湘教版英语六年级上册 unit

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《湘教版英语六年级上册 unit》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湘教版英语六年级上册 unit(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,during the holidays learn words and sentences play games learn writing practice listening,weekday after before 总是 经常 有时 从不 挥手再见 上学迟到 读报纸 下棋 散步 起床 吃早餐 回家,email my friends send greetings search for a lot of things find out about countries,the Mid-Autumn Festival which type taste nut mooncakes shoppin

2、g centre have a look louts seed red bean,晴朗的 天气预报 小雨 大雨 晴朗而又暖和 强风 晴朗而又凉爽 小雪,a bottle of a box of a few cans of 几条 巧克力 可乐 糖果 橘子汁 带来 野餐 水果 花生 等待,Unit 7 What can I do?,我能做什么?,精忠报国 富贵不淫 贫贱不移 威武不屈 杀身成仁 见利思义 仁者爱人 君轻民重 以史为镜 宁静致远 淡泊明志 独善其身 兼善天下 淤泥不染 自强不息 天降大任 百尺竿头 言而有信 一诺千金 记己有耻,见义勇为 学而不厌 诲人不倦 敏而好学 不耻下问 笃信好

3、学 亡羊补牢 知人者智 居安思危 运筹帷握 大义灭亲 自力更生 勤俭节约 公正无私 实事求是 解放思想 礼仪之帮 仁义道德 诚实守信 老骥伏枥 志在千里 匹夫有责,苦口良药 宽则得众 恕以待人 和以处众 宽以接下 成人之美 君子之交 多行不义 视死如归 舍生取义 见义勇为, 公正无私、 嫉恶如仇、诚实笃信、不尚空谈、戒奢节俭、防微杜渐 、豁达大度、敬业乐群、公而忘私、 、自强不息、 厚德载物、达济天下、奋不顾身、舍生取义、见义勇为,an old woman,people,单复一致,help old people on the road,make tea,make cakes,clean the

4、ir homes,make them happy,an old woman,help old people on the road,make tea,make cakes,clean their homes,make them happy,Jane says, I can make tea or coffee for them.”,Lingling says, I can ask Mum to make cakes for them.”,要、求,Anne says, I can sing to them and make them happy.”,Mingming says, I can help them on the road. Theyre weak and slow”,虚弱的,慢的,Peter asks himself, “ What can I do.”,I can clean their houses.,



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