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1、Pride and Prejudice -Jane Austen,Background Different types of marriages Conclusion,Background,In Austens time, women of the gentry(贵族们,名流)who never married were expected to be permanently celibate(永久独身)and to conduct their lives in a way that served others. Unless they had an independent fortune, t

2、hey were expected to reduce their own needs to the minimum necessary for respected survival.,Most of spinsters of Austens time had little income of their own and few ways of earning money respectably. Most relied on fathers, brothers, or uncles to supply what necessities they could not purchase with

3、 their own meager funds(微薄的资金). Spinsters without family who could provide for them often were forced to go into service as governesses, school teachers, or companions to the aged and ill, while minimally respectable, generally lowered their social position even further.,In Pride and Prejudice, none

4、 of the young women at the center of the story are heiresses(女继承人). In fact, all of the Bennet sisters, as well as Charlotte Lucas, need to marry to secure their financial futures. Austens letters indicate her keen awareness of the problems of single women who become impoverished by the death of the

5、ir parents, as the Bennet sisters would be so if their father died before they married.,Different types of marriage,Contents,导语 各位女士代表类别分析 对现世的指导现实婚姻观,The book “Pride and Prejudice” written by Jane Austen is the most representative work on the theme oflove and marriage,which depicts the marriage and

6、 love and shows the authors rational viewpoints that marriageshould combine material and spirit together.,Different opinions on love marriage expressed by four marriages:,Jane Bingley Elizabeth Darcy Charlotte Collins Lydia Wickham,Jane Bennet -男才女貌型或才子佳人型,Undoubtedly ,she is beautiful ,gentle ,pure

7、 ,but craven (krevn胆小的)and cowardly .She is definitely a button-down minded woman who just waits for a stroke of luck, rather than making efforts to obtain what she wants . Thank goodness ,Mr. Bingley consist on the wave of popularity finally .And whats more ,he is gentle and cultivated .This is the

8、 best for her .,Elizabeth Bennet -情投意合型或相知相通型,She is an independent minded woman with marked individuality. Her parents marriage pattern is not her style .When Collins asks for her hand ,she refuses very directly” You could not make me happy ,and I am convinced that I am the last woman in the world

9、who would make you so .”Apparently ,wealth ,social states and other material is not what she want from a marriage .That is also why ,Elizabeth is a prominent representative of Feminism for its gestation period(萌芽时期). “Alls well that ends well.”,Charlotte Lucas -世俗利益型或现实功利型,“ It is a truth universall

10、y acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. ”This is the first sentence in this novel ,Charlotte and Collins marriage demonstrated it completely .She takes life as it comes ,when she decide to make a big commitment to Collins , her life turn over a ne

11、w leaf . I think their mating together is right to their social states and realm of thought. Mercenary marriage .,Lydia Bennet -情欲享乐型或激情狂热型,Lydias levity(轻浮) ,recklessness(卤莽) and ignorance , even in the end of the novel has not changed . Wickhams cunning , ambition and superficiality has caused dis

12、gust. Six of one, half a dozen the other , that is their position .Weckham asks Lydia to elope with him in the name of “killing time” , Lydia answered in want of his handsome appearance .Their marriage seems like a roller coaster ride .,From the theoretical analysis of realistic marriage pattern,we

13、come to conclusion that it is of certain practical significance in our modern time,“男才女貌”的择偶标准仍有市场,隐性“潜能更被看重同质性和相容性也逐渐被双方看重社会关系的相容性也成为重要的择偶标准“门当户对”观念在受教育程度较高者和中产阶层中再度盛行女性择偶更谨慎更现实,选婿条件更高更周全,Love is a really beautiful thing, but it shouldnt be treated indiscreetly. We should think over carefully befor

14、e deciding our happiness of a lifetime .,What I want to say,2. The firm foundation of marriage is love. Marriage should be based on love, otherwise its just a shell, not having any happiness. 3. We must adhere to our principle. Even in the face of great pressure we cannot retreat. Be brave to pursue your love.,


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