡市现代片区2015-2016学年八年级英语下学期阶段练习二(期中)试题 听力部分(20分)一、听力(共15小题,满分20分)第一节:听句子,回答问题。(每小题1分,共5分) ( ) 1 What time will the meeting end?. A B C( ) 2. Who is Linda?A B C( ) 3.Where has Mr Robinson travelled? A B C( ) 4.Which cartoon character(角色) is the speaker mentioning(提到)? A B C( ) 5. What was the weath

2、er like yesterday? A. B. C. 第二节: 听两段长对话, 选择正确答案(共5小题, 共5分)听下面一段长对话, 回答6-7两个问题.( )6.What is Jim doing now?A. A model. B. A spaceship. C. A model spaceship.( )7. How does Peter feel about the school project?A. He is sure how to make it.B. He isnt sure how to make it.C. He has finished it.听下面一段对话, 回答8-

3、10三个问题.( ) 8. Why was the woman late for school?A. Because she was ill. B. Because the clock didnt work.C. Because she was too tired.( ) 9. Did she take the underground this time?A. Yes, she did. B. No, she took a bus. C. No, she took a taxi.( ) 10. What are the two speakers? A. Teacher and student.

4、 B. Husband and wife. C. Father and daughter.第三节:听独白,根据内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项完成信息记录表。(共5小题, 共10分)Personal Health Information FormTrain: K100 from 11 to Shanghai Name: 12 Nationality: 13 Temperature: 14 CAddress: Room 1205 at 15 Hotel Phone: 1330373484311. A. Hangzhou B. Dalian C. Hong Kong12. A. John

5、 Brown B. John Hill C. Smith Hill13. A. Australian B. Canadian C. American14. A. 38.5 B. 37.5 C. 36.5 15. A. Park B. Hard C. Mark笔试部分(80分)三、完形填空(15%)。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A,B.C,D四个选项中选出最佳选项,使文章完整、通顺。Do you still remember your dream from childhood? Theyre like flowers that never fade(雕谢). The _16_ Li

6、u Wei,the armless pianist who plays the piano with his toes(脚趾),won the final of Chinas Got Talent(达人秀) at Shanghai Stadium. _17_ he seemed quite calm(平静)during his TV interview. He said,“I am _18 person without arms and will keep _19 music of my own.”Liu lost his arms _20_he was ten after touching

7、a high-voltage wire(高压线)during a game of hide-and seek. “My family and I were sad then.I_21_awful.” Liu said. A disabled(残疾的) boy he met at the hospital encouraged (鼓励him.At the time he expected_22_a useful person and dreamed about becoming a soccer player. But he _ 23 give up playing soccer. Two ye

8、ars later, he started to learn to swim and won two gold medals and one silver medal at the National Swimming Championship for the disabled in 2002. _24_ the age of 19,Liu taught himself how to play the piano with his feet and started to compose and produce music, practising more than seven hours eve

9、ry day. He said,“The big toe is the most flexible digit (易弯曲的足趾)when toeing, but I can only touch five keys at the same time. It means I have to train my toes to move_25_. My parents are_26_with my practice.”One of the shows hosts(主持人) Cao Kefan told the reporter,“He was practising so hard that his

10、feet were cramping(痉挛).” “We_27_ for our dreams since we were young but no one works as hard as you.” said the pop composers Gao Xiaosong. “You tell us that to realize our dreams we need to spare no pains(不遗余力).”said Taiwan singer-actress Yi Nengjing. They all praised Lius performance(表演). Liu said,

11、“ Music is like water and air to me. I cant live without it. For people like me, there are only two options(选择):One is to give up all dreams which lead to a quick, hopeless death; the other is to struggle(奋斗)without arms to live a(n)_ 28_life.” We are all proud of_29_. He is one of the greatest_30_i

12、n our hearts.( ) 16. A.23 years old B.23-year-old C.23-years-old D.23 year-old( ) 17. A. However B. Though C. After D. But( ) 18. A. an B. a C. / D. the( ) 19. A. trying B. tried C. to try D .tries( ) 20. A. before B. when C .after D .that( ) 21. A. fell B felt C. feel D .fall( ) 22. A. becoming B. became C. become D. to become( ) 23. A. must B. needed C. had to D. has to( ) 24. A. At B. In C On D. With( ) 25. A. more quickly B. much quickly C. much quick D. quicker( ) 26. A. satisfy B. satisfying C. satisfied D. satisfies( ) 27. A. fought B. are fighting C. have fought D. fight( ) 28. A.


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