现代大学英语Unit 9The Damned Human Race

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1、The Damned Human Race,Mark Twain,Unit 9,Main idea,The essay is organized like a paper to report results of a scientific experiment. It presents a thesis statement at the beginning, that is, the Descent of Man from the Higher Animals. Next, the author introduces his scientific experiment. In the firs

2、t part of the main body he analyzes various traits and dispositions of human beings in contrast to the ” higher animals.” In the second part of the main body, the author begins to use a polemic tone to argue with people who believe in mans superiority. At the end, the author makes a brief summing-up

3、 that human beings have descended and degenerated. They have reached the bottom stage of development and nothing is below them.,Revenge,Indecency,Greedy,In Book 3, there is a text entitled “We Are Only Human” in which the author strongly argues that we human beings should be and can be superior to o

4、ther animals. But in this article, the author feels strongly that human beings are the least fit for survival. What do you think of these two authors views?,Writing devices,对比(Contrast)和比较(Comparison)是英语论述文中的一个重要手段,也是英语写作中普遍使用的一种修辞方法。这种修辞方法在写作技巧上可分为整体法和部分法。使用对比和比较的修辞手段,可使文章中的论点阐述得更加清楚、明确,使论证有力。而使用整体

5、法和部分法的写作技巧可使对比事物的特征、性质、状态更加突出,语言色彩更加鲜明,语义作用更为加强。 摘自英语写作中的对比和比较手法,平行结构,新牛津英语词典将平行结构定义为:” the use of successive verbal construction in poetry or prose which correspond in grammatical structure, sound, metre, meaning, etc.”, 意即:“在诗歌或散文中,连续使用在语法结构、发音、韵律和意义等方面相似的语言结构。” 它可以很简单,如单个的词和词组,也可以很复杂,如完整的句子:它要求词与

6、词、短语与短语、句子与句子 一 一对应,例如: The child was pretty and intelligent. You can go there on foot, by bus or by train. It is important to know how to study and to learn how to plan ones time. The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and that they should

7、 do some warm-up exercises before the game.,平行结构是英语中最常见的修辞格之一,由于具有很强的表现力,它是作家、诗人、政治家和演说家经常用来表达思想感情的修辞手段。因此,理解和掌握平行结构有助于我们更好地欣赏经典的英文诗歌、散文、谚语和著名的演说辞。平行结构不但能使语言富有节奏感,产生和谐的音乐美,而且能使思想的表达更加清晰,准确和流畅。 摘自 董俊英语平行结构的美学价值 225009,英语 Parallelism与汉语“排比”长期以来被误为等值术语。其实 ,两者之间虽有相似之处 ,但明显的区别仍然不可忽视 。 1)英语 Parallelism既是修

8、辞术语 ,又是语法术语 ;而汉语“排比”只是修辞术语。 2)英语“平行项”既可以是三个或三个以上 ,也可以是两个 ;而汉语“排比项”只可以是三个或三个以上。 3)英语 Parallelism既可以是并列结构 ,也可以是从属结构 ;而汉语“排比”却只能是并列结构。 4)较之英语 Parallelism ,汉语“排比”更加讲究形式上的对称。 摘自“Parallelism”与“排比”辨异,Parallelism VS 排比,Are we really as bad as Mark Twain said we are?,Is it true there is no hope for the human species?,How should we respond to those who hold pessimistic views about human beings?,Thanks for your listening!,



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