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1、一般过去时态和,赵志敏,现在完成时态,(一)一般过去时态和现在完成时态的概念,一般过去时表示在过去某个时间发生的动词或存在的状态,也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作常与yesterday、 yesterday afternoon、last year、in 1965、 a moment ago 等表示过去的时间状语连用。例如:,He came here yesterday.,现在完成时表示过去的动作(或状态)对现在产生的影响和结果例如:,He has broken his bottle.,(二)一般过去时态和现在完成时的区别:,)现在完成时是表示过去的动作与现在的联系,主要说明的是现在的情况和状态;

2、而一般过去时则强调动作发生在过去某一时间,与现在不发生联系。例如:,We havent seen him since last year. (我们自从去年以来一直未见到他(现在还未见到),We didnt see him last year. 我们去年没见到他(现在不一定未见到),)现在完成时表示从过去发生一直持续到现在(包括现在)的某个动作或状态,与现在有关的时间状语连用,一般过去时表示过去某一特定(与现在无关)的时间,与具体的表示过去的时间状语连用。例如:,He has lived here since he was born .自他出生以来一直居住在这儿。(since 自从以来与现在有关

3、,说明还居住在这儿。),Liumei went to see her grandmother last night . 刘梅昨晚去看了他外婆。(只说明昨晚),)just (刚刚)与现在完成时连用,just now (刚才)与一般过去时连用。例如:,The train has just gone. 火车刚刚离开。,The train left here just now. 火车是刚才离开。,)since 作介词,后面跟时间名词一起作状语时,句子要用现在完成时;since 作连词,引导状语从句时,主句用现在完成时,从句用一般过去时。,6 ) so far 、in the last / past 与

4、现在完成时连用。例如 :,So far , many countries have sent up satellites into space. In the last 30 years , our lives have changed a lot.,He has worked in this factory since 1996. I have known him since he was a child.,四、学习现在完成时应注意的三个区别,1)延续性动词与短暂性动词的区别.,2)since 和 for 的区别。,3)have / has gone to 、 have / has been

5、 to 、have / has been in 的区别。,buyhave leave been away from borrowkeep diebe dead get upbe up put onbe on come backbe back openbe open go to townbe in town losebe missing closebe closed begin /startbe on fall ill / asleep be ill / asleep catch a coldhave a cold get /receive a letter fromhave a letter

6、from,五、短暂性动词和延续性动词转换归纳。,come to be here / there arrive in (at)/ get to / reachbe here / there join the army-be in the army/ be a soldier join the League-be in the League / be a league member,:,一 、Choose the right answers. ( )1 、The twins can speak good Chinese because they _China for 6 years. A have

7、 been to B have come to C have been in D have gone to ( ) 2 、Uncle Wang_in factory since it opened in 1989. A works B worked C has worked D have worked ( ) 3 、_have you lived in Beijing ? A How soon B How often C How much D How long ( ) 4 、Hes _back home since 3 days ago. A come B got C been D get (

8、 ) 5、 He never has lunch at home , _he ? A hasnt B has C doesnt D does,C,C,D,C,D,( ) 6 、-Where is Tom? I cant find him anywhere. -He _ back for a holiday. A. went B. goes C. has gone D. will go ( ) 7 、I_ him since we _ children. knew, were B. have known, were C. know, are D. have known, are ( ) 8 、I

9、t _ more than two years since she left home. A. was B. has been C. is D. be ( ) 9 、More than two months _ since Mr Smith came here. A.has passed B.have passed C. has past D. have past ( ) 10、 -_has the movie _ ? - Ever since twenty-five minutes ago. A. How soon, begun B. How long, begun C. How soon,

10、 been on D. How long, been on,C,B,C,A,D,Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 1、Tom has got up for half an hour. 2 、Liu Mei has joined the League for three years. 3、The train has reached the station since 10 minutes ago. 4、The little girl has fallen asleep for four hours. 5、When have you

11、cleaned the classroom? Its clean now. 6、How long have you caught a cold? 7、She has got ten letters from her mother since last week.,火眼金睛:,been up,been in,been at,been asleep,did,clean,had,had,I _ (be) busy these days. I _ (not go) to the cinema for weeks. How many units _ you _ (learn) so far? Lily

12、with her parents _(go) to Sanya . They will be back in five days. Nobody _(dive) in our class before. Alice _(make) several friends since she _ (come) to China. _ your brother_(drive) a horse before? They _(stay) in the park during the past three hours.,have been,havent gone,have,learnt,has gone,has

13、 dived,has made,came,Has,driven,have stayed,Where did you go,Have you ever been there before,Whats the weather like there,How did you get there,Did you have a good journey,补全对话: A: Hello, Zhangli ! Nice to meet you. B: Me, too! How are you ? A: Fine, _? I havent seen you for a long time. B: Oh, I we

14、nt to Sydney with my parents. Sydney is the biggest city in Australia. A: Really? _? B: No, I havent. Its the first time for me to go there. A: Thats great. _ ? Is it too hot? B: No, Sydney is cool. Because its winter now. A: _? B: First by plane, then we went to Sydney by car. A: _? B: Yes, we had a good time. By the way, I took many photos. Would you like to see them? A: Thats wonderful ! Lets go !,



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